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The Mike Church Show-The Communists Running NBC News Will Not Tolerate Dissent

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    The Mike Church Show-The Communists Running NBC News Will Not Tolerate Dissent Mike Church



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 Sean “Diddy” Combs

  • QUESTION: What year was Epstein Island closed down?
  • That has been a long time for the pedophiles to ‘go without’ their fix.

Star Island – Gloria Estefan, The Bee Gees, Eric Clapton and many others have lived on Star Island.

  • As this story develops, it appears Diddy was running a black version of Epstein.
  • So why did Diddy do all the Vote or Die campaigns?
  • Was it 100% his idea or was this something he had to do?
  • What if the Feds were there to get all his information before Diddy could use it?
  • What if they were gathering the information so they could destroy it?










Ronna McDaniels

HEADLINE: Deplatforming Ronna McDaniel Won’t Deradicalize Anyone by W. James Antle III

  • Partisan political operatives often lie, or, more charitably, repeat without careful examination suspect claims that are good for the party. This includes things that are of far greater consequence, and come with less public ability to scrutinize, than inaugural crowd sizes, such as weapons of mass destruction before going to war and a family’s ability to keep their doctor under new healthcare laws. Many operatives once involved in that type of spin currently grace the airwaves of MSNBC.
  • So who exactly is this NBC Executive that apologized for hiring Ronna?
  • ANSWER: Caeser Conde
  • NBC News Group chairman Cesar Conde, who found it necessary to “personally apologize to our team members who felt we let them down.” Conde didn’t exactly fall on his sword by himself; he mentioned in his letter to staff that this was “a collective recommendation by some members of our leadership team.” But he acknowledged that the buck stopped with him. 
  • While it is unclear whether McDaniel will pursue legal action against NBC, she could seek a full payout of her $300,000 per year, two-year deal.
  • QUESTION: Is Ronna McDaniel qualified to be a political analysts? 
  • ANSWER: She is probably one of the most qualified. 
36mRonna McDaniels 

  • They are claiming she wasn’t qualified to do political analysis. 
  • Was Rachel and Joy qualified to order me to get a COVID vaccine?
  • Was Rachel or Chuck Todd qualified to tell me to social distance and wear a mask all the time?
  • Were they qualified to tell me Ivermectin wasn’t going to work?
  • Remember they called all of the people taking Ivermectin and HCQ crazy and to stop taking ‘horse medicine’? 
  • The CDC & FDA just came out and REMOVED all that nonsense from their websites. 

HEADLINE: FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial ‘Stop It’ Post by Zachary Stieber 

FLCCC Alliance = Frontline COVIC-19 Critical Care Alliance 

  • Ronna has been liable on air by all of the NBC hosts.
  • She is 100% justified if she cares to sue them.












AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Holden w/ CBS 3 PhiladelphiaOfficials in charge of operating the Commodore Barry, Walt Whitman, Ben Franklin and Betsy Ross bridges in 2005 ran threat assessments on those bridges, including a scenario where a massive ship would strike a bridge pier. 

From our River Pilot in the Chatroom – Sail area (force of wind) on those container ships shape of a huge brick is massive. The force of the rudder also dependent on the engine forcing water across it. No engine power almost no rudder force.

  • The water also doesn’t offer friction like asphalt. You need opposite thrust to turn, massive inertia.
  • That was 110,000 tons of momentum.
  • Did you know the people, the crew is still on the ship?
  • Did the state of Maryland ever conduct safety investigations on this bridge?
  • Why didn’t this bridge have fenders or ‘dolphin’ blockers?

From an ex-merchant Marine engineer & Navy engineering officer In the Chatroom –  The chatter with my friends and former shipmates: the electric system was problematic while it was loading refrigerated containers kept tripping the electrical system, while ship is maneuvering out of harbor propulsion engine only turns the propeller nothing else, electric generators power everything else, major electric issue with supply to containers tripped the generators killing all pumps etc skilling main engine. engineers restarted the generators to get the propulsion engines back on, generators kicked off again killing main engine, by then too late. I was struggling with how could the generators, those ships usually have three or four for redundancy and each one has its own fuel system etc for more redundancy, how could two or three generators all trip at once. a major fault with the supply to the refrigerated containers explains a lot, in essence they overloaded the outlet and tripped a breaker.

  • Now that we know most of this information, I am leaning toward just a horrific accident.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



More from ex-merchant Marine Engineer & Navy Engineer in Crusade Chatroom – A question I still have is how many engineers were on duty at that time. With the push to smaller crews and automation it is not inconceivable there was only one or two max engineers in the engine room. restarting machinery of that size and complexity is incredibly labor intense. I speculate there was one officer and one laborer in the entire engine room at that time that were scrambling to restart everything. if main buss tripped have to manually reset the breakers before they could do anything else. 

  • Now here is something most of you have never heard – did you know that when the SS Titanic was in port, prior to its maiden voyage, in Belfast where it was built, they lost containment of the coal fire, went into a coal bay and that was on fire. That compartment was still on fire when they started their voyage. 

HEADLINE: The possible role of fire in the sinking of the Titanic by Egle Rackauskaite and Guillermor Rein 

  • Titanic, built in Belfast, was a passenger liner and the largest ship afloat at the time. The ship sank in 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean on its way to New York City after hitting an iceberg and experiencing extensive damage to its hull1. However, it is little known that, from the moment the Titanic began her first sea trials and set sail to Southampton, coal in one of the ships’ bunkers was burning in a smouldering fire. Smouldering is the slow, low temperature, flameless burning of porous fuels. It is believed that the smouldering fire started by self-heating while the Titanic was still in Belfast.
 HEADLINE: Biden set for star-studded Radio City fundraiser with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama by Dave Goldiner 

  • The DNC is in utter panic now over RFK Jr.

HEADLINE: Trump to attend wake for slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller by Dave Godinger 

 AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing – NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller’s Death 

Karine Jean-Pierre – The death of the officer, our hearts go out to this officer and we are praying for this family at this difficult time. This shooting is yet another reminder of the toll of gun violence. 

Shooter – He had 21 arrests, including 9 felonies. 

  • The man that shot this officer was a recidivist! 
  • He was arrested 21 times already but couldn’t wait to use his death as an opportunity to stump for gun control. 
1h29mHEADLINE: The Many Ways a Porous Border Means Crime Without Boundaries by James Varney and Abigail Degnan 

  • What remains undeniable by the law of averages is that the massive surge in immigration since the Biden administration relaxed border policies – a surge that it puts at more than 4 million people, but other sources millions more – has been accompanied by much more crime, however unquantifiable.
  • “Even people who may come here with no criminal intent at all may find themselves involved in some sort of criminal activity because the cartels that control the immigration channels are going to get their money one way or another,” said Ira Mehlman
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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Mike Parrott

Host of Parrottalk heard only on the Crusade Channel.

Producer of the Cabrini film.

  • Who’s idea was this?
  • The man who financed the movie – it’s larger than the Passion and it is the biggest of any non-Hollywood film. 
  • If you go to Sacred Heart Catholic Church in New Orleans – there is a statue of Mother Cabrini.
  • Christine Nile – Scandal
  • We got the film done, I went to Rome and set up the shots there.
  • I was the #3 producer on the film.
  • I lost all of that to protect the film b/c Christine Niles and Church Militant went after me.
  • I didn’t want this film to be under scrutiny and scandal so I removed myself.
  • I lost my ownership in the production company.
  • We were working w/ Mel Gibson on another film and I didn’t realize this issue w/ Church Militant was going to take 2 years.
  • Mike Parrott is a good man, I knew this man personally and I knew the outcome would be a vindication of him.
  • Mike was basically cancelled by Michael Voris and Christine Niles.
  • We have a nun as the main character and asking the Pope to do things and the Archbishop too.
  • We made her as much a Catholic as we could.
  • Mother Cabrini wasn’t a feminist, she was Italian and they are VERY PUSHY!
  • This was life and death for her.
  • We tried to portray her vigor and her never say quit attitude…the modern world knows feminism and they tend to see it where it is not.
  • She was just a strong Catholic Italian woman.
  • I would say generally speaking that most that say they have a calling for Hollywood really don’t.
  • It usually isn’t animated by a love for the art but a love for the money and fame that comes with it.
  • Everything you heard about the horrors of Hollywood is true.
  • Pre-production then the production this is two separate things and then comes post-production.
  • That is 3 batches of money right there.
  • Then when the film is finished you have advertisement and that is the 4th batch of money.
  • All of that being said, I’m just not sure that is a great way to live.
  • You aren’t doing Catholic radio, you are a Catholic man that does radio.
  • The same needs to happen in Hollywood.
  • We need men of good will that make good movies w/ the lens of being a good Catholic men.
  • We need Catholics that tell good stories.
  • We are a society that are sold more products, experiences and other things than any other generation in history. 
  • No one wants to be PREACHED to they just want to be told the story. 
  • They don’t want your politics, they don’t want to be sold anything. 
 You should all be getting the Premium Stream now, exclusively. If you ever lost it, and believe me you will notice that, that means you’re logged out. So, just login and all will be right with Earth.
2h15m Franking Privileges 

  • The ability to send mail by one’s signature rather than by postage—date back to the seventeenth-century English House of Commons. The American Continental Congress adopted the practice in 1775 and the First Congress wrote it into law in 1789.
  • $60 billion in student loan forgiveness after SCOTUS said he couldn’t do that legally.
  • He has now promised to rebuild the bridge.
  • This is all about BUYING votes.
  • He is heading to meet up with Obama and Clinton to talk ‘strategy’. 
  • Biden is buying their assistance. 
  • This stuff should all be illegal but it is not.
  • While Biden is meeting Clinton and Obama on our dime, President Trump on HIS dime is attending the funeral of the NYPD officer that was murdered. 
2h25mAUDIO/VIDEO: Jesse Watters on Sean “Diddy” Combs – Derek Parker Former NYPD Rap Intelligence Unit – For two decades, Diddy was the Democrats’ biggest black celebrity influencer. Democrats used Diddy’s charisma, star power and street cred in the black community, every single election. He was a political enforcer and in the back pocket of the powerful. That made him powerful, with a free pass. Now if Diddy’s found guilty, he’s a combination of Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. So how prevalent is sexual blackmail in American industry and Democrat politics? It’s more than you think. And the powerful not only tolerate it, they participate in it.

  • So who knows all the people at these parties?
  • Diddy of course.
  • There will be grand juries for this.
  • So now some of the most crooked people in the world have Diddy’s blackmail information. 
  • Did the FBI and Homeland security seek out this information to help the situation or to cover up the situation?
2h29mHEADLINE: Economic Impact of a Shortage of Plumbers Should Concern Everyone by Salena Zito 

  • Bigley said for about 100 years after that fortuitous speech reference, young men and women, either in high school or fresh out of high school, who were good at math and problem-solving and who didn’t mind getting their hands dirty, filled high school “shop” classrooms or post-graduation trade schools and became plumbers after finishing their apprenticeship.
  • That all started to change in the 1980s, when high school counselors developed a mindset that looked at students who could solve a Rubik’s cube and decided they weren’t destined for a life in trades and pushed them toward college instead.
  • It serves as an instructive demonstration of teachers and counselors who assumed that analytical and problem-solving skills belong only in the college classroom. In truth, those skills are just as applicable for solving a complex geometric plumbing system in a state-of-the-art hospital.
  • According to an analysis sponsored by bathroom fittings maker Lixil, the deficit of licensed plumbers who install bathroom fixtures and piping systems drained $33 billion from the economy in 2022. The report also noted that the industry will be short plumbers by a whopping 550,000 tradesmen within three years.














Mahgdalen Rose 

Political Correspondent 

New mother to baby Bennah.

  • Ronna McDaniels is now gone and Lara Trump has filled a void there in the RNC.
  • She has cultivated deep relationships w/ the MAGA fan base.
  • She is very well connected.
  • I know among the young Conservatives they all know Lara, they have experience w/ her so there is a feeling she knows how to mobilize the MAGA crowd.
  • Is it enough to sway the independents? 
  • When RFK Jr first announced her his base was upset but then they played the video of her accomplishments, I saw in real time the change from his supporters.
  • She was winning them over so in some ways it is a good pick for him.
  • She also has the money to help the campaign and any future lawsuits that the Biden Regime may throw at them.
  • The DNC is horrified and they are worried especially in California.
  • Gavin Newsom and the recall – the depiratism has led people looking outside the Democrats for solutions and that is not a good thing for Biden.
  • I don’t think they can hold California on this election.
  • RFK Jr said, I will get us out of all wars, I will put Big Ag on notice and he rolled out Make America Healthy Again.
  • Healthy again aspect – Shanahan talks about the obesity issue too.
  • In recent years we have had this body positivity campaign and it has made generations obese and unhealthy.
  • He attacks a lot of health conscious people.
  • Trump needs to combat that b/c this is going to be a tight race.
  • I think Obama is worried about his own legacy and the preservation of his image.
  • He is worried about Obamacare and nothing more.
  • He isn’t worried about helping Biden I can promise you that.
 The End of Holy Week

  • Why does it seem like there are more bad guys now than ever before?
  • Most people doubled down their efforts this Lent.
  • There are a lot of people that turned off all media during Lent this year.
Meta-tags for showDNC, RNC, GOP, Robert F Kennedy Jr, California, Gavin Newsom, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Easter, MAGA, Ronna McDaniels, Mahgdalen Rose, Lara Trump, Salena Zito, Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs, NYPD, Derek Parker, Jesse Watters, trade schools, vocational schools, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Gloria Estefan, The Bee Gees, Eric Clapton, W. James Antle III, Caeser Conde, NBC, Rachel Maddow, Chuck Todd, Franking Privileges, Mel Gibson, Mother Cabrini, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Christine Niles, Michael Voris, Church Militant, Hollywood, English House of Commons, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Obamacare, Karine Jean-Pierre, James Varney, Abigail Degnan, Zachary Stieber, Dave Goldiner, Egle Rackauskaite, Guillermor Rein, Joe Holden 

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show