
The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Left’s New Weapon Against Trump, The Manchickian Candidate

micMike Churchtoday01/17/2024 72

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    The Mike Church Show-The Left’s New Weapon Against Trump, The Manchickian Candidate Mike Church

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Natural Born Citizen

QUESTION: What is a natural born citizen?

  • We should all be asking our representatives what that means to them.
  • We continue to import people into this country and in the process of citizenship, they are having children.
  • Do the American citizens want leaders in executive positions to be born in this United States from parents that aren’t American citizens?
  • There is a reason your parents must be Natural Born Citizens!
  • Especially when it comes to politics.
  • Joy Reid brought this up the other day in one of her rants.
  • She stated that Donald Trump mentioned the birth of Nikki Haley.
  • I haven’t heard it but she did bring it up on MSNBC during the Iowa Caucus presentation. 
  • I don’t live on Fantasy Island so I know this won’t matter.
  • I truly think Nikki Haley is working w/ the Democrats.
  • But here is a question – did Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump have some sort of meeting prior to this cycle?
  • How many of you are fans of the TV show Survivor?
  • What do the players do to survive until the end?
  • They form alliances. 
  • If you start thinking objectively about the campaign of Vivek, I think one could consider the possibility of the two teaming up.
  • Didn’t Vivek speak out several times at the debates that Trump was being wrongfully prosecuted and persecuted?
  • He also stated a few times the same things Trump wanted and was running on.
  • He also stated a few times how great of a president Trump was.
  • Was there some sort of an alliance made to keep Trumps name out in the MSM while he was dealing w/ the court cases?
  • Whether it was a spoken alliance or it was just something that happened it doesn’t matter.

United States Birthrate 

  • The birth rate for U.S. in 2022 was 12.012 births per 1,000 people, a 0.09% increase from 2021. The birth rate for U.S. in 2021 was 12.001 births per 1000 people, a 0.09% increase from 2020.
















Nikki Haley 

  • Iowa showed us this is a two person race.
  • What did she mean by that?
  • She finished in 3rd place.
  • What does she know that we don’t?
  • I think she is eliminating Trump.
  • What if she meant to say her and DeSantis were the two going to the finish line?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi on Impeaching Donald Trump – January 12, 2020 – This whole thing was planned well before the actual Impeachment hearings.

  • She clearly stated Trump would be removed or impeached.
  • One way or the other he wouldn’t be in the White House.
  • Constitution Day – she announced we take our Constitutional oath seriously and Trump doesn’t. 
  • She made a big deal about it being Constitution day – her and Adam Schiff.
  • September 17th – they were scheming this the whole time.
  • They had already lost on the Russia probe at this time.
  • All their earlier attempts had failed.
  • There were moles in Donald Trumps WH.
  • Mike Pence was on that Ukrainian call too.
  • He could have been the other mole along w/ Alexander Vindman.
  • Did he go and tell Vindman about it afterwards? 
  • Start adding all this stuff up and you can see what is happening here.
  • Nancy and the Gang have this whole thing planned out and they will make sure Trump isn’t the GOP runner.
  • It will be Nikki Haley.
  • Where is Ron DeSantis these days?
  • Governor of New Hampshire – Chris Sununu 
  • How is it he is predicting Nikki will win New Hampshire already?
  • They can’t cross party lines just for primary voting like they can in Iowa.
  • NH really has a ‘r’epublic form of government.
  • This is why NH is a great primary spot.
  • Remember in 2008 w/ Hillary and Barack?
  • Hillary ended up w/ 39.1% and Obama ended up w/ 36.5% in New Hampshire.
  • If Hillary had mopped the floor w/ Barack in NH she would have ended up President then.


HEADLINE: ABC Cancels GOP Debate After Haley Backs Out of Event by Savannah Hulsey Pointer 

  • The morning after she finished in third place in the Iowa Republican caucuses, Nikki Haley announced that she would not be participating in two upcoming Republican presidential primary debates, leading to ABC News canceling the event.
  • The former governor of South Carolina made the statement on social media. She said that the next time she participates in a debate, she will be on stage beside either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump, who has not participated in any of the Republican primary debates.
  • “ We’ve had five great debates in this campaign, unfortunately Donald Trump has ducked all of them. He has nowhere left to hide.”
 World Economic Forum 

  • They are currently meeting in Davos.
  • They aren’t even attempting now to disguise what they are doing.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


Miranda’s Victim – Movie 

  • Based on true events, this drama follows eighteen-year-old Trish Weir (Abigail Breslin) who in 1963 was kidnapped and sexually assaulted. After a voluntary confession, her assailant, Ernesto Miranda (Sebastian Quinn), is convicted but the verdict is later overturned by the US Supreme Court since his confession was made without an attorney present. In the resulting retrial, a determined prosecutor (Luke Wilson) seeks to hold Miranda fully accountable notwithstanding defense attorney’s (Ryan Phillippe) rigorous defense. What follows is a legal proceeding that will forever change the nation’s justice system.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Sarah Snook Speech from Emmy Awards – Thanks her unborn baby for giving her the strength to give her performance. It is easy to act when you are pregnant b/c you have hormones everywhere. The proximity of her growing inside me gave me strength. It is all for you from here on out.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Red Campaign AdWhen I grow up I wanna work for a woke company. I want to be obsessed by emotional safety. 

















HEADLINE: Ex-Obama Strategist Encourages ‘Tactical’ Liberal Support for Nikki Haley by Samantha Flom 

Mr Plouffe – “I think, when you look out in the rest of the states, Trump’s clearly a dominant favorite,” he acknowledged. “But in a two-person race, there’s a healthy number of Republicans who are open to an alternative if she’s the only one. So, I think for liberals, or Democrats, or independents who might not ever support Nikki Haley to be the president to cast a strategic or tactical vote, to me, makes a lot of sense.”

  • She will start new wars.
  • She said Israel needs to “finish them” referring to the Gaza strip.
  • She is pro-abort.
  • She is pro-Israel and Ukraine.
  • She is for wide open borders.
  • She is for censoring free speech on the internet.
  • She is for requiring identification to be on social media platforms.
  • Why is she running as a Republican?
  • Or is she running as something else?
  • What if Ron DeSantis comes in 3rd in New Hampshire?
  • What if Ron decides to drop out soon?
  • What if she is just hanging around waiting for that to happen?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Joe Biden/Nikki Haley Ticket Joe Biden is gonna’ have a very hard time getting re-elected, much less serving another term. Their only option at this point is to run a Republican who has the same views as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and that candidate’s name is Nikki Haley.

  • So is this all starting to make a little bit better sense now?
  • Could you imagine a choice b/w Joe Biden and Nikki Haley?
  • That is what they are wanting to see. 
  • That is the only way the Big Guy can stay in office.
  • #VotingAndMoating
  • #VotesAndMoates 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Nikki Haley Democrat Mega-DonorsNikki Haley frankly underperformed and they told her she was surging in Iowa. She could potentially win in NH. It has taken an awful lot of money. She is burning through $3 million a week in NH. Ron DeSantis is spending ZERO there. 

  • Trump +16 in New Hampshire
  • Are New Hampshire people radicals or conservatives? 
  • That is what it is all going to come down to.
  • I just don’t see how they could pull this off. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy w/ Donald Trump in NH – We’ve been celebrating our diversity and our differences for so long that we’ve forgot all of the ways that we are the same as Americans. We believe those ideals still exist. This man is going to be your next president to revive them.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump on Vivek Ramaswamy – Crowd chants VP – He’s going to be working w/ us for a long time.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump in Atkinson, NH Dems & Misinformation – The greatest people in the world at misinformation and misinformation are the radical left crazy Democrats. If they think they are going to have an easy time they will say they don’t want to run. If they think they are gonna’ get their ass kicked by somebody that’s the one they want to run against. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump in Atkinson, NH Defending Your Honor – If you want to defend your honor, and if you want to defeat the radical left Democrats and a safe America, then you must vote for your favorite president of all time Donald J Trump, that’s me!

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nikki Haley in New HampshireAmericans have been very clear: they’re done carrying the baggage for two 80-year-old politicians of the past. They’re ready for conservative results.


AUDIO/VIDEO: CEO of Allianz Oliver Bate at Davos on Societies Being PolarizedWe have an increasing detachment of the political elite from the working class. Our leaders are not addressing the needs of the people. Remember this year a lot of people will vote. We need to start by saying the truth. We have to tell them where the money is coming from. These things are not free. 

  • Own the means of production.
  • Dealing a blow means you yourself are providing a great deal of your own needs on your own.
  • Incrimintalizing – 
 HEADLINE: Patriots Who Are Doing Something; What are You Doing? by Robin M Itzler 
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris in South Carolina ahead of Democrat PrimaryWe’ve done really good work. Our challenge will be to let people know who brung it to ‘em. 


HEADLINE: A Message to the Young Men on the Right by Josiah Lippincott 

  • I would suggest if you have a young man that wants to join the military have them join your states militia instead.
  • Militias are legal. 
  • I acknowledge that a merely negative argument is not enough. It is insufficient to simply offer a ‘no;’ one must also offer a ‘yes.’
  • The spirit of the Constitution is that the states will defend themselves.
  • First,  you should become physically fit. If you are fat, then lose weight. If you are scrawny, then put on muscle. Working out does not require superhuman efforts to accomplish. Simple weightlifting movements done well and on a regular schedule will give serious results. If you are having trouble losing weight, cut out soft drinks, alcohol, and desserts. Start there and see what happens. 
  • I also advise young men to become proficient with firearms. There are lots of ways to do so. Find a local amateur shooting club. See if there are shooting instructors who are able and willing to help you. There is no need to go wild on gear and attachments. A simple AR-15 with iron sights is more than enough for a man to become very proficient and comfortable with arms should the need for them ever arise. 
  • A young man today should develop the warrior spirit. There are many ways to do so. He could train jiu-jitsu, learn how to box, or practice wrestling. There is no one way to become proficient as a fighter and to cultivate the mentality of a man ready and willing to take on enemies. There are likely troubling times ahead. Cultivating a readiness for action is good. 
  • You should become an intelligence agency unto yourself. Pick a foreign country and learn everything about its culture, economy, and religion. Practice the language until you are fluent. Then, go and visit. A knowledge of the world is useful for a young man with a serious bent. 
  • To the young men of the Right, to the young men of the future, do not give up hope. A better world is possible, and you can help bring it into being. You do not need to justify yourselves before what is in decline. Rather, seek to sharpen yourselves. Choose a higher aim than service to a regime that hates you. Instead, seek to undermine that regime and replace it with one that is better and more noble.























Brother Andre Marie 

Host of ReConquest aired only on The Crusade Channel 

Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Our Lady of Lourdes pastor Father Shannon Collins

Dear Parishioners and Members of the Mystical Body of Christ,


Pax Christi!

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that my priestly faculties have been removed due to wounds that I have supposedly caused to unity in the Church through a divisive sermon delivered a few months ago. My unwillingness to concelebrate the Novus Ordo Missae with the local ordinary during Holy Week also upset the bishop. In short, this means that I can offer no public Masses, nor hear confessions, nor publicly preach. I have also been asked to offer a letter of resignation as your pastor to the bishop. Fr. Sean has had his faculties revoked and will be stepping down as your assistant pastor. I will be holding a meeting in the days ahead to explain things further. In the meantime, all public Masses have been cancelled at Our Lady of Lourdes and at Holy Family Oratory. Confessions will not be available, nor any Sacraments outside of the danger of death. I apologize for the abruptness of this news, but I was only made aware of the penalty this afternoon. 

The bishop is presently seeking an arrangement for the offering of future Latin Masses and Sacraments in another location with another priest to minister to your needs. There are Masses available at Old St. Mary’s Church in Cincinnati, OH (Weekday Masses and Saturday: 7:15 AM / Sunday Masses 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM). Confessions are also available at Old St. Mary’s (Monday-Friday from 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM / Sundays 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM). 


At this time, I am seeking legal advice from our canon lawyer. Please pray for me and Fr. Sean as we try to deal with this cross. Know that I will be praying for you in this most difficult time. You are the best parishioners that any priest could ever have. We are being tested right now with a cross. Realize that the cross is the instrument of salvation. The Lord must love us because He has presented us with the gift of a cross. Remember the story of the Society of Jesus a few centuries back. Wanting to keep peaceful relations with certain Catholic Kingdoms, Pope Clement XIV succumbed to political pressures and suppressed the Jesuits. Clement issued a document called  Dominus ac Redemptor on July 21, 1773, which formally suppressed the Society of Jesus. It is said that when the document was officially read in various Jesuit religious houses, the reader would ask the Jesuit priests and brothers whether they accepted the Pope’s decision. And the reports tell us that these great men cried out aloud, yes, willingly.

I will be writing another email in the days ahead in order to let you know the date and time of an upcoming meeting where further information will be provided. 


In Jesus and Mary,

Fr. Shannon M. Collins, MSJB

  • We had no appointments but we were going to go to do some research.
  • We wanted to see if anyone could help us there in Rome b/c that is how things get done there.
  • Most things get done over spaghetti and wine.
  • Sometimes things like this just don’t blow over.
  • We have no canonical standings period so our cases are very very different.
  • Father Sean and Father Shannon are members of the public association of the faithful, both members of the Fathers of Mercy.
  • Dates back to the 19th Century in Europe and now based there and in Kentucky.
  • Then they both became very devoted Traditionalist. 
  • Notice both Fathers have their faculties suspended.
  • There is a reason for why one was asked to step down and submit his resignation.
  • Clearly everyone agreed he violated the Bishops rights in the case of Bishop Strickland.
  • A similar situation exists w/ Bishops and their Pastors.
  • Once appointed they are only supposed to be removed w/ cause.
  • It takes a conical removal. 
  • Suppressing a parish – that is a headache that no one wants, trust me.
  • The Missionaries of St John the Baptist – they are no more than a public association of the faithful.
  • To erect a new religious congregation you have to get permission from Rome.
  • They are going to a Canon lawyer to see what their next steps are.
  • The Bishop made an administrative decision not yet a penal decision.
  • These things become protracted and in todays environment I don’t know much that can be expected.
  • Tonight’s ReConquest 405 – Scandal and Your Salvation
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Meta-tags for showReConquest, Brother Andre Marie, St John the Baptist, Fathers of Mercy, Father Shannon Collins, Catholicism, natural born citizen, MSNBC, Nikki Haley, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Fantasy Island, immigration, border crisis, Bishop Strickland, Josiah Lippincott, Kamala Harris, Robin M Itzler, Allianz Oliver Bate, Nancy Pelosi, impeachment, COVID, mRNA, New Hampshire, Iowa, Tucker Carlson, Sarah Snook, Savannah Hulsey Pointer, World Economic Forum

The Mike Church Show