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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Mayorkas Looks Like Lex Luthor Because He Is Biden’s Lex Luthor

micMike Churchtoday04/17/2024 13

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Mayorkas Looks Like Lex Luthor Because He Is Biden’s Lex Luthor Mike Church

Border Security

  • Alejandro Mayorkas 
  • Remember when they made the march from the House to the Senate to impeach Donald Trump?
  • Remember they had armed guards pushing this dolly of reams of ‘incriminating documents’ to Get the Don?
  • The Republicans did the march/walk to impeach Mayorkas but they didn’t have a dolly full of ‘evidence’. 
  • QUESTION: Who was impeached and they actually impeached him?
  • ANSWER: Alcee Hastings 
  • Impeachment never stops anyone in the shell game of government.
  • Alejando really does look like Lex Luthor.
  • I don’t think this will go the way the Biden Regime thinks it is going to go.
  • I don’t think there are 10 Democrats that will vote to impeach Mayorkas.

HEADLINE: Mayorkas-Linked NGO Caught Distributing Fliers to Illegal Aliens Directing Them to Vote For Joe Biden by Debra Heine

  • This isn’t just some flyer written in crayon.
  • Someone paid for this and they are being distributed at all immigrant shelters and sanctuary cities.
  • News Reports from Boston – they arrested 4 child rapist in ONE morning.
  • ALL of which had been previously arrested and released back into the community.
  • They let these monsters go!
  • The American Woman is the target of all of this!
  • Once upon a time the Democrat party was the party of Feminism. 
  • Those women used to run the show.
  • The Democrat party used to be the party OF the Woman.
  • Now they want to elevate men to be the women of their generation.
  • These are young males raping young females and they aren’t supposed to be here anyway.
  • I must say what a change of the guard. 
  • The party is completely different. 

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