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The Mike Church Show-The Left’s Hatred Of America Drove Biden’s Disastrous Debate

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    The Mike Church Show-The Left’s Hatred Of America Drove Biden’s Disastrous Debate Mike Church


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1st Presidential Debate

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jill Biden to Joe Biden After the DebateYou did such a good job Joe. You answered every question!

  • This reminds me of a t-ball mom.
  • When her child comes off the field after spending the entire game catching bugs w/ his glove, telling him he ‘did such a good job’!
  • The debate was a complete and total poop show.
  • Biden was pale, frail and incoherent at times.
  • Whatever you think of Trump, he showed up and showed out last night.
  • The contrast was crystal clear.
  • He went there ready to fight.
  • It was on from the first answer!
  • When the camera would pan to Biden when Trump was talking, I’m not exaggerating, he had a blank stare, w/ his mouth wide open.
  • He was lost, completely lost.
  • Last night Donald Trump was very reserved.
  • He didn’t shout, he didn’t talk over Joe he was very respectful.
  • Last night the only person on that stage that got angry and shouted was Joe Biden. 
 HEADLINE: Joe Biden’s Catastrophic Debate Performance Sends Dems into Panic Mode by Debra Heine
22mThe Federalist Party 

  • Jackson’s Presidency and his insanity ended the Democrat party.
  • They saw it coming.
  • This could be another moment like that one.
  • What does this mean for the Democrat party?
  • The old man only came to life when he was talking about abortion, killing babies!
 Presidential Debate

  • I think they set the old man up.
  • You can’t tell me John King and Joy Reid and all the talking heads were ready w/ the company line they needed to find someone else.
  • His own party sabotaged him.
  • They sent him to Waffle House like he is some average American.
  • They have to move quick on this.
  • States have rules
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


1st Presidential Debate

  • What you saw last night was a political assassination.
  • You saw what the Democrat party is capable of.
  • They took out their leader.
  • I don’t think the gravity of this has been processed by this yet.
  • Do you know who Gavin Newsom used to be married to?
  • Don Trump Jr’s current wife, Kimberly Guilfoyle.
  • If Newsom would have wiped the stage w/ DeSantis they would have made the move then.
  • But Newsom did terrible so I think they left the Big Guy in place.
  • So who remains on the Democrat bench?
  • There is still enough time to yank the Old Man.
  • It could be that woman from New Mexico.
  • Picking Newsom gets rid of Kamala too.




AUDIO/VIDEO: John King on CNN Following the DebateRight now, it involves party strategists, it involves elected officials, it involves fundraisers, and they’re having conversations about the president’s performance, which they think was dismal which they think will hurt others in the party down the ticket. Some of those conversations include, should we go to the WH and ask the president to step aside?

  • He was completely incoherent. 
  • This was an assassination. 
  • They sequestered him for 10 days.
  • If this is the best you can do after that long of prepping, no wonder the world is so screwed up.
  • You know Trump left the stage and didn’t shake Biden’s hand last night?
  • Not coming in and not leaving the stage.
  • If the Democrat party decides to stick w/ Biden they are going to lose.
  • Does Trump need to still campaign after last night?
  • Will there be another debate?
  • What happens is the DNC sends him out again?
  • Let me make another point here – the Democrat party has the Super Delegate System.
  • They can only be used at the Convention.
  • Hillary Clinton has a brand new book out right now.
  • She has a new make over and publicity pictures, the reviews are stunning.
  • They are setting all this up for her I think.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.












AUDIO/VIDEO: Eric Trump on Fox News – Now you see why it was so important to indict my father over and over. They had to do something b/c they knew there was something wrong w/ Joe Biden. This wasn’t the Democrat party taking their candidate out after the fact, this was a takedown in real time.

  • Listening to DC radio and it is amazing they haven’t gotten the Dump Joe memo.
  • The Drudge Headline reads Operation Replace Biden.

HEADLINE: A halting Biden tries to confront Trump at debate but sparks Democratic anxiety about his candidacy by Zeke Miller, Michelle Price, Will Weissert and others

  • The record will show the exact opposite happened.
  • It almost sounded like the MSNBC gang were pro-Trump last night.
  • Do you really want to attach yourself to Joe after that performance?
  • Do you want to go down w/ the Joe Biden ship?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Chris Wallace on CNNThe two of them decided he was going to run again even when so many people thought maybe he should have turned it over and let someone younger run in the Democrat party. This has been, quite frankly, a car accident in slow motion. As has been pointed out, Joe Biden sought out this debate b/c he wanted to change the narrative and he did that tonight…he sunk his campaign tonight.

  • I think this is indicative of where we are and what happened last night.
  • Take this away and put this in your book – the old retired knight who only beats his plowshare back into a sword b/c he thinks his King and country need him.
  • That is Trump, like him or not.
  • What is that?
  • That is NOT ego that is love of country, a sense of duty.
  • Why shouldn’t you, us love the guy who is willing to do that for us?
  • He doesn’t have to do this.
  • Look how they have attacked him.
  • Look how he has been made to suffer for trying to do the right thing.
  • This is a moment when something needs to change.
  • If you are thinking I can’t wait for this whole thing to crash.
  • Have you really thought about what happens when America actually fails?
  • It won’t turn out how you think it is.
  • It will be terrible for millions of your fellow citizens.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Closing 2 Minute Statement – 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald TrumpI’ll tell you something, I wish he was a great president because I wouldn’t be here right now. I’d be at one of my many places enjoying myself. I wouldn’t be under indictment because I wouldn’t have been his political opponent.”

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Joe Biden – Blacks Men Are Predators – There is about 100,000 of them that are predators. they are born out of wedlock, w/o parent supervision…they become the predators. We have predators on our streets. They are beyond the pale. We have no choice but to take them out of society. 

  • What about the illegal predators from Venezuela and Ecuador? 
  • What about all the illegals from Mexico that are part of gangs like MS-13 Joe?

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK 08/15/2017 Donald Trump – Virginia Violence – You had some very bad people in that group but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. In that group…excuse me, you had people in that group that where there to protest the taking town of a very important statue to them. You had people I’m not talking about the Neo-Nazi’s or the White Nationalist, b/c they should be condemned totally. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid on MSNBC – Democrat Panic – I too was on the phone all night. My phone never really stopped buzzing throughout. The universal reaction was somewhere approaching panic. He seemed extremely feeble and extremely weak. 

  • Why did she mention Obama?
  • Why is Obama texting Joy Reid?
  • It is horrible she is carrying water for people that hate her.
  • These people don’t care about her.
  • Why is she on the phone w/ Obama and why is he saying holy crap now?
  • He was just w/ Biden the other week!
  • He guided Joe off the stage!
  • Now 9 days later it is throw Joe from the Train?
  • Not buying it.
  • Why is Obama telling you this is a disaster?
  • Who are the ‘world people’? 
 Mike Church Show Band – Oval Office Dreaming


SCOTUS Decisions Coming Out Today

  • You won’t get the Trump immunity opinion until the day they break for the year – I told you guys that.
  • The same w/ the Dobbs decision.
  • That will be the last one from the court today.
  • If the court doesn’t rule in my favor Joe, you could be a convicted felon. – Donald Trump
  • What about Barrack Obama?
  • Could we have prosecution of Obama after the fact?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Alex Wagner MSNBCI’m not going to put a spin on this. There has been a uniformly negative reaction to Joe Biden’s performance tonight. Surely this was about revealing who Donald Trump was but Biden did nothing to show the American people that he isn’t the characakture of the old feeble man. He is very old and was lost frequently.

  • What do we always talk about when we talk about this kind of stuff?
  • Truth – conforming your mind to reality.
  • The American people are hurting, you tried to kill us w/ COVID.
  • You told us we had to inject stuff into our veins w/ mandates.
  • You are telling us to get rid of our gas stoves b/c of the environment.
  • You have bridges falling into rivers, trains derailing everywhere, air travel fees through the roof and planes falling out of the sky and NO ONE can tell you why.
  • 1. They knew it and lied about it.
  • 2. They are completely incompetent at their jobs.
 Trump Man – New Audio, parody of the old Batman Theme Song
















HEADLINE: Democrats are talking about replacing Joe Biden. That wouldn’t be so easy. by Ben Kamisar and Alex Seitz-Wald

  • If they can’t get rid of him, do they want him?
  • Do they risk all the capitol knowing he is going to lose?
  • The real takeaway from this is, either they knew it was going on and they were just ignoring it b/c they really don’t care or they are just completely blindsided by it.
  • A Democratic lawmaker, asked by NBC News whether the debate inspired confidence in Biden, replied: “The best thing I can do to help Joe Biden is to pretend I didn’t get your text.”
  • Biden’s campaign insisted after the debate he would not drop out.
  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom, whose name is often floated as a potential alternative nominee, told reporters in the “spin room” after the debate that his party “could not be more wholly unified behind Biden” and said Biden shouldn’t step aside.
  • Private whispers whipped up after Thursday’s debate performance, during which Biden had a raspy voice, spoke softly and at times seemed to lose his train of thought, leading his aides to try to deflect midway through the debate by saying he had a cold.
  • Party rules make it almost impossible to replace nominees without their consent, let alone smoothly replace them with someone else. And doing so would amount to party insiders’ overturning the results of primaries when Democratic voters overwhelmingly to nominate Biden. He won almost 99% of all delegates.
  • Cheap Fakes and Deep Fakes – 
  • Remember not too long ago Karine Jean-Pierre said all the right wing was manipulating video of Biden to make him look week and frail.

AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing Karine Jean-Pierre – Cheap Fakes and Deep Fakes

The Democrat party has been exposed for what it truly is.

  • It lies.
  • If doesn’t care about anyone or anything other than retaining power.
  • They don’t care about the well being of Joe Biden.
  • This is Huxley – this is an attempt by the enemy, to remake the human being.
  • It is an attempt to reprogram man.
  • To remove the simple things that make humans flourish like reproduction.
  • Turning little girls into little boys.
  • This is Huxley not Orwell.
  • By the way last night we were reminded who was put in charge of the border.
  • Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of the border.
  • Why didn’t Joe fire Mayorkas?
  • He stated last night there is more work to do on the border, he had to step in and use EX to ‘fix’ it…why didn’t he fire Mayorkas then?
  • Knowing he wasn’t doing the job, he should have been fired right?!
  • Government doesn’t fire people. 
  • That is why the Deep State hates Trump, he doesn’t have a problem firing them when they don’t do their jobs.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
2h43mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Scarborough on MSNBCWell, I think I should start by saying, without any apologies, that I love Joe Biden and Jill, and I will gladly debate anybody anytime anyplace, anywhere, over the issue of whether Joe Biden has been the most effective president in passing bipartisan legislation, in expanding NATO, in responding to the rising threat coming from China, by flexing America’s strength around China, by having the strongest economy in the world, bar none, the strongest economy, actually, relative to the rest of the world in 50, 60, 70 years, the strongest dollar in half a century, the strongest military relative to the rest of the world. I would argue, and many others would argue, since 1945. I think his presidency has been an unqualified success. If, however, you believe, as do I, and as do so many people who watch this program, and who fear just how dark of a place a second Donald Trump term will take America, then I think it is critical that we ask the same questions about this man I love, respect, and whose — whose public service in saving this country from Donald Trump over the last three and a half years I honor and always will. I think we have to ask the same questions of him that we have asked of Donald Trump since 2016. And that is, if he were CEO and he turned in a performance like that, would any corporation in America, any Fortune 500 corporation in America keep him on as CEO?

  • Dude you are pathetic.
  • If you just remained a servant of the truth you wouldn’t have had to say this word salad.
  • This is a lesson in why formation matters.
  • If you just use truth as your guide, you won’t look like this asshat looks.
  • Let me tell you what Payton Manning said – 
  • Should we all just accept them were hoodwinked by Joe Biden?
  • There is no possible way all these ‘journalist’ could have gotten it so wrong.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Van Jones on CNNThere are going to be a lot of people who want him consider taking a different course now. That was not what we needed from Joe Biden. It is personally painful for a lot of people.

  • This is ridiculous all the way around.
  • If I’m to believe all these anchors and journalist, then I’m to believe that they should all resign b/c they absolutely SUCK at their vocation. 
  • If we could see it here at the Little Station That Could – Crusade Radio Network, why couldn’t they?
2h55mAUDIO/VIDEO: First Lady Jill BidenYou did such a good job Joe! You answered all the questions!

  • This is utter embarrassment there.
  • Not that he answered the questions well, just that he answered all the questions.
  • Not that you won the debate, not that you proved Donald is Orange Man bad, not that you have accomplished so much…just that you answered all the questions.
  • If you are the leader of the free world…if you are a leader anywhere and you watched this, what are you thinking today?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show