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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-The Demoncrats Ousted Joe To Save Us From Trump’s “Reign”

micMike Churchtoday07/22/2024 8

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-The Demoncrats Ousted Joe To Save Us From Trump's "Reign" Mike Church

Joe Biden Is NOT Pursuing a 2nd Term

  • The people that work under Joe didn’t even get informed prior to the news release.
  • This is a Constitutional crisis brewing.
  • The party running around talking about how Trump is a threat to our Democracy…this is bad for the party.
  • So what happens next?
  • The delegates just don’t go to Kamala b/c Biden dropped out.
  • Kamala is like Hillary, she is mean and nasty and all about killing babies.
  • She can’t debate that is for sure.
  • Plus, she isn’t eligible. 

HEADLINE: Kamala Harris Is Eligible to Serve as President by Bala Thenappan

  • This claims to be a ‘fact check’ but by the US Constitution standards, she is clearly not.
  • The text that is in the Constitution cannot be altered by Congress.

United States Constitution – Article II Section 1 Function and Selection Clause 5 – Qualifications 

  • No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
  • Altered not by an act of the Supreme Court or Congress but by an amendment.
  • You can’t change Article II Section 1 b/c some court made a determination on someone’s citizenship.
  • You can’t change it by a simple act of Congress.
  • Only the states can amend the Constitution.
  • We should be stuck w/ the knowledge that Kamala Harris is NOT eligible. 
  • Her mother was citizen of India and her father was a citizen of Jamaica. 

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