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The Mike Church Show-The New Line From The Democrat Sense, We See KKKlan People

micMike Churchtoday08/20/2024 21

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    The Mike Church Show-The New Line From The Democrat Sense, We See KKKlan People Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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19mDNC in Chicago Day 1

  • Basically a bash Donald Trump night.

November 1, 2016 – You will hear Gretchen Whitmer 


  • Last night they claimed that Donald Trump has KKK members that support him.
  • Well you know the Democrats have people that claim to be puppies.
  • ANTIFA and BLM burned entire cities to the ground and they are for the Democrat party.
  • So what if the KKK is pro-Trump?
  • They pay taxes.
  • Do they not get a vote?
  • When was the last time the KKK actually marched in their white hoods?
  • When was the last time the KKK strung someone from a tree in the town square?
  • The entire DNC was abandon all hope and there is no future children.
  • They claimed Kamala Harris is a JOYOUS person.
  • Did you know that Joe Biden didn’t speak until 11pm.
  • What is prime time?
  • He wasn’t even allowed prime time.
  • They allowed him to speak but they put him in the slot where no one would watch.
  • All of this was going on last night at the DNC while Trump was in Pennsylvania.
 Attempted Assassination News –

  • There is no doubt for me now that the FBI was for sure in on it.
  • There is no doubt at least a few Secret Service members were in on it.
  • They recruited themselves a patsy.
  • Someone who would fly under the radar.
  • Someone that could put a MAGA style t-shirt and not be noticed.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Thomas Matthew Crooks is on camera form a bystander calmly walking down the Trump row of tents. 

  • This is my takeaway, he doesn’t have a backpack, he is just walking amongst the people. 
  • 7/10 of a mile is where his car is parked.
  • Don’t they do sweeps of these places?
  • Where would he have stashed a backpack large enough to conceal the gun he used.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
37mDNC in Chicago

  • It is a coven of malthusian killers.
  • Their entire platform is death.
  • Nancy Pelosi said last night that ‘for the good of the party’ they had to go with someone other than Joe Biden.
  • Joe Biden is the one THEY installed!













HEADLINE: The Weirdness of Manufactured Joy by Sasha Stone

Follow her on Substack –

  • Congratulations to all of you who supported the Democrats. You won. You should be very proud of yourselves. You won in your singular support of Joe Biden for the presidency.
  • You won in how you attacked any primary candidate who might challenge him, you know, the one guy who told the truth about Biden’s cognitive decline? Dean Phillips? What a terrible person he was for saying the Emperor had no clothes.
  • You did it! You won the primary for Joe Biden. You had an entire press corp – and an army of supporters – to deflect from accusations that there was anything wrong with him. Those are deep fakes, they proclaimed. When any outlet would write a column that Joe Biden should step down or that he was not fit to hold power anymore, off with their heads! You would threaten to cancel your subscription and bully those reporters on Twitter.
  • This is not a good position to be in.
  • They allowed the old man to go out and debate Trump.
  • Was that all by design b/c the old man wouldn’t do well?
  • Did Jill not know she was on national TV when she said “You did it Joe, you answered all the questions?”
  • They are content w/ just putting the old man out to pasture.
  • Nancy Pelosi had her fingers all over this.
  • The place they messed up is not having Kamala all ready to go.
  • Where is the FEC on the exchange of money from the Biden campaign to Harris?
  • I don’t think they told the old man how he got installed.
  • I think they allowed him to think he actually won.
  • Biden has so much anger for Trump and you can see that w/ the anger he still has.
  • All the while, they will continue to demonize, dehumanize, and disenfranchise the other half of the country they genuinely believe is the second confederacy, the evil racists, the bad things who must not ever have any representation, not in government, not in culture, not in education, not anywhere.
  • That statement right there is a great summation of where we are today in America.
  • Democracy has to be defended after all.
  • There is no middle ground w/ people that want you dead!
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


DNC in Chicago

National Radio Day

Cardinal Blaze Cupich – gave the opening invocation last night at the DNC.

  • You wanna’ know why Catholics aren’t a political voice in this country any longer?
  • Just take a look at Cupich.
  • That isn’t faithful going to Mass every Sunday, there are 38 million Catholics in this country.
  • That is a voting block that you cannot overcome.
  • So why not use that to the advantage of Our Lord?
  • Cardinal Cupich has the chance to say ‘We begin all things as we must…In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.’
  • Now not everyone loves Bishop Barron but what he says you can’t fundamentally disagree with.
  • This was a massively missed opportunity for the Catholic faith.
  • Culture of life was mentioned in his invocation speech.
  • There was no condemnation that there was an abortion on the go mobile unit out front.
  • No mention on the vasectomy van out front either.
  • Contrast that to the RNC w/ the Archbishop Jerome E Listecki of Milwaukee. 


BACK to Sasha Stone Substack

  • Is America perfect? Of course not. Has it always been fair? No. Not even a little bit. But that’s where we should aim. So that anyone from anywhere can make it if they work hard enough and are good enough at what they do. It should not be about condemning that one gift we’re all born with when we’re born in America: that we can be anything regardless of our skin color or gender.
  • Being handed a win isn’t a win. It’s a Band-Aid. It’s a mask. It’s a virtue signal that everyone pretends to go along with, all the while keeping the same powerful people in power. Nothing changes except appearances.
  • It was all Trump hatred last night at the DNC.
  • There was no Joy!
  • They are happy because they believe they are the Good People doing Good Things by throwing the other half of the country away like human garbage. They are the good people when they end careers overnight because someone made a joke they deemed offensive. They are the good people who have infused their dogma into every movie, every television show, every ad, and in all of the public schools.
  • I have spent the last four years trying to offer some hope for those Americans who are treated like they are no longer welcome in their own country. They’re racists, they are told, because they aren’t fully on board with the program. Racists even when they’re Clarence Thomas. Racists even if they are Vivek Ramaswamy. They are the bad thing if they want a different America, out from under this new cult-like religion that has overtaken the Left.
  • The Democrat machine better hope Kamala doesn’t pull this off.
  • If this party gets Kamala Harris elected as President, there will not be a US to preside over.
  • The American people will not allow this to stand another 4 years.
  • The American people will revolt in the form of secession.
  • State by state will leave the old Union and you will have Kamala presiding over NOTHING!
  • If they take power illicitly they will rule illicitly. 
  • I think the Democrats better pray this doesn’t come to fruition. 
  • The problem w/ most people is they care too much about this world.
  • Seek ye first the Kingdom of God!
  • Lose all care for how others see you.
  • You don’t need human respect to get into Heaven. 
  • What is scary about Making America Great Again? 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at




AUDIO/VIDEO: Super Cut of How Main Stream Media Treats Walz v Vance

  • So the left is trying to portray Walz as Americas dad, basically a left MAGA guy.
  • They are literally neutering men in front of the DNC so they don’t want anymore Tim Walz dads right?!
  • What is the ‘media’ today is just a conglomerate of clicks and likes.
  • It doesn’t exist to be a conduit of news and truth.
  • It is dramatic headlines worded for their base.
  • It is a conduit for what then?
  • Lies and misinformation and just plain brainwashing.
  • Now it is called grooming.
  • QUESTION: What are they grooming you to be?
  • ANSWER: One of them.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Casey Means MD w/ Tucker Carlson – The Pharma Treadmill30% of teens are now pre-diabetic, 74% of American adults are overweight or obese, Autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally compared to 1 in 1500 in the not so distance past. The thing that people need to understand is that all of these conditions are caused or driven by the exact same thing, which is metabolic dysfunction. This core foundational issue of how our bodies on the cellular level function, which is driven by our toxic food system and out toxic environment. 

  • So what is going on with our food supply?
  • This is important stuff.
  • They are slowly killing us with the food we eat.
  • We as a country are not growing our own food anymore.
  • We rely on the big farmers in Big Ag to feed us.
  • One Sonic, single patty cheeseburger = 712 calories.
  • That is why we are obese.
  • That is why our country is unhealthy. 
  • Being healthy and not fat are hard. 
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi at DNC in Chicago – Joe Biden Dropping Out – He made the decision for the country. My concern was not about the president it was about his campaign.

  • So she makes the distinction here that it wasn’t Biden or his illness, it was that she didn’t think his campaign was good enough.
  • I don’t understand why the strategy wasn’t just leave the old man in, send Kamala out for most campaign stops and after he is sworn in, let Kamala rule?
  • Why wouldn’t they just install Kamala once the win was secured by Biden?
  • Are these people saying Kamala can and will win the same people that said Hillary Clinton was going to win?
  • I remember a lot of you guys though Hillary was going to beat Trump.
  • They are currently having Trump debate Tulsi Gabbard in the wings to prepare for his upcoming Kamala debate.
  • #1 He is 6’3” and Tulsi is 5’3” closer to Kamala’s height
  • #2 He has to not appear to be the big mean bad Orange man.
  • They are using Tulsi to practice against responding to a woman.
  • The first press conference he did was throw McCain under the bus, he wasn’t on point or topic there either.
  • At times he goes off script and isn’t always on message.
  • He has always been that way.
  • That IS Trump.

AUDIO/VIDEO: ABC Linsey Davis at DNC in Chicago – KKK and Donald Trump – A month ago KKK protestors marched in the street w/ their white robes on and showed support for Donald Trump.

  • The KKK gets the right to march in the streets just like the BLM and ANTIFA are allowed to do so as well.
  • Again they can only campaign on how much they hate Trump.
  • They can’t campaign on economy, the border or inflation.
  • Can you campaign against yourself.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Chicago Resident – Migrant Crisis – I will tell you right now, I live on the south side of Chicago. The migrants that came in, we felt sorry for them b/c they came in when it was cold and they were out here in tents. Then we found out they were getting $15,000 in EBT and $5,000 in cash. Then they are also getting their first 2 years rent paid and free internet. We are in the middle of a housing crisis. Why do they get all this stuff and they aren’t from here? 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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AUDIO/VIDEO: CNN Chris Wallace at DNC in Chicago – Selfless Joe Biden – The word everybody is using to describe tonight is bittersweet but it is just bitter. The fact of the matter, I’m not saying Joe Biden is bitter, but it’s like you’ve been thrown out of a window, and as you’re falling you go gee…it’s nice out here. He was basically forced out by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries. And I suspect even the fact that there has been this surge of enthusiasm since he left & Kamala too his place, that’s got to be pretty tough.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden at DNC in Chicago – Fights the Teleprompter and Loses – Women are now without electrical…no allowed, excuse me, not without electoral….(long pause) or political power.


The Left Hates Us

  • If you think of the other half of the other country and you hate us so much and accuse us of being KKK members, why wouldn’t you treat us w/ the same disdain if you gained political power?
  • We were kicked off of YouTube and all we did was interview Dr Peter McCullough and seek the truth as to what was actually going on during COVID.
  • We questioned the ruling elites and we questioned if they really had our health in mind.
  • How fast have we forgotten about the COVID lockdowns and restrictions the left imposed on us?
  • The work mandates of vaccinate or lose your job.
  • QUESTION: Who was one of the primary forces that mandated all of this?
  • ANSWER: Biden/Harris
  • Who were the media outlets that had DEATH COUNTERS on their screens?
  • The MSM told us it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated!
  • They showed us during COVID just how far they were willing to go to get rid of us.
  • We will fight them.


VIDEO: Thomas Matthew Crooks – Rally attendee cellphone footage of Crooks meandering at 4:36pm, walking toward the ARG building.

  • What stands out about this video?
  • He is not carrying a backpack at this time.
  • Why hasn’t the MSM reported on the white van?
  • Why has this story died down?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Hillary Clinton at DNC in Chicago – Donald Trump On The Run – Donald only cares about himself. On her first day in court Kamala said 5 words that still guide her. Kamala Harris, for the people. That is something Donald Trump will never understand. We have him on the run now. 

  • Of course you have him ‘on the run’, you did try to shoot him.
  • There is nothing to this Donald doesn’t care about the American people.
  • There is a mountain of evidence that says otherwise. 


HEADLINE: The Vendée by Dwight Sutherland 

  • These are only a few of the items on the Cultural Marxist Smorgasbord that are offered up constantly by an institution that I used to support generously. Nowadays, however, the message to me as a straight, white, cis-gendered male is that my beliefs can not only be disregarded but I can be made to feel responsible for all the suffering and injustice in the world.
  • We are trapped in a Vendée of the spirit. Those in authority—culturally, economically, and politically—want us dead, along with everyone and everything we hold dear.
  • Compromise is impossible with people who want to kill you. Discussion is impossible with those who deny objective reality when it does not align with their political beliefs. I worry about the future of the country. Are we like the doomed counter-revolutionaries of the Vendée of two hundred years ago?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
