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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Someday The Left Might Be As Gaslit Over Murder As They Are Over Moses

micMike Churchtoday06/21/2024 21

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Someday The Left Might Be As Gaslit Over Murder As They Are Over Moses Mike Church

AUDIO/VIDEO: Louisiana State Rep Lauren Ventrella w/ CNN Boris Sanchez – 10 Commandments Bill – This nation has gotten out of hand w/ crime why is it so preposterous for us to want our students to have good principles instilled in them? 

Sanchez – What do you say to the parents of students, or even teachers, who don’t share your religious views?

Ventrella – Don’t look at it.

  • Name the first prohibition against murder and who made it?
  • This was written down by Moses.
  • He said he got it from God right?
  • It was written down and Exodus explains this to us.
  • Was there a written record, prior to the 10 Commandments that said killing was bad?
  • The left will try to get clever here and say this text is wrong b/c it is in the Bible and I don’t believe in the Bible therefore they are for the religious only.
  • There is an actual ‘chain of custody’ w/ the 10 Commandments.
  • Who says there has to continue to be a continuation of a prohibition of murder, theft etc?
  • Why are we still prosecuting people that go against these commandments then?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Louisiana State Rep Lauren Ventrella w/ CNN Boris Sanchez – Founding Fathers Were Secular – 

Sanchez – Do you also recognize that the Constitution doesn’t include the word God or Jesus or Christianity?

Ventrella – Do you have a dollar bill in your wallet? Does it say In God We Trust? Is that making you religious?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid on MSNBC – Louisiana 10 Commandments – I hate to break it to folks, but Moses was not a Christian. That religion did not exist. He was Jewish. 

  • In the Constitution does is state a separation of church and state?
  • Note – that once something is taught by God, only God can alter it.
  • The 10 Commandments are a MINIMAL list for Christians. 
  • It isn’t the end all be all by the way.
  • Maybe its’ the foundation they are really opposed to.

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