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The Mike Church Show-The Turning Point Convention Literally Was A Turning Point

micMike Churchtoday06/17/2024 47 2

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    The Mike Church Show-The Turning Point Convention Literally Was A Turning Point Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

HEADLINE: Gender, family, reproductive issues and the 2024 election by Pew Research Center

  • Yet  majorities of both candidates’ supporters say that the gains women have made in society have not come at the expense of men.
  • Nearly two years after the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision that guaranteed a right to abortion, the issue continues to divide the two coalitions: Biden supporters overwhelmingly say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while a narrower majority of Trump backers say it should not.
  • But the two groups generally share the view that birth control and access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) should be widely available. Majorities of both Biden and Trump supporters view the broad availability of birth control as a good thing and say the same about access to IVF.
1h19mTurning Point USA – Detroit Michigan

  • Greatest LIVE oration I have ever seen.
  • That man can work a crowd and a room.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Turning Point Action – Dr Ben Carson – Trump Not Typical Politician – Trump isn’t your typical politician. I think people genuinely know that he cares. He’s not just using people like typical politicians do. That is why the people in the Bronx and elsewhere recognize what is going on.

  • I was there and I can tell you Donald Trump knows exactly how to work a crowd.
  • He knows how to make YOU feel important for that moment.
  • This is a gift, you can’t teach that. 
  • You either have it or you don’t.
  • The COBO Center is massive so my estimate was 20,000-25,000 people could fit in there.
  • They had it set up like a convention.
  • We made so many connections at this event.
  • Everyone was so friendly there.
  • The last 10 minutes of that speech was unscripted.
  • He did such a great job.
  • Orange man bad was truly orange – he was so committed to this.
  • He showed leadership, he showed he loved this country and he loves the people of this country.
  • I think he will figure all of this out folks.
  • What is California going to do when Trump is inaugurated and he starts rolling back the Federal subsidies and the things Biden has enabled these liberals to do?
  • That political class hates humanity, they actually hate you.
  • California is over a trillion dollars in the hole.
  • There is no way they can survive w/o Federal government money.
  • They are heavily subsidized. 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 HEADLINE: Gender, family, reproductive issues and the 2024 election by Pew Research Center



Caller Robert K from Michigan

  • The more local people running for representation.
  • The lady w/ conjoined twins, Nicole LeBlanc was a great interview.
  • I thought Heather Smiley was a great interview.
  • I think Heather is going to take out Debbie.
  • I talked to her before and after the interview.
  • Some of the other people were asking stupid questions like what’s your favorite color.
  • We had Mike Lindell and some really great big names swing by and talk to us.
  • It was a great event honestly.
  • The amount of cellphone usage – they were just on their phones the whole time and not enjoying the moment w/ their eyes. 
  • I have seen Trump 3 times now and this was by far the BEST one.
  • He doesn’t lose anyones attention.
  • He is kinda’ mesmerizing.
  • It all depends on what he actually does w/ everything he spoke about.
  • The stand out moment was he (Donald Trump Jr) said we didn’t realize what we were getting into the first time.
  • I think if he gets in the second time he needs to have the mindset I TRUST NO ONE!
 HEADLINE: California woman, 71, mauled to death in state’s first fatal black bear attack by Dani Anguiano 

  • There are plenty to eat in the California Sierra Nevada mountains.
  • Plenty of smaller animals etc.
  • This bear stalked her and kept coming back to her home.
  • They found her mauled to death in her home.




Peoples Convention – Turning Point USA Detroit Michigan 

  • On the program we saw that on Sunday the schedule stated there was a Catholic Mass.
  • So we all thought that is wonderful in room 321 there would be a Catholic Mass.
  • So secret service kicked us out on Saturday night after the speech so we couldn’t pack things up.
  • We got there on Sunday to pack up and decided to head to the Mass they offered in room 321.
  • When we got there we say the chalice veil and I immidately knew it was going to be a Latin Mass.
  • There were over 200 people there, standing room only.
  • There were people there that definitely weren’t TLM average goers.
  • They had people in tank tops and such but there were women in veils and long dresses as well.
  • I hope someone recorded his homily b/c it was amazing.
2h27mAUDIO/VIDEO: Turning Point Action – Alex Jones – Who Our Enemies Are – There is massive pressure on our arrogant enemies everywhere. They are in direct war w/ We The People, so this fight for America is key not just for us, but the entire world.

  • We need to get our name out there folks.
  • The Crusade Radio Network – we need more ears.
  • This is what we learned at this convention.
  • We are actually all in this together.
  • They can’t beat us if we stand together!
  • They know it and it has them scared.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Turning Point Action – Alex Jones The answer to 1984 is 1776. This is the answer to their 1984 nonsense is 1776. 

  • Why did I call my movie Spirit of ’76?
  • I got it from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote.
  • He said he believed our side was filled w/ the spirit of ’76!
  • What did Jefferson mean by that exactly?
  • I’m not sure this is a revolution revolution.
  • They were just stating ancient political amendments.
  • It isn’t a revolutionary statement.
  • Lee Resolution – 
  • In the early 1770s, more and more colonists became convinced that the British Parliament intended to take away their freedom. After fighting broke out in Massachusetts in the spring of 1775, the King declared the colonists “in a state of open and avowed rebellion.” For the first time, many colonists began to seriously consider cutting ties with Britain.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
2h49mAUDIO/VIDEO: Turning Point Action – Donald Trump – Manufacturing Jobs – We created half a million manufacturing jobs in 3 short years. We lifted up all Americans – black, brown, white and everybody else. Everyone was doing great.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Turning Point Action – Donald Trump – First Things When Elected – Upon my inauguration, we will throw out Bidenomics and replace it w/ MAGAnomics. The food numbers, the energy numbers are crazy and Joe has no plan. 

  • Over the course of the summer I think the Biden Regime is going to resort to violence.
  • They keep claiming we are going to do it and that is projection b/c they are going to do it.
  • The Conservatives or those opposed to the global stuff are winning elections all over the world.
2h53mAUDIO/VIDEO: Harbor Sheriff Gahler – Rachel Morin KillingShe was killed by an illegal alien who fled El Salvador in 2023 after killing a woman there. We are 1,800 miles from the border. 

How can the left discount or dismiss these murders that are being committed by these illegals?

  • This isn’t a one off folks.
  • This is happening all over our country.
  • Some people think this is being done so the assets will be in place for the Summer of Hate that is going to come.
  • Imagine a scenario 1968 Chicago – 
  • What if the illegals start violence against us and it spills over into the Democrat convention?
  • The MSM will record it and they will say it was done by MAGA people.
  • Mark it dude.
  • This is what is going to happen and people will die as a result of it.
  • What kind of monsters do we have in the left?
  • We have a right to and the expectation of being safe in our homes and our towns and communities. 
  • This man, his party and his allies are behind all of this.
  • They have already declared war on you and I.
  • These are the enemies of all things beautiful.
  • This isn’t the Nazi’s vs the Russians.
  • You don’t have to be under a flag for these people to want to kill you.
  • You just have to be in their way.
  • We should all be living in abject horror.
  • This is Good v Evil.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show