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The Mike Church Show-Silence Of The Dems: Why Is Kamala Running From The Press

micMike Churchtoday08/14/2024 13

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    The Mike Church Show-Silence Of The Dems: Why Is Kamala Running From The Press Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Civics 101

  • What does the State Department do?
  • What is the State Department responsible for?
  • Why does it exist?
  • Why does the State Department of France exist? 
  • In the treaty making process, they are to represent the people of that country.
  • Our citizens would like to visit your country but they want to be able to buy duty free, we don’t want them imprisoned while they are here…etc 
  • The U.S. has trade relations with more than 200 countries, territories, and regional associations around the globe.
  • The point is the State Department doesn’t exist for the power of government it exists for the people of that country.
  • Why didn’t our State Department spring into action when the EU and NATO threatened Elon Musk?
  • The President is supposed to enforce the laws faithfully and honor all treaties.
  • There is nothing in our treaties that say you can call for the extradition of a US citizen over social media posts.
  • The State Department said NOTHING.
  • Biden/Harris were perfectly comfortable allowing the EU and NATO to threaten a US citizen.
  • This shows this regime will NOT protect you if NATO or the EU come after you for MAGA posts or speech.
  • This is truly shocking to me.
  • I wish I would have thought about this yesterday.
  • The implications here.
  • Senator Mike Lee picked up on this yesterday too, why do we have a State Department at this point?
  • They should have issued a cease-fire essentially and to retract the threat to Elon Musk.
  • That is not to say that X doing business in the EU doesn’t have to abide by the laws of the EU.
  • That is NOT what we are saying here.
  • Who in the hell is running the show here in the United States?
  • Most people don’t think about these types of situations.
  • What Elon was in France and the EU decided to arrest him for his Trump interview?
  • Would the US Embassy protect him in France?
  • Does the US State Department protect ALL American citizens or just the ones they align with politically. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Robert F Kennedy Jr on FoxYesterday the European Union told Elon Musk that they were going to sanction him if he aired an interview w/ Donald Trump. This is something that is absolutely offensive to our democracy, absolutely offensive to the central value of Western democracy, this is freedom of speech. The Harris campaign instead of expressing outrage about election interference, silencing a former president who is the nominee and they are silencing him and you don’t have a single democrat complaining about it.
28mPress Pool

  • This is something else that is unprecedented.
  • The VP gets on Air Force 2 and flies to Howard University.
  • She has an entire press pool assigned to her and she gave them the slip.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


AUDIO/VIDEO: Peter Doocy on Kamala Harris Press PoolVP Harris is supposed to travel everywhere she goes w/ a press pool. We just learned that she left her press pool behind to attend an event at Howard University. 

  • Why is Kamala Harris dodging the press?
  • Why is she refusing to answer any questions?
  • Don’t you want her out there telling the people of all the wonderful things she is going to do for them?
  • What will the leader of the free world do when she has to stare down Putin or Xi?
  • If her policies and her platform is so great, why wouldn’t they want her to shout it from the rooftops? 
  • Usually you can’t get one of these presidential candidates to shut up.
  • There is something weird going on here and the MSM is actually starting to finally pick up on it.
50mElon Musk and Donald Trump Interview 

  • The MSM claimed that Trump was slurring his words.
  • They are so desperate to ‘get Trump’ they are willing to just lie, bold faced lie about it.
  • This had to do w/ the compression of the audio.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Steve Jobs in 1997 at Macworld – The Return of Steve Jobs

  • The Trump campaign released the video of Trump in the room doing the interview and guess what?
  • He had NO LISP or slurring at all.
  • We have heard Trump speak almost every single day for months now.
  • Wouldn’t he have had slurred speech at another event if it was a medical issue.
  • They can’t send their candidate out there b/c she is so unlikable and can’t speak unless there is a teleprompter so they have to do what they can to lie about Trump.
56mAUDIO/VIDEO: Mike Benz on Real America’s Voice – EU Meddling in US Social Media – You guys hear that? That is the defining silence from the US State Department. This is a major organ of US power. International diplomacy. If a foreign country nationalized Microsoft how fast would they have been out there? There has been no WH release, there it nothing but silence. 

  • What Benz was talking about was the early formative days of Twitter.
  • The Arab Spring – it promoted the Arab Spring and they promoted it as FREE SPEECH platform and it had to be free and open to all.
  • Hillary Clinton even stated just that when Twitter first came onto the scene. 
  • Twitter kicked Trump off in December if you remember.
  • Twitter was the go to organ of the left back in the day.
  • What about Tesla?
  • Will the EU stop accepting the importation of Tesla?
  • Tesla’s are exported all over the world.
  • Will NATO make a rule or law that states anyone in NATO cannot import Elon’s cars?
  • What about SpaceX?
  • SpaceX redirected satellites so the Ukrainian people could have internet access.
  • He even delivered millions of Sartlinks to Ukraine.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h14mWhat is LNG?

LNG = Liquefied Natural Gas – is natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid state at around -260° Fahrenheit, making it about 600 times smaller in volume than its gaseous state. This process, called liquefaction, was developed in the 19th century and allows natural gas to be transported to places that pipelines can’t reach, and used as a transportation fuel.

  • Sounds simple enough right?
  • To liquefy natural gas you have to compress the snot out of it. 
  • The difficult part of LNG is transportation.
  • This is one of the most cleanest and most efficient source of energy.
  • Why does all of this matter?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Gavin Newsom on Clean Energy Future Is asked by a resident why his energy bills are so high he can barely afford them if this new energy system is so awesome and cheap and natural.

  • The point is these people are liars.
  • Even when confronted w/ their deceit, they continue to lie.
  • This is what the end of Communism looks like.
  • After all the things they implemented don’t work they start blaming the people.
  • The people in California, some of them, well most of them are good people.
  • Statistica – Stats on all of this
  • California is 31.23 cents per kilowatt hour
  • Florida is 15.28 cents per kilowatt hour
  • Texas is 14.31 cents per kilowatt hour
  • So that being said, Newsom is a damn liar.
  • He has destroyed one of the most beautiful states in this Union and he has done it in less than 6 years.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


HEADLINE: Bomb Plot Kept From Trump Before He Took Stage In Butler, PA by George Webb 

  • Shocking news: there was an impending bomb plot against Trump before he took the stage on July 13th in Butler, PA. The famous “bike guy” with the abandoned bike in the middle of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit responsibility area says both the ATF and the FBI held him in a suspected bomb plot against Trump.
  • The suspected Bike Bomber identified only as Mr. Evans, also said the “Bomb Squad” first interrogated him for about an hour before ATF and then the FBI.
  • Potential Antifa operatives were also spotted probing the fence line before the Trump Event with large backpacks that looked potentially like bombs that could be remotely detonated.


AUDIO: Mike Church Show Band – Yellow Ribbon Around My Wounded Knee 

Swift Boats 

John Rambo Kerry

  • As the story goes, Kerry was a terrible commander and all his people disliked him.
  • They say he conspired to get himself injured so he would get sent home.
  • I think the Swift Boat guys ruined his campaign.
  • Tim Walz is a LARPer.
  • Leading men into combat in war is completely different.
  • To claim otherwise is just a lie.
  • It wasn’t him mispeaking, it is a lie.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Anti-Tim Walz Campaign Ad by Western Lensman on X

  • Did you all see the video of the SWAT tanks rolling through his home state of Minnesota?
  • They had guns at the ready not on their hips, they shot residents w/ paintballs if they weren’t in their homes.
  • They have always wanted to be little dictators and this proves it.
  • During COVID they got their chance and they took it.

HEADLINE: Shocking video shows cops enforcing Tim Walz’s curfew by shooting paintballs at residents as they stood in their doorways by Chris Nesi

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kevin O’Leary on Box Business – VP Tim Walz – I didn’t know anything about the VP candidate so I did some digging. He is not a good manager. The stewardship of his state has been terrible. He whipped out job creation in his state. Minnesota only creates jobs that are paid for by the US government. Of course people are leaving the state. 

  • These people are just power hungry politicians.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Minnesota Grandma Fought COVID Rules Imposed by Tim WalzI will never forget the year 2020 when COVID happened. My business was a wine and coffee bistro. It was shutdown and destroyed. What happened w/ 1st shutdown we complied b/c we didn’t know what else to do. He never fully opened up the state. He shutdown only some of the businesses. Bars, restaurants, gyms, hair salons but the essentials were the big box stores, strip clubs and liquor stores. Incredible use of tyranny. 

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2h11mAttorney General Ken Paxton of Texas on XWe’re suing General Motors for unlawfully collecting drivers’ private data and selling it to several companies—including INSURANCE COMPANIES.

Our investigation revealed that General Motors has engaged in egregious business practices that violated Texans’ privacy and broke the law. We WILL hold them accountable. Companies are using invasive technology to violate the rights of our citizens in unthinkable ways. Millions of American drivers wanted to buy a car, not a comprehensive surveillance system that unlawfully records information about every drive they take and sells their data to any company willing to pay for it.

  • Look closely you people watching on X and Rumble and YouTube.
  • WE told you so!
  • I told you this when they decided to have ‘black boxes’ installed into cars.
  • This is what Snowden told you too!
  • Harvesting data and giving it to the government.
  • Your smart car is logging…every move you make.
  • You have no idea what your state is doing here and the car companies are just one example of this.
  • You people that are dumb enough to buy refrigerators with Wifi..what are you thinking?
  • Streamyard – 
  • I will tell you this, here is the dirty little secret….they are doing this because they will charge for the impressions.
  • Why do I need to see an advertisement from something I’m already subscribed to?
  • There should be lawsuits about this.
2h22mHEADLINE: It’s Time To Contemplate The Unthinkable by Max Remington Substack 

  • Consider how much conflict exists on a daily basis in a given society, even one as orderly as ours. Why would there exist less conflict during a crisis? Like most things we talk about here, don’t over-think: you see in your own personal lives how even the closest of family and friends can end up at each other’s throats during hard times. The reality is, there always exists a certain level of tension in any relationship. During good times, it’s easy to keep that tension below the surface. In difficult times, that becomes more difficult. Obviously, the stronger the ties, the more resilient those relationships prove, even when subjected to strain.
  • The problem is that strong ties are severely lacking in the U.S. Like in the UK, social unity is difficult to come by here. The atomization of American society is a well-documented phenomenon and relentless national self-criticism, encouraged by the elites, has become relentless national self-loathing. This isn’t a country that’s suddenly going to become unified again when a crisis hits. If you think I’m wrong, have you forgotten 2020? After a brief moment of unity, it all unraveled in days.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Black Female Voter in Philadelphia – Discussing Key Issues of 2024 Election INFLATION – It hit me hard, I blame the Federal government at this point. If a working class mom that works as a paralegal cannot buy a $2 bell pepper b/c it is now $5 imagine what a single mom w/  food stamps or making minimum wage trying to feed children. They are killing us w/o killing us. They are hurting people in ways that they can’t help themselves.  

  • This is how Americans are feeling.
  • They can come out with polls claiming Kamala is leading but this is real.


Caller Cindy L from Florida 

  • This all started w/ the Smart Meter.
  • These car companies have been doing this for years.
  • If GM is doing it I’m sure Ford is too.
  • This is all about the subsides. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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 AUDIO/VIDEO: Chinese Americans Support TrumpThe Biden administration is leading this country towards socialism which will lead to Communism. We come from China, we know what Communism is. Trump isn’t anti-immigrant he is just against illegal, it must be orderly.
 HEADLINE: Migrant released on $500 bail in child rape case is arrested by ICE agents by Fox News 

  • What happened to the #BelieveHer and #MeToo?
  • Does that not apply to this 15 year old girl now all of the sudden b/c her accuser is an illegal?







HEADLINE: Massachusetts Set for Record Number of Deportations Despite Sanctuary State Status by Eric Lendrum 

  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has filed over 44,000 deportation cases in Massachusetts in the first nine months of fiscal year 2024. If new cases continue at this pace, then the end of the fiscal year could see as many as 59,000 deportation cases. The previous record was 54,000 in fiscal year 2023, which previously set the record for the highest number of cases in about 25 years.
  • Again, why isn’t the left and Kamala in particular campaigning on how awesome Sanctuary Cities are?
  • Governor Maura Healey (D-Mass.) declared in July that the state would limit the length of time that an illegal could stay at state-run overflow shelters, bringing it down to just five days per illegal. This rule was implemented at all four overflow shelters, located in Cambridge, Chelsea, Lexington, and Norfolk. These shelters previously allowed illegals to stay for up to 30 days, with the option to simply re-apply for another 30 days indefinitely.
  • “I want to be clear, particularly to people outside of Massachusetts who may have gotten word that this is a place to come, that we do not have room here in Massachusetts,” said Healey during her press conference last month.
  • Sanctuary Cities are all fun and games until the illegals actually start taking you up on the offer.
  • Cities are going bankrupt trying to house them and keep up w/ the influx.




AUDIO/VIDEO: Darren J Beattie (Founder of Revolver News) w/ Jack Posobiec – Trump Should Do More – The more we see Kamala, the more we hear from Kamala, the more don’t like Kamala. They’re at their best when Kamala isn’t even a real person, she’s a chameleon-like figure, a stand-in for the generic Democrat. 

  • We invited Trump on this station many times and we will continue to do so.
  • I’m not of the opinion that Trump needs my audience.
  • I’m of the opinion people will go where Trump goes.
  • People will follow him anywhere, we will just be the conduit. 
  • I would ask him about radio stations and the FCC.
  • Crusade Election 2024 War Room Space on X.
  • We are in a war right now.
  • Would you join us in that chat forum? 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
