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The Mike Church Show-The Confederate Statue Killers Return With Palestinian Flags

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    The Mike Church Show-The Confederate Statue Killers Return With Palestinian Flags Mike Church



6:03am cst

WE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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15mUniversity Protests

  • These are the same idiots that did Occupy Wallstreet, they are BLM, they are responsible for the Confederate statues coming down, these are the same ones that protested and demanded World Tranny Day and now here we are.
  • This is just the latest chapter in their protest stories. 
  • So what is going on here?
  • Head scarf = Palestinian Keffiyeh – patterns on the keffiyeh symbolize different aspects of Palestinian life: the bold black stripes on the edges symbolize the historical trade routes that used to go through Palestine; the fishnet-like design represents the Palestinians’ ties to the Mediterranean Sea; and the curvy lines resemble olive trees, a major point of pride for Palestinians.
  • Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
  • Where is the Anti-Catholicism Awareness Act?
  • What is the urgency here?
  • How does Congress all the sudden have time to act on this?
  • What about the border?
  • What about the Catholics?
  • We are now officially a minority in this country.
22mCharlotte North Carolina Incident 

HEADLINE: PICTURED: Three of the four cops killed in bloody standoff with gunman – as dramatic video shows the moment SWAT rams the suspect’s North Carolina house with a huge TANK and launch raid by Emma Richter 

  • The officers were serving warrant for a felon wanted for possessing a firearm at the home, police said. The officers were first shot at by the wanted suspect as they approached the suburban home. The cops shot dead the felon in the front yard, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Johnny Jennings said. 
  • A second person then fired on officers from inside the home where a high-powered rifle was found, Jennings said. A woman and a 17-year-old boy were found in the home after a three-hour standoff that included armored vehicles crashing into the suburban home in a tree-lined neighborhood and tearing off doorways and windows.
  • This guy was a felon and he was being served a warrant for having firearms in his possession. 
  • If they knew he had weapons, why didn’t they have a plan in place for the off chance he opened fire on them?
  • There are so many questions.
 Tulpamancy – 

  • This is a replace Christianity with satanic stuff. 
  • This is a gateway into demonic occult activity.
  • You are inviting demons into your life, home and self.
 Inflation, Poverty and Homelessness 
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2



  • Conspiracy and plot to save the planets civilization.
  • Previously Musk has been talking about population and our decline for quite some time now.
  • There is a solution.
  • The Lord gave us a solution. 
  • Marriage and babies…
  • You get married, you have babies and boom…Problem Solved.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Masha Gessen Openly Speaks About Eradicating Marriage

  • She discusses she has 3 children w/ 5 parents and the ‘father’ of one of her children is her brother.
 Right To Protest

  • Was this a warm up for something?
1h55mHEADLINE: Louisiana Will Get a New City After a Yearslong Court Battle by Rick Rojas

  • The original plan was to start a school district. That didn’t work. So a group of residents in a sprawling unincorporated suburb of Baton Rouge, La., expanded their idea: Create a city of their own, called St. George.
  • In 2015, they collected signatures to bring their proposal up for a vote, but didn’t get enough. In 2019, they tried again. This time, they made it to a ballot and won the election, only to be stalled by a lengthy court battle.
  • But the Louisiana Supreme Court cleared the way on Friday for the formation of St. George, a city of nearly 100,000 people that joins the ranks of the state’s largest cities, falling between Lafayette and Lake Charles in population. It is the first city to be incorporated in Louisiana in nearly two decades.
  • So why did all of this start, how did this even become a thought?
  • The drive to establish St. George was started by residents who wanted to form their own school district because of concerns that East Baton Rouge Parish schools were troubled and underperforming.
  • Justice William J. Crain, the author of the majority opinion, also pushed back on the assertion that the new city would contribute to the deterioration of Baton Rouge, the parish seat with just over 220,000 residents. He wrote that the population of St. George was growing as Baton Rouge’s declined, and a flourishing St. George might stanch an migration to surrounding parishes with “more shared interests, including more desirable school districts.”
  • In situations like this you always need to follow the money.
  • In this instance the parish would lose $48 million in annual tax revenue.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


1010 WXKG in Atlana – 

  • I want to talk right now to my people in Atlanta.
  • You people have an area in North Atlanta called Buckhead.
  • They tried to leave the Atlanta Metro.
  • They did petitions, they got signatures, they got it on a ballot and then the GA courts stepped in and said you can’t have a vote on this. 
  • As of March 2023, Georgia senators rejected an effort to allow Buckhead to secede from Atlanta, with 10 Republicans voting with Democrats to doom the measure. The effort was prompted by concerns about crime, and the mayor’s office says that crime has decreased in the police district that includes Buckhead since the last push failed.

HEADLINE: Georgia senators reject Buckhead efforts to leave Atlanta by Jeff Amy 

  • This is as fundamental as it gets!
  • Why can’t the residents of Buckhead decide how they want to be governed? 
  • The Democratic-run city wasn’t doing enough to fight crime and provide services, especially considering that Buckhead makes up less than 20% of the city’s population of 500,000, but about 40% of its tax revenue.
  • One Senator claims that allowing Buckhead to leave would be like ripping out the ‘heart of the city’ and the Capitol city would die because of it.
  • It is all about revenue at the end of the day.
  • You people in Georgia are not being represented correctly. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Illegal Immigration 

Fact 1. Actual number of illegal aliens in this country is more like 22 million. 

Fact 2. The Dem party as a matter of policy calling for all illegal immigrants to have voting rights.

Fact 3. The overwhelming majority of first time immigrant voters voted Democrat. 

Fact 4. The largest margin in American presidential history was 17 million votes and that was the 1984 election b/w Mondale and Reagan. 

  • There were people that voted in the 2020 election in Georgia that wrote in candidates.
  • You see identical penmanship. 
  • Almost like it is the same ballot copied and pasted and digitally entered but the write in is the same handwriting.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi w/ MSNBC’s Katy Tur – Job Loss Record 

Nancy – Donald Trump has the worst record of job loss of any President.

Katy – There was a global pandemic.

Nancy – If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump, that may be your role, but it ain’t mine.

7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Father Henderson – Subject on May 1


TKD tells story about LGBTQ video on the Pride Parade in Mandeville.

  • You do that every single day?
  • Our very own neighbor had no idea we do this show every single day.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Harmeet Dhillon w/ Megyn Kelly – Donald Trump Trial – He is not allowed to bring in campaign finance experts on a trial that is about campaign finance charges. 

  • Yes you heard that correct.
  • Trump could have brought in experts of 527 campaign statues but the Judge won’t allow that.
  • This is a campaign funds hearing! 






AUDIO/VIDEO: Kevin Dolan at 2023 Natal Conference – Population Decline – In our lifetime every government and belief system has one question. Will your children have children of their own? The entire global financial system is defined by leverage. We are sitting on the bubble of all bubbles.

  • We are facing a population crisis in this country just like many others are.
  • Japan and China leading the way in population depletion. 
  • Why is it that the native population of America is now in official decline?
  • Why aren’t our ruling officials ringing the alarm bell on this?
  • They will do it for tree frogs and other animals but they won’t do it for humans?
  • If we can’t be bothered w/ humanity, what is the point?
  • At every turn this problem becomes more difficult.
  • The average youth cannot get out from under our debt and therefore they can’t even start a family.
  • They have no training, no family, no home and no money.
  • The human race will not continue if we don’t do something about this.
  • We know how to fix it and yet, we do nothing.
  • Why aren’t you acting?
  • Stop saying there is nothing you can do.

HEADLINE: Will the Good Guys Win the Ultimate Battle Between Good and Evil? by Albin Sadar 

  • Religionless Christianity is designed as a wakeup call to those pastors and churchgoers who are carefully staying on the sidelines of the cultural and political fight. Many simply do not see, or will not acknowledge, that a popular new “secular religion” has filled the void left by churches that are currently “silent in the face of evil.”
  • We talk about this almost every day here on the show.


BACK to Will the Good Guys Win

  • Ideas that sound noble but can become entrapments for those who would otherwise get their hands dirty in messy arenas such as politics. For the sake of “purity” and “respectability,” some might not want to associate with those viewed as forceful and crude. A Christian’s “witness,” they might rationalize, should be spotless and their demeanor lighthearted, even whimsical, in order to attract others to the faith. To remain on the fence regarding the burning issues of the day can be seen as the best way to steer souls to the God of love. However, as Metaxas points out, “the devil owns the fence.”
  • “So the question before us now is whether we who call ourselves by God’s name will rise to this crisis with everything we have, living out our faith as though we actually believe it with our whole hearts.”
  • No good deed goes unpunished.
  • If you strive for the Good, True and Beautiful you will be attacked.
  • That is just the way it is.
  • Maybe Our Lord wants to see if we are up to the challenge.
  • Are you up for doing something about this?



HEADLINE: Sound Monetary Policy in Under 40 Words by George F Smith 

  • This is the only money portion of the solve is there is a money solve.  
  • If we have sound money we don’t need the Fed.  Or Congress.  We just need sound money.
  • Translated: What happens if the banks have created bogus IOUs for their depositors’ gold?  
  • Suggestion: Have them indicted for fraud.  Gold doesn’t “back” anything.  It is the money.  The banks issue IOUs for the money.  When they issue more IOUs than they have gold on hand, they’re cheating.
  • Does a Bumblebee need a policy?
  • The Bumblebee doesn’t need the government to tell them how to be efficient do they?
  • Man cannot accept that sometimes things are well enough where they are.
  • Why do we have to ‘advance’ everything?
  • Sure things can be improved but how do you improve things that work and function fine the way they are?
  • The family unit – the husband, the wife and the children.
  • Was it broken?
  • Did it need to be improved or changed?
  • We over tinkered it.
  • You could just return to doing things the way they were naturally designed.
 Summer Internships Available – 

Ambrosian Candle Co available in Florida and North Carolina. 

 Paranormal Activity Movies

QUESTION: Who do the children make common cause with?

  • Who are the kids talking to?
  • The parents think they are talking to ‘imaginary friends’ right?
  • Who do the ‘imaginary friends’ turn out to be?

AUDIO/VIDEO: University of California Television – Witches, Psychiatrists, and Evangelicals w/ Professor Tanya Luhrmann – Conversations w/ History 

8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
 BACK to Paranormal Activity – Professor at Stanford University Tanya Luhrmann

TKD story – person who conjured up a demon and this demon hurt his friend.


HEADLINE: Therapeutic Tulpamancy by Rod Dreher 

  • People don’t want to confront and admit that their own lack of holiness in their life is at least partly responsible for what is happening to them and their children.
  • You’d rather not have to admit all the things you like are causing you trouble in your life. 
 HEADLINE: Communist Defectors Warn About Four Stages Of Subversion — And America Is On The Last One by Scott S Powell 

  • The systematic plan Bezmenov revealed involves four fluid stages of communist subversion: 

1) demoralization 

2) disorientation 

3) crisis

4) normalization 

  • In Mao’s America, Xi Van Fleet explains how Mao’s destruction of the “Four Olds” (old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits) is being replicated by today’s leftist cancel culture, which will end what is left of freedom in America if not stopped. 
  • Do you believe there are Communists in this country right now?
  • What is the point folks?
  • Another important part of disorientation happened early in the Covid crisis after the death of George Floyd. Assertions of systemic racism in law enforcement triggered rioting, looting, and the destruction of several billion dollars’ worth of property, along with the tearing down of historic statues and memorials in many cities across the United States.
  • Mediterranean Orientals – 
Meta-tags for showScott S Powell, Communism, COVID, George Floyd, racism, Rod Dreher, Paranormal Activity, possession, Catholicism, Keffiyeh, Palestine, University Protests, ACLU, Occupy Wallstreet, BLM, Emma Richter, SWAT, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Johnny Jennings, Tulpamacy, Masha Gessen, LGBTQ, traditional family, internships, Tanya Luhrmann, George F Smith, Gold Standard, Albin Sadar, Kevin Dolan, Natal Conference, population decline, Elon Musk, Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Russia, Vladimir Putin

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show