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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-The Left Should Sink With Biden, Not Scurry Away Like Rats

micMike Churchtoday07/12/2024 13

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-The Left Should Sink With Biden, Not Scurry Away Like Rats Mike Church

The Democrat Party

  • They are only worried about losing power.
  • Let’s take a look at George Clooney, he signed on w/ this guy. He just had a major Hollywood fundraiser for him. Now he is throwing him overboard? I don’t buy it or believe it for a second.
  • There isn’t much they can do at this point.
  • If they truly are panicked you will see it this week.
  • Let the delegates of the Democrat party choose who the nominee would be?
  • If they were really serious about removing Biden, they would do it this way.
  • Then Gavin Newsom would be in the mix and so would Kamala Harris.
  • They would all be clawing their way to the top to replace Biden.
  • Kamala is a terrible debater, she has no stage presence and it would be great for Trump.
  • Joe Biden is being told by his wife Jill that he is THE BEST and that only HE can fix this country.
  • She is evil and the whole world sees it now.

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