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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Silence Of The Damned: Conservatism Inc Silent On Christian Speech Ban

micMike Churchtoday05/03/2024 14

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Silence Of The Damned: Conservatism Inc Silent On Christian Speech Ban Mike Church

HEADLINE: Problematic Campus Anti-Semitism Bill Clears Senate by Joe Cohn

  • This is an article from 2016.
  • This shows you they play the LONG game and they are good at it.
  • They had this all ready to go back in 2016, it failed but what did they do?
  • They just put it on the back burner waiting for the opportunity or a crisis that fit and repackaged it w/ a new bow on it and BOOM.
  • Same bill from 2016 that couldn’t pass, just passed THIS House in 2024.
  • The State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism provides: “Anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” Last year, FIRE argued that adoption and enforcement of this definition would likely violate the First Amendment on public college campuses. 
  • The ORIGINAL bill was actually introduced in 2014.
  • So for 10 years the Uni-Party has been wanting this bill to pass.
  • Now they had the perfect crisis to get this passed.
  • They couldn’t obtain this when the Dems had the majority in BOTH house and senate but they got it now when the Rep control the house?
  • Does this make sense to anyone out there?
  • So this is a massive story and there is NOTHING on the MSM about it.
  • Absolutely NOTHING!
  • Why doesn’t the MSM want you to be informed about this?
  • American Greatness, The Federalist, LifeSite News, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Reuters the list goes on and on there is NOTHING.
  • You and I both know why this is.
  • The people that run these entities are horrified of the Jew backlash that will come if they cover this story.
  • Either we are stupid and we shouldn’t have touched it w/ an 11ft barge pole or… is a nuclear story.
  • This means there truly is no major news media entity that will take on and defend the rights of Christ and His followers. 

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