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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-The Turning Point Convention Literally Was A Turning Point

micMike Churchtoday06/17/2024 40

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-The Turning Point Convention Literally Was A Turning Point Mike Church

Peoples Convention – Turning Point USA Detroit Michigan 

  • On the program we saw that on Sunday the schedule stated there was a Catholic Mass.
  • So we all thought that is wonderful in room 321 there would be a Catholic Mass.
  • So secret service kicked us out on Saturday night after the speech so we couldn’t pack things up.
  • We got there on Sunday to pack up and decided to head to the Mass they offered in room 321.
  • When we got there we say the chalice veil and I immidately knew it was going to be a Latin Mass.
  • There were over 200 people there, standing room only.
  • There were people there that definitely weren’t TLM average goers.
  • They had people in tank tops and such but there were women in veils and long dresses as well.
  • I hope someone recorded his homily b/c it was amazing.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Turning Point Action – Alex Jones – Who Our Enemies Are – There is massive pressure on our arrogant enemies everywhere. They are in direct war w/ We The People, so this fight for America is key not just for us, but the entire world.

  • We need to get our name out there folks.
  • The Crusade Radio Network – we need more ears.
  • This is what we learned at this convention.
  • We are actually all in this together.
  • They can’t beat us if we stand together!
  • They know it and it has them scared.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Turning Point Action – Alex Jones The answer to 1984 is 1776. This is the answer to their 1984 nonsense is 1776. 

  • Why did I call my movie Spirit of ’76?
  • I got it from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote.
  • He said he believed our side was filled w/ the spirit of ’76!
  • What did Jefferson mean by that exactly?
  • I’m not sure this is a revolution revolution.
  • They were just stating ancient political amendments.
  • It isn’t a revolutionary statement.
  • Lee Resolution – 
  • In the early 1770s, more and more colonists became convinced that the British Parliament intended to take away their freedom. After fighting broke out in Massachusetts in the spring of 1775, the King declared the colonists “in a state of open and avowed rebellion.” For the first time, many colonists began to seriously consider cutting ties with Britain.

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