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The Mike Church Show-Trump Vows Justice For Another Child Slain By Biden’s Border Bloodbath

micMike Churchtoday04/03/2024 26

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    The Mike Church Show-Trump Vows Justice For Another Child Slain By Biden’s Border Bloodbath Mike Church



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 HEADLINE: Bird Flu Spooks Meat, Milk Traders as Virus Hits Dairy Cows by Gerson Freitas Jr, Michael Hirtzer and Ilena Peng 

  • A virus that has killed millions of birds is spreading among US dairy cows, raising concerns that the outbreak may hurt demand for dairy and beef.
  • Bird flu has been confirmed in dairy cows across several states, with the USDA saying Monday it has been found in New Mexico and five additional herds in Texas. The virus has even infected a person in Texas, while the biggest US egg producer idled a plant after the virus was found in the facility.









Donald Trump Holds Rallies in Michigan and Wisconsin

  • How is Biden beating Trump anywhere where there is civilization and people with at least a brain cell.
  • You nitwits in Wisconsin – what are you doing?

HEADLINE: ‘Protect the Vulnerable’: Why Trump Must Win in 2024 by Jason Jones 

  • By the way in Michigan RFK Jr is polling at 10% and Biden is 36% but Trump is leading with 41%.
  • I think this border thing will turn out to be important for voters.
  • It will be the border and the economy.
  • Let me explain a little bit about what Jason Jones is talking about.
  • Do you remember the Medellin Cartel?
  • What about the Sinaloa Cartel?
  • If there is no Sinaloa Cartel you don’t have the material to make the fentanyl. 
  • Cleveland Texas Massacre – 
  • This cartel actually owns a few small neighborhoods.
  • They buy a few houses and start muscling out American citizens.
  • What Congress should do is issue letters of Marks and Reprisal to Mexico and the Cartels.
  • You put a bounty on their head basically.
  • Do this the right way and get the backing from Congress.
  • Pretend it is 1803 and do it the right, Constitutional way.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Protect the Vulnerable by Catholic Vote  




















Donald Trump

  • Losing the suburban women vote.
  • You can’t live to hate men and abort babies if you have illegals raping, robing and pillaging you.
  • Women want safety above all.
  • He didn’t have their vote before the criminal activities of the illegals. 

HEADLINE: The State of Student Loan Forgiveness: April 2024 by Andrew Gillen via the CATO Institute 

  • Sure you may not have to pay back your student loan but you are still a Barista!
  • You are still working a minimum wage job, renting a closet of an apartment and have no money for anything else b/c inflation is so high.
  • Millions of children took out student loans.
  • Don’t make loans, whatever you do. If you insist on going to college, don’t take out any loans. You will regret it for the rest of your life.
  • Ask anyone that had to make a student loan and is now repaying it if they would do it again.
  • The Biden Regime has succeeded in forgiving $143.6 billion of student loans for around four million borrowers by transferring the responsibility to repay from the students who took out the loans to taxpayers who did not.
  • How can this be after the SCOTUS decision? 
  • The answer is that there isn’t a student loan forgiveness plan, there are many plans, some of which are already up and running. Previous laws had already left a plethora of methods to forgive student loans, and many of those laws give the Secretary of Education the ability to expand those programs.

HEADLINE: Donald Trump and Student Loans by Daniel Oliver 

TOPS – program in Louisiana, if you are a resident you can apply for a TOPS scholarship. 

  • It is partially funded by the state.
  • If you go to college IN STATE it will kick in.
  • One guy was lobbying for this for the culinary and hospitality degrees b/c it was sorely needed in Louisiana. 
  • You aren’t just talking about restaurants but you are talking about major restaurant chains. 
  • There are ways to do this.
  • If these hotels and restaurants want these people to be trained, they should train them.
  • They shouldn’t rely on a University to do that.
  • They should take ownership in the people they employ. 
  • This won’t balance the books but it won’t hurt.
  • End the program of the Federal government giving out student loans.
56mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Grand Rapids, MI – Border – Under Crooked Joe Biden every state is now a border state, every town is now a border state, every town is now a border town b/c Joe Biden has brought the carnage and chaos and killing from all over the world and dumped it straight into our backyards.

  • Some of you may have seen this video, the video of a column of new illegal alien criminal trespassers making their way here.
  • It is miles long, 10-15 people wide and the interstate they are marching on is a 4 lane and only 2 lanes are open. 
  • This is an invading column of new illegals wanting to swim the Rio Grande to come here.
  • We know at least one of the reasons why is b/c of the deal of 8,000 a month under the tag and release program.
  • Folks this is insanity.
  • I feel like I shouldn’t even talk about it anymore because someone has to put an end to this or it will end us.
  • Why don’t these countries want to keep their citizens?
  • What’s wrong with them?
  • When you are counting number like this, people are a resource right?
  • Humans by their existence, they are the resource to any country.
  • They are the ones that PRODUCE the widgets and food and things for a country to survive.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h11mQUESTION:  For those that lived through both times, what was the more significant shift in American culture? 

  1. 9/11
  2. COVID
  • TKD picks 9/11 b/c it gave way to Americans being scared enough to be told what to do during COVID.
  • Hate the sin love the sinner right?
  • You had to be trained that Islam was bad. 
  • Muslims were bad.
  • You were trained to think that right?
  • 9/11 gave us an irrational fear of a certain group of people, Muslims. 
  • COVID gave us an irrational fear of a certain group of people but this time is was of our family members.
  • It is still difficult for me to believe so many smart people fell for the COVID hysteria.
  • They wore the masks, they stood on the circles at checkout stands, they social distanced, they allowed their elderly loved ones to die alone and all this was allowed and done out of fear.
  • Liberals unite people though right?
  • COVID pit family against family.
  • Mothers against children.
  • BOTH were still based on us making knee jerk reactions to FEAR.
1h21mHEADLINE: ‘Protect the Vulnerable’: Why Trump Must Win in 2024 by Jason Jones 

  • Most major Catholic commentators on the border crisis have for decades played the part of Judas, offering impersonal and meaningless kisses to the image of God imprinted on every raped, massacred, and ignored victim of our unsecured border—from the migrant child to the American family.
  • Catholic Vote’s message does just the opposite. It presents American voters with a truly heartfelt love letter to the vulnerable. It invites us to recognize their incomparable dignity as human persons made in the image and likeness of God. And it tells us not to avert our eyes when our brothers and sisters are targeted for crucifixion by the rulers of this world. 
  • This November, the video seems to say, cast your vote at the foot of the Cross.
 Private Property 

  • Understanding this and knowing that without private property you have nothing.
  • We want our state governments to keep out foreign counties like the CCP.
  • We don’t want them having a claim on private property in any aspect.
  • You have to demonstrate you have skin in the game.
  • You have to be here for at least 2 or 3 generations if you want to hold office here in this state. 
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana
 HEADLINE: Democracy in America — Volume 1 by Alexis de Tocqueville via Project Gutenberg

“Who is secure in all his basic needs? Who has work, spiritual care, medical care, housein, food, occasional entertainment, free clothing, free burial, free everything? The answer might be nuns and monks, but the standard reply is ‘prisoners’.” – Eirk von Kuehnelt 















Israel Bombed Embassy

  • Just like inn all the movies you do something in a foreign country or stuff in that foreign country gets hairy, you as an American rush to the Embassy right?
  • The Syrian Embassy Bombing – 

HEADLINE: Iran says Israel bombs its embassy in Syria, kills commanders by Reuters 

  • Are the tides turning and support waining for Israel? 

HEADLINE: The world turns on Israel after World Central Kitchen slaughter: International fury grows, with UK possibly axing arms deals as IDF is accused of war crimes and aid worker death toll exceeds that of any other conflict by Elena Salvoni 

  • The aid convoy of three cars, which were clearly marked as working for the humanitarian organization and moved along an IDF-approved route, was blasted in a ‘triple tap’ strike on Monday.

AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing – Another American Killed by Illegal

Peter Doocy – An illegal immigrant who allegedly murdered a woman in Michigan here name was Ruby Garcia, Trump is calling this Biden’s Border Bloodbath.

Kirby – Why don’t we let the judicial process play out here before we start making grandiose bumper sticker comments about what this says about the border?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump, Grand Rapids, MI – Ruby & LakenWe threw him out and Crooked Joe Biden took him back and let him back in. Ruby’s heinous killing, he had many arrests, he was set loose to roam our streets. I said I will deliver justice for Laken…and now today I’m adding something. It’s going to be for Laken, and it’s also going to be justice for Ruby.

  • I have to ask the question, why do these countries allow their citizens to leave?
  • Because primarily they are criminals.
  • Am I the only one that is curious about this?
  • Why do they so desperately leaving these countries?
  • Are all these people the dregs and low lives of their countries?
 You should all be getting the Premium Stream now, exclusively. If you ever lost it, and believe me you will notice that, that means you’re logged out. So, just login and all will be right with Earth.



Separation of Church and State

  • What is the state?
  • What is the Church?
  • It doesn’t say separation of community.
  • It says the separation of Church and State.
  • The state – don’t confuse the state w/ what you call the government.
  • The state – is a concept, a real one though. It is an entity that manages the corporeal affairs of a community.
  • The two entities respected each other.
  • They have to for a community to work.
  • No one tried to immigrate the Muslims into Spain, they invaded.
  • There wasn’t an immigration policy. 
 Governor Jeff Landry Tweet My mother coached women’s high school basketball during the height of desegregation,  no one has a greater respect for the sport and for Coach Mulkey. However, above respect for that game is a deeper respect for those that serve to protect us and unite us under one flag ! It is time that all college boards, including Regent, put a policy in place that student athletes be present for the national anthem or risk their athletic scholarship! This is a matter of respect that all collegiate coaches should instill.

  • And that is Governor of the great state of Louisiana.
  • He wants all the boards to start telling these punks it is a privilege to play for this state.
  • You need to respect the state, the country or your scholarship is revoked.
  • And that is how you handle that.
2h26mDonald Trump Corruption 

  • It was being rumored that Trump had an affair w/ Stormy Daniels.
  • It is said that Cohen asked Trump for money to basically bribe the MSM not to run w/ the story.
  • There are so many holes in this whole thing.
  • Remember the Steele Dossier?
  • This is basically the same thing but Stormy Gate.
  • Stormy Daniels is a liar just like Michael Cohen.
  • Donald Trump doesn’t do business like this.
  • Anyone that believes this story – 

Julie Kelly Twitter  In 2019/2020, Adam Schiff paid Loren Merchan’s firm $4 million–almost 40% of Schiff’s total disbursements that cycle. At the same time, Schiff was in cahoots with Michael Cohen to take down Donald Trump. Now Loren’s daddy-judge not only is allowing Cohen to testify in “hush money” trial next month (Trump opposes), Judge Juan Merchan issued a gag order last week banning Trump from making critical public statements about Cohen.

  • As if this daughter is some child.
  • She is a 34 year old woman that has made 6 figures working w/ Adam Schiff.
  • There is a complete conflict of interest here w/ her daddy Judge Merchan.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Jill Biden on CBS MorningsAfter the people realize the two choices I think those polls will change. It’s obvious that Joe will win this election.
2h51mJudge Merchan

  • Since 2019, Adam Schiff has paid her company six-figures a month including during the time he led the impeachment against Trump and met several times with Michael Cohen.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump, Grand Rapids, MI – Naval BlockadeWe will stop the plunder, murder and rape in our small towns. We will end sanctuary cities immediately. I will shift resources, and we will impose a Naval blockade.
 HEADLINE: FBI Whistleblowers Call for FACE Act Charges Against Pro-Palestinian Agitators Who Disrupted Easter Vigil Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral by Debra Heine

  • “FACE act violation: ‘WHOEVER—by force or threat of force or by physical obstruction, intentionally injures, intimidates or interferes with or attempts to injure, intimidate or interfere with any person lawfully exercising or seeking to exercise the First Amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship,’” Seraphin wrote on Easter Sunday, quoting from the statute.
  • In January, six pro-life activists who engaged in a peaceful protest outside an abortion clinic in Tennessee three years ago, were convicted on federal FACE Act charges and now face up to 11 years in prison.


HEADLINE: John Smoltz calls out domineering travel-baseball culture at end of Hall of Fame acceptance speech by David Jones 

John Smotlz –  “I want to encourage all the families and parents out there to understand that this is not normal to have a surgery at 14 and 15 years old. That you have time. That baseball’s not a year-round sport. That you have an opportunity to be athletic and play other sports.”

“I want to encourage you, if nothing else, to know that your children’s passion to play baseball is something that they can do without a competitive pitch. Every throw a kid makes today is a competitive pitch. They don’t just go outside. They don’t have fun. They’re out there competing and maxing out too hard too early and that’s why we’re having these problems. Please, take care of those great future arms.” 

Meta-tags for showDavid Jones, John Smotlz, travel-baseball, Debra Heine, St Patrick’s Cathedral, FBI, Kyle Seraphin, Naval blockade, Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, Jill Biden, Judge Merchan, sanctuary cities, Gerson Freitas Jr, Michael Hirtzer, Ilena Peng, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Easter, Julie Kelly, Governor Jeff Landry, FACE Act, CATO Institute, Stormy Daniels, Adam Schiff, Judge Juan Merchan, Steele Dossier, Iran, Syria, Israel, Elena Salvoni, Laken Riley, 1st Amendment, IDF, Eirk von Kuehnelt, COVID, Daniel Oliver, Medellin Cartel, Sinaloa Cartel, Bird Flu

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show