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The Mike Church Show-Today Is Biden’s D-Day

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    The Mike Church Show-Today Is Biden’s D-Day Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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1st Presidential Debate Tonight in Atlanta

  • So there is a pair of moderators.
  • There will be 29 fact checkers.
  • There will be 2 podiums. 
  • There will be 2 microphones.
  • Microphones will be muted between questions so the other person can respond w/o interruptions. 

HEADLINE: Biden–Trump First Debate: Here’s What You Need to Know and How to Watch It by Emel Akan and Janice Hisle 

  • Remember they said that Donald Trump would get tired of this president thing.
  • That after he lost in 2020 he would just go away.
  • Why does he continue?
  • It can’t be b/c he is padding his fortune.
  • Can you imagine what it has cost him just in court issues b/w the attorneys and all that?
  • Why does his MAGA base stay?
  • Why didn’t they abandon him after he was convicted?
  • Why did people jump on board after his convictions?
  • If anyone has anything to lose it is Biden.
  • His campaign is failing, his policies are failing, his border polices are a complete failure so he is the one that has to put on a good show tonight.
  • The Democrats have always taken the black votes for granted.
  • They hold the key to all the government handouts for the blacks so they automatically assume all blacks will vote Democrat.
  • Debt added recently – 
  • Joe Biden has spent over 50 years in Congress and Senate and the WH, he is more responsible for the debt than Trump.
  • He has ‘worked’ in politics his entire life. 
 Tucker Carlson Australian Freedom Conference
27mRedistribution of Wealth

Illegal Immigration

  • I think people have just seen enough of it.
  • Abject poverty is a very big motivator for the average human.
  • I think we are at the “okay it is time to do something about this now”.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2











Lefts and Racism

  • You look at the example of the great state of Texas, they aren’t seeing race there.
  • There is something beyond race that draws human beings together.
  • I don’t think race is a good organizing factor.
  • The organizing factor is culture.
  • The formation.
  • The formation of souls and intellects. 
  • This is a thing across all of Texas.
  • The mingling of European whites and the indigenous people of South America.
  • QUESTION: Are there racist in Texas?
  • ANSWER: Of course there are racists everywhere, in every state, in every city.
  • No one is looking at Alexis Nungaray by race, they simply see a grieving mother who happens to be of Latin decent. 
  • We are tired, we are done of being accused of things we didn’t do.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Australian Freedom Conference at Hyatt Hotel Canberra – Immigrant Question 

Journalist – How Europeans are being replaced, you mentioned 4,000 times on your show that whites are being replaced. 

Tucker – I have said native born Americans, that includes blacks, native Americans etc. The US population is growing only b/c we are importing them. Happy people have children. You don’t go for the quick fix of importing people. 

  • This interaction b/w Tucker and this ‘journalist’ tells you all you need to know about media these days.
  • We didn’t even have the terminology of hate crime until Joe Biden made it so.
  • This journalist couldn’t go off the script.
  • Notice she had written questions, she couldn’t speak off the cuff like Tucker did.
  • She just has talking points.
  • She just wanted to go in there and have him cower to her b/c she was going to imply he was a racist.
  • That word is supposed to install fear in us all.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.




AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Australian Freedom Conference at Hyatt Hotel Canberra – Putin & COVID Vaccine

Journalist – You’ve preempted my question on Putin.

Tucker – Yeah, Putin he is so bad! Did he make you take the COVID shot?

Journalist – The COVID shot saved probably tens of millions of lives!

Tucker – Oh yeah definitely. Safe & effective. This is why everyone loves the media. It’s like a time capsule. It’s like you’re like the last Japanese soldier in Okinawa and you think the war is still going on.

QUESTION: What stands out about this the most to you?

  • One but two of the people at that conference, were unhumans as Jack Posobiec would call them.
  • Why are they unhumans?
  • They brought no passion to this discussion.
  • All they did was bring talking points.
  • How is that these Australian reporters sound like American Communist party?
  • The Communist party sounds the same in any country, in any organization, they all tow the same Communist party line.
  • The questions they ask have a predetermined answer.
  • The only people out there encouraging hate are those that don’t live in reality.
  • There was a law passed in the state of California, if you were drunk and you hit a pregnant woman and that crash caused her to lose her baby, it counted as a human.
  • But they also have abortion laws on the books that state it isn’t a human.
 Presidential Debate

  • This is a 3 on 1 debate and the only way it is possible for Biden to come out a winner is if Trump does something super disastrous.
  • Biden will win in the MSM just by showing up, not passing out and/or falling off the stage.
  • What about the negative impact on what government has done?
  • Name one vocation that is better off for having government step in and ‘help’.
  • Everything government touches goes to shit.
  • Jake Tapper – 
1h27mHEADLINE: Hey Janet Yellen, here is why Americans ARE feeling the effects of inflation in the grocery store even if you aren’t by Tilly Armstrong 

  • Remember the old Price Is Right game where you had to say if the showing price for the grocery store item was higher or lower?

HEADLINE: Alito: Americans Will Regret Court’s Allowance Of ‘Blatantly Unconstitutional’ Censorship by Jordan Boyd 

  • Justice Amy Coney Barrett, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson, officially endorsed the federal government’s widespread attempt to silence dissidents on Wednesday when she concluded that the plaintiffs who brought the case lacked standing because the White House seemingly backed off of its censorship campaign after its 2022 infractions.
  • Alito,  joined in his dissent by Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, wrote that Americans, however, will likely regret the high bench’s decision to rubber stamp “blatantly unconstitutional” abuses, which are likely to continue since they were not punished.
  • Let’s do a Civics 101 on this.
  • Enforce the acts of Congress and to carry out the will of Congress Washington wrote out Executive Orders.
  • John Adams insisted the leader have a title and that is where President came to be.
  • Are you going to write Executive Orders that do not draw off the responsibilities of the other branches?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at




AUDIO/VIDEO: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo – Illegal Immigration Is Trumps Fault – For me it hurts even more that they are being used as pawns in this fight over immigration that doesn’t even exist b/c Biden and McConnell agree its just that Trump won’t let them move it forward. 

  • We have a real problem here in the United States in our judicial system.
  • This woman is a judge.
  • Trump does not run the Congress ma’am!
  • Trump is one busy guy.
  • He seems to the be reason for all things bad in this world.
  • When the Justice system becomes the arm of a political branch, we have a major issue.
  • This is a new development, they have been working on it for years but this is the result of that.
  • The average American can see that something is horribly wrong.
  • Maybe that is the whole purpose, they want you living in fear.
1h49mAUDIO/VIDEO: VP Kamala Harris on 1st Presidential Debate – Joe Biden in this debate will make clear the contrast. You know, I of the many issues in our country, in our world, that are complex and nuanced, November of 2024 is binary. And when you look at the difference, I would ask people to really imagine what the world will be like on January 20th 2025. On one hand you have Joe Biden who has spent his life and career fighting for the well-being of other people including health care. On the other hand you have the former president who spent full time when he was president trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, which if he is successful would mean over 100 million people would be stripped of health coverage. 

  • There is no policy to discuss here.
  • It is all based on fear.
  • She wants to scare you into voting for Biden b/c you will lose your healthcare if you vote for Trump.
  • See how they ‘rule’?!
  • COVID made people no longer trust people in the medical field.
  • The vaccine finished the job.
  • Most people simply don’t want to go to the hospital anymore.
  • You have to literally be on your death bed to go.
  • People saw how they handled COVID.
  • How many nurses quit b/c of how doctors and hospitals handled COVID?
  • The fact of the matter is, confidence is low for the medical profession now.
1h55mAUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy on CNN – Presidential Debate – I give Trump a lot of credit for doing this debate w/ all the demands imposed. Hosted by CNN, in Atlanta w/o a live audience would be the equivalent of Joe Biden doing a debate hosted by Fox News in Alabama w/ 3,000 live members. If you are going to lead the country, you have to be willing to show up.

  • Vivek is great but he isn’t eligible. 
  • His parents were not natural born citizens at the time of his birth.
  • Unless they amend the Constitution the meaning of NBC means what it has always meant. 
  • I know you don’t want to hear that but it is the truth.
  • If the father is a natural born citizen and the child is born in India, it doesn’t matter, that child is still a natural born citizen.
  • I have read all this and studied all this for years.
  • I’m telling you until this is amended, it clearly states paternity. 






















Steven Mosher 

Author of The Devil and Communist China

  • I was in the operating room and have witnessed them force an abortion on women that were 8 and 9 months pregnant.
  • They forced the one child per family 
  • Through brute force.
  • He turned over all the Japanese war stuff to China.
  • He carried out a very successful campaign here in the United States.
  • He told Americans he was as democrat.
  • China is the biggest killing machine in US history.
  • One Child Nation – Amazon Documentary
  • 3 Magic weapons:
  • Propaganda 
  • United Front Tactics
  • Raw Power
  • We have our own children being propagandized into thinking true evil doesn’t exist and that Communism has never been tried. 
  • Know yourself and know your enemy
  • Americans are naive and easily deceived. 
  • That is how China looks at us.
  • An accurate account of their own history is a threat to their own rule!
  • That is b/c the history is a fabrication.
  • They don’t tell you about how many people they killed in an attempt to build a Utopia! 
  • Mao was one of the most deviant of all people.
  • He said as a young man there were things in the world but he said he had no love for other human beings, everything existed for him.
  • They are always a minority. 
  • The CCP feeds on hate.
  • The great Archbishop Fulton Sheen – Communism is an ideology based on hatred of ones fellow man.
  • Chairman Mao said Communism isn’t love it is a hammer and will destroy its enemy w/ it.
  • Communism always has to have an enemy.
  • 1980 they declared unborn children were the enemy of the state.
  • 400 million children were killed.
  • These people have been propagandized into thinking sacrificing their children was a good thing.
  • Much like the Aztecs thought sacrificing humans would bring rain.
  • NONE of that is true.
  • 5 Year Plans – 
  • There are still 5 year plans in Communist China.
  • 1949 he wanted to go to full-blown Communism overnight.
  • He pushed 400 million Chinese villagers into communes. 
  • It was anything but equal b/c the Communism overlords ran them.
  • 1958 the Communes were formed, they gave the idea that all would be taken care of. 
  • You mortgage, your electric etc but the women had to go to work.
  • 45million people died two years later b/c of mismanagement of the agriculture a Communist made famine. 
  • By 1961 the rest of the world knew all these people were dying. 
  • We said we would ship grain to them and he preferred to sacrifice his own people instead of admit he failed. 
  • I went to China thinking Communism was great.
  • Being in that operating room witnessing the murder of these babies it convinced me to be pro-life, and it convinced me of the existence of God b/c if this kind of evil can exists, there has to be a counter balance. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
 AUDIO/VIDEO: NEW Donald Trump Campaign Ad – One Message To Hold In Your Heart Today

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Donald Trump Fox News Debate – Only Rosie O’Connell.



















Mahgdalen Rose

Political Correspondent

Follow Mahgdalen on social media – @MahgdalenRose

  • How does Biden survive for 90 minutes?
  • Donald Trump stood 15 minutes before speech in Detroit, spoke for 90 then remained on stage throwing hats out for another 15 minutes.
  • We know Donald Trump can do this.

Robert Kennedy Jr – CGI 

  • I think he would be good to have on the stage but I don’t want there to be any confusion as to who came out on top and if RK Jr would be a distraction to that.
  • Democrats have been working hard to keep RFK Jr off the stage because he will pull from Biden.
  • He has been in a battle in Nevada for this too.
  • You can be super interesting but you have to get your signature collection done correctly.
  • At the end of the day he created these circumstances for himself.
  • You shouldn’t have sympathy for him.
  • An agreement b/w Democrats and Republicans that view him skeptically – Speaker Mike Johnson
  • Biden’s push to legalize spouses he isn’t giving anything to immigration, he is going hard in the other direction.
  • Every election cycle all the sudden Republicans want to throw grandma off a cliff.
  • When you look at the polling data on who keeps Americans safe, it is overwhelmingly Republicans.
  • Trump has shied away when discussing himself and his own experience as a father and grandfather and not being the favored son by his father.
  • We aren’t the evil Nazi party.
  • Think back to Obama, he was looked at as a role model.
  • No one is saying Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are role models.
  • Trump is a role model from his business experience etc.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show