
The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The War Party Wants Another War, This Time With Iran

micMike Churchtoday01/31/2024 49

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    The Mike Church Show-The War Party Wants Another War, This Time With Iran Mike Church

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Bombing Iran Off The Face Of Earth

  • When America doesn’t project strength does bad things happen?
  • What about when Americans just mind their own business?
  • Can we fight this many wars?
  • Is our military what it used to be?
  • What is Rep Cornyn main concern?
  • Retaliation against Iran.
  • He doesn’t seem to care about the Southern border in the United States.
  • So why do we have so many US Troops in Iraq and Iran?
  • Those poor US Troops are stationed there as bait.
  • They are left there, if the US does something wrong and that area strikes those over there, there we are…officially in retaliation mode and you get your war.

HEADLINE: SITREP 1/28/24: US Troops Suffer Fatalities in Strikes as Escalation Grows by Simplicius The Thinker

  • We used to buy oil from the Saudi Arabians.
  • The British bought a lot more than we did.
  • How would you get the oil from the House of Saud to a refinery in New Jersey?
  • A large sailing vessel.
  • This sounds to me like that is a long way to go and many things can happen right?
  • QUESTION: What is the original purpose of the U.S. Navy?
  • David Glasgow Farragut (July 5, 1801 – August 14, 1870) was a flag officer of the United States Navy during the American Civil War. He was the first rear admiral, vice admiral, and admiral in the United States Navy. 
  • Does Saudi Arabia have a Navy?
  • Our soldiers over there are simply bait.
  • We have to have the outrage porn pushed by MSM when our soldiers are murdered over there.
  • How did these drones get passed our surface to air missile system?
  • Are we all living in a fantasy land when it comes to just how powerful our military is?

HEADLINE: Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for drone attack in Jordan-Syria border by The Business Standard 

  • At the end of the day what do we have here?
48mHEADLINE: First human has received Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chip implant with ‘terrified’ fans warning ‘first cyborg is born’ by Isabelle Hajek 

  • The company previously said that the Neuralink mission is to restore autonomy to individuals who have “unmet medical needs,” with a vision to “unlock human potential” in the future.
  • The brain chip has 1,000 electrodes and hopes to help people wirelessly perform computer functions simply by thinking via a “think-and-click” mechanism. 
  • So if a loved one in your family had issues, would you contemplate inserting a Neuralink if it meant it would help them?
  • Apparently Musk is having issues of finding people who want to fund this endeavor. 
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


HEADLINE: What they REALLY mean by “fighting obesity” by Kit Knightly 

High Fructose Corn Syrup – 

  • A person from Italy comes to the states and stays for 2 weeks at a time.
  • Each time she gains at least 7 pounds. 
  • Why is that?
  • She is eating the same type stuff so what is IN the food here vs over there?
  • The newest ‘weight loss’ phenom is Ozempic. 
  • Obesity – of course there was no mention of the idea that maybe the chemicals in ultra processed food that make people obese might also give them cancer, because that’s not the agenda.
  • They are shilling the myth that obesity is entirely genetic and therefore “not your fault”, so that people will take medications instead of just going on a diet. 
1h43mADUIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi on Protestors for Hamas and Israel For them to call for a ceasefire is Mr. Putin’s message. I think some of these protestors are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some I think are connected to Russia. I’m going to ask the FBI to check into it. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK 2020 Joe BidenI have been saying Donald Trump is going to get us into a war in Iraq. I’m afraid he is going to get us into a war. 

  • There is something very wrong when you have Nancy Pelosi out there saying there is nothing wrong w/ Biden and he is fine cognitively. 
  • Is this the best the Democrat party can put forward?
  • The generation that is supposed to take over is incapable of taking over.
  • The generation of these 20-40 cannot be trusted w/ political power.
  • Not that they are predisposed to evil, it is b/c they have been taught that nature is not reality.
  • They have been taught reality is whatever they think it is!
1h53mAUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Joe Kent“The people that are arguing that we should forfeit our own territorial integrity for the territorial integrity of Ukraine or the Jordanian border. Those are the people that will call us traitors, especially when the vast majority of them arguing for this have never had any skin in the game.”

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Joe Kent “We just lost three Americans defending the Jordanian-Syrian border. Our border is wide open … 10 million illegal invaders have come into our country. Where are the priorities of our ruling class? I think it’s absolutely evil.”

  • Many Americans don’t know the history of the Muslims.
  • They don’t really know what is in the Quran. 
  • Minnesota is FILLED w/ a massive Muslim population.
  • Hell we have some that are members of Congress.
  • Muslims practice Taqiyya.
  • The Muslim practice of lying. 
  • Their goal all along is CONQUEST.
  • There are 3 phases Muslims use to conquer a nation.
 HEADLINE: The Death of Citizenship by Steve McCann

  • How many of you have an American Passport?
  • If citizenship doesn’t matter, why do we need one to travel to another country?
  • What is the most powerful passport? 
  • 1. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain
  • 2. Finland, South Korea, Sweden
  • 3. Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands
  • 4. Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Untied Kingdom
  • 5. Greece, Malta, Switzerland 
  • 6. Australia, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Poland
  • 7. Canada, Hungary, United States
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana 
 Top 10 Passports – 188 destinations w/ an American passport

  • What are the 6 nations we aren’t welcome but France is? 
  • Neologism – a newly coined word or expression
  • I ustacoulda – When I was younger I could have….
 Donald Trump 

  • His book The Art of the Deal – it came out what 37 years ago?





















HEADLINE:  The Death of Citizenship by Steve McCann

  • What makes one a citizen?
  • If you go abroad they ask you where you are from you don’t typically say Louisiana you say The United States or the States.
  • What is the distinction here?
  • What are the duties of a citizen and what are the rights of a citizen?
  • Duty – privileges and immunities, free association and freedom of speech
  • What about the common good?
  • That good that elevates ALL men EQUALLY. 
  • Not liberty, not freedom but where you spend ETERNITY. 
  • A citizen can be drafted.
  • They can be called to die for his homeland.
  • What country can place you in its army under its commander and chief?
  • That is where you are the citizen of.
  • How many of the young people here in the states take this topic seriously?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator from Tennessee Bill Hagerty  In our nation today, we count the number of people, not the number of citizens, for the purpose of allocating congressional districts and electoral votes. What we’re seeing is the Democrats abusing the system by creating sanctuary cities in blue states that are literally losing citizens every day to states like mine. What’s happening is cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York are acting as magnets to attract illegal immigrants. Those immigrants are then being counted in the populations of California, Illinois, New York, and other cities for the purposes of allocating congressional districts and electoral votes. As a result, the limousine liberal in California has much more power in their vote than the single mom in Tennessee. 

  • Apportionment – most of this will end.
  • Would bills get passed? NOPE
  • No one here on this station has ever said you HAVE to vote.
  • These people are migrants!
  • These people aren’t coming here for a brief period of time then going back to their homeland.
  • They are illegally trespassing. 

HEADLINE: ICE, CBP to stop using ‘illegal alien’ and ‘assimilation’ under new Biden administration order by Maria Sacchetti 

  • Just more of the left taking over the language and changing it to make it something else.
  • Most times something more pleasant. 
  • Like pro-choice instead of dismembering an unborn child.
  • Gay marriage, gay person etc
  • 5 of the 10 amendments focus on the CITIZENS rights.
  • Why don’t the current citizens of Madisonville LA, why don’t I have a say in this area I moved to, built a life here, why don’t I have a say in who else gets to move here?
 HEADLINE: Leadership Of Major US Landowner Chock-Full Of Chinese Communist Party Members by Philip Lenczycki

  • WH Group controls nearly 150,000 acres of land across 29 U.S. states through its subsidiary Smithfield Foods, a family-run business established in 1936, which it purchased for $7.1 billion in 2013. While a keyword search on Smithfield’s website returned only two articles mentioning the firm’s relationship with WH Group, neither of the two articles mentioned China. An online map of Smithfield’s global business activities does not list any operations in, or connection to, Asia, despite archived reports from their website suggesting otherwise. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Matt Walsh on the Moon LandingWe have more evidence of the moon landing than that George Washington even existed. The moon landing deniers are helping the bored spoils people seeking to erase the accomplishments of western civilization.  

Helium 3 – H3 – Triatomic Hydrogen 

  • It cannot be made here in this atmosphere.
  • It can exist here but cannot be made here.
  • Where did we discover it? 
  • In a moon rock.
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Meta-tags for showmoon landing, Matt Walsh, George Washington, H3, moon rock, Philip Lenczycki, CCP, Smithfield Foods, China, Maria Sacchetti, ICE, CBP, equality, DEI, southern border, immigration, migrants, Steve McCann, Senator Bill Hagerty, citizenship, Donald Trump, triatomic hydrogen, Iran, Iraq, US Military, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, E Jean Carroll, Simplicius The Thinker, David Glasgow Farragut, Saudi Arabia, LNG, Tucker Carlson, Joe Kent, Nancy Pelosi, Kit Knightly, obesity, high fructose corn syrup, Isabelle Hajek, Islamic Resistance, United States Navy, Jordan, Syria, NATO, Vladimir Putin, LGBTQ, Ozempic

The Mike Church Show