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The Mike Church Show-The FBI And Secret Service Make Trump Synonymous With JFK

micMike Churchtoday07/31/2024 15

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    The Mike Church Show-The FBI And Secret Service Make Trump Synonymous With JFK Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
17mKamala Harris Campaign Atlanta Georgia

Beyonce – Surf Board

Ariana Grande – Bicycle

Megan Thee Stallion – WAP

  • Years ago these songs wouldn’t have been allowed on the radio.
  • They all contain sexually explicit lyrics and no one seemed to care.
  • Well Megan Thee Stallion was the headliner at Harris’ campaign event.
  • Hulk Hogan appeared on the Trump campaign stage and spoke about being a proud American.
  • There is NO COMPARISON to the two.
  • Lyrics that were sung in Atlanta – “That waist, that a*s, them t*tties (that waist, that a*s, them titti*es). If I wasn’t me and I would’ve see myself, I would have bought me a drink. Took me home, did me long, ate it with the panties on (ugh, ugh, ugh). I could build a house with all the brick I got. B*tches spend a lifetime tryna get this hot (tryna get this hot).
  • Is this a joke?
  • The Harris campaign thought this was a good idea?
  • How did they play this in public?
  • This is the version that is played on the public radio airwaves.
 Venezuela Elections

  • The refusal to concede has caused civil unrest.
  • The people took to the streets in protest.
22mSecret Service and Assistant Director of the FBI Testimony

Secret Service Director – Ronald Rowe

FBI Deputy Directory – Paul Abbate

  • EpicMicrowave was Thomas Crooks GAB account handle.
  • The FBI Deputy Director stated he posted some anti-left posts.
  • They were all basically implying that Trump’s actions prompted this guy to attempt to assassinate him.
  • They actually tried to say Crooks was a MAGA person.
  • Nothing that was said yesterday by those two helped to stop the conspiracy theories.
  • In fact, it only makes us speculate more.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
37mHEADLINE: The deranged left is breaking all the rules they claim to uphold to keep Donald Trump down by Michael Goodwin 

  • The cognitively challenged president has been shoved to the back of the bus after being driven out of the race by undemocratic Dems, which is perhaps why he admitted the truth. 
  • Whatever the reason, Biden’s confession Monday at the LBJ Presidential Library perfectly captures the cause of the turmoil that has reshaped American public life in the last nine years. 
  • Presidents get to nominate who goes on the court, the Supreme Court.
  • But they want to make this a campaign issue.
  • What happens when you create this fear and anger towards judges?
  • Weirdos camped out on Justice Kavanaugh’s lawn and in his neighborhood.
  • They have hounded Justice Thomas for years now.
  • Don’t underestimate what these people are capable of.
  • The stupidity of American consumers – 
 HEADLINE: Democrats Promise To Save ‘Democracy’ By Destroying The Supreme Court by David Harsanyi 
  • There is every indication that California will secede if Trump is sworn in as POTUS 47.
  • They want to kill babies and old people.
  • They want limitless immigration.
  • Their cities are overrun w/ crime, drugs and homelessness.
  • All of this cannot just happen in a vacuum and not have an impact.

HEADLINE: The deranged left is breaking all the rules they claim to uphold to keep Donald Trump down by Michael Goodwin

  • It’s as if they’ve adopted as a motto an infamous military line from the Vietnam War: We had to destroy the village to save it. 
  • To the Trump haters, he is so uniquely bad and dangerous that any means necessary to stop him is acceptable. 
  • The wheels started turning after the newspaper’s media writer, Jim Rutenberg, began a column with this question: “If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?” 
57mAUDIO/VIDEO: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald RoweI climbed on that roof where Crooks was and laid down to see the line of sight. What I saw made me ashamed. I cannot defend why that roof wasn’t secured. To prevent similar lapses I will ensure every plan is looked at by multiple officers. I have directed the expanded use of areal devices and directed resources to increase our communications. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



Surrendering Power

  • The Deep State doesn’t want to have any power removed.
  • They will not stop.
  • They will continue to do whatever they can to remove Trump out of the equation.

QUESTION: Who would have made Rowe Acting Director?

ANSWER: Joe Biden

AUDIO/VIDEO: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald RoweNeither the SS counter sniper teams nor members of the former president’s security detail had any knowledge there was a man on the roof. It is my understanding they weren’t aware until they heard gunshots. It was my understanding local law enforcement was working on information of a suspicious person. 

  • Right there he is claiming they had no information there was a man on the roof.
  • You mean to tell me, everyone there in attendance knew there was someone on the roof with a gun but the Secret Service didn’t know?
  • You were working the issue of a suspicious individual and you STILL let the former president go on stage?!
  • Would they have let Kamala go on stage?
  • Would they have let Biden go on stage?
  • Who gave the go ahead on this?
  • They are also saying they have no records of the communications of that day.
  • WHAT?
  • Everything we do w/ our own cellphones is recorded and saved but the SS don’t save theirs?
  • We saw video of one SS agent on the roof w/ local police, he had a cellphone. 
  • It looked to be a personal cellphone so where is that data?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald RoweIt was a failure of imagination. We do actually live in a very dangerous wold. It was a failure to challenge our own assumptions. We didn’t challenge our own assumptions of ‘we assume someone is going to cover that’. 

  • They are creating more Alex Jones’ by speaking at these hearings.
  • They want us out here confused.
  • They want people grasping at straws.
  • To discredit and/or to identify us.
  • They can’t have the truth come out.
  • The only conclusion or the most likely after yesterday’s hearing is that there is a massive coverup going on.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald RoweIt was a failure of imagination. We do actually live in a very dangerous wold. It was a failure to challenge our own assumptions. We didn’t challenge our own assumptions of ‘we assume someone is going to cover that’. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald RoweNeither the SS counter sniper teams nor members of the former president’s security detail had any knowledge there was a man on the roof. It is my understanding they weren’t aware until they heard gunshots. It was my understanding local law enforcement was working on information of a suspicious person. 















Secret Service Agents Butler PA

  • They had knowledge local law enforcement was working on a suspicious suspect.
  • They didn’t know that same person had a gun.
  • Again, if you had the knowledge there was someone suspicious out there, why was there no expectation of an all clear before allowing Trump on that stage?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Ron Johnson to SS Director Ronald RoweWe have requested to interview the 13 SS agents that were there that day. When does that happen? Memories are short and we need the transcripts of your interviews ASAP. The radio comms were NOT recorded that day. The SS did not attend the 9am briefing of the event, is that correct?

  • Aren’t agents sent to briefings immediately following an incident?
  • They are stating they don’t have digital recordings of anything outside of DC or a Presidential or Vice Presidential outing.
  • We work in audio, we know this isn’t hard to do.
  • 10 channel mixer would work.
  • You can put 40 hours of mono on an SD card easily.
  • A zoom recording device is less than $300.
  • An SD card is less than $10.
  • You are telling me the SS couldn’t afford this?
  • I call BS on this.
  • Complete and total setup here.
  • We really didn’t have the time…bull.
  • Trump announced the rally on the 3rd.
  • Before the Secret Service will provide detail, the person has to present in advance all the information about the event.
  • From how many attendees, to location to where things will be set up like stages etc.
  • They had at least 10 days.
 The NEW Crusade Radio Network App Links iTunes Store – Google Play Store –


Student Loan Debt Forgiveness 

  • The Federal Reserve –
  • Mortgages – 
  • Interest on a new home loan, you pay nothing but interest for the first two years.
  • You talk about a racket, they put nothing up and there is no risk whatsoever to them, they pop the golden parachute and sell it to someone else.
  • What is happening along the way?
  • The risk is being mitigated. 
  • This PMI crap – if the American people just started to pick apart everything this government does to us, secession would be the KINDEST thing we would do to them.
  • It is difficult to comprehend the size of the scam.
 Former Secret Service Agent to TKD

  • The American people assume we are super proficient at our jobs but TKD, we aren’t that good.
  • We get lucky no one has tried to assassinate a president or former president until now.

  • The National Debt hit $35 trillion dollars yesterday.
  • The cost of living – 
  • The debt per citizen is $108,234.
  • The debt per tax payer is $237,456.

George Webb

Investigative Journalist

Follow George on Substack –

Follow George on X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

  • You are the only person in the world that can make the American debt funny.

HEADLINE: The Cheney Sanction – How Trump Was A Threat To Continuity Of Government by George Webb 

8:33am cstSEGMENT 6











BACK to George Webb

  • Is There Still A Sanction On The Head Of President Donald Trump?
  • You can see what happened in 2015 on Sirius XM.
  • FBI Deputy Director Abbate pulled out a six-year-old Gab account from when shooter Thomas Crooks was fourteen years old to prove he was “Anti-Semitic and Anti-immigrant”.
  • One problem – Gab said the FBI lied. Gab said in a sworn statement instead that Thomas Crooks was “UNEQUIVOCALLY Pro-Biden” in his comments on the Gab account, which are obviously much more recent and relative postings since 2021 than posts he made in 2019.
  • Once Crooks’s 700 Gab posts are analyzed, the FBI’s lies will become patently obvious. So why did the FBI lie so brazenly? Because they have now provided headlines for CNN and MSNBC that the shooter is a racist MAGA supporter, even though that assertion makes no sense whatsoever. Thomas Crooks “EpicMicrowave” account will actually be shown to be the because ActBlue popcorn machine that Joe Biden could even hope for in on Pittsburgh teenager.
  • In fact, according to witnesses on the ground reporting in Pittsburgh, PA, quite the opposite political radicalization occurred in Thomas Crooks’s life. He went from an ActBlue doorbanger on AFL-CIO homes to a headbanger for Antifa under the tutelage of an Antifa violence trainer named Maxwell Yearick (See Walking the Trump Gunman’s Metadata).
  • Senator Ron Johnson releases six suppressed sites from nineteen locations, we believe our case will be proven unequivocally—“Door bangers for ActBlue don’t need gun ranges” is basically our case. We think at least two and perhaps all six suppressed sites relate to Thomas Crooks’ progress from the ActBlue doorbanger to the Antifa headbanger.
  • Crooks’s posts were not only pro-immigration as a fourteen-year-old, and there were no anti-Semitic posts. They were also startingly thoughtful and reasoned, worthy of a Sunday section of New Yorker magazine. Perhaps Crooks’s Gab Account handle should have been Epic Social Justice Nugget Microwave. Crooks stops you in your tracks with his New York Post sagacity in the immigration post the FBI chose to focus on.
  • Truth is the first casualty with the FBI in Congress, first with the introduction of the bloody ladder that Crooks supposedly bought the day of the shooting and then his embarrassing retraction and now Deputy Director Abbate’s choice of Thomas Crooks “Wisdom That Belies His Years” tweet on immigration.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
