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The Mike Church Show-Welcome To Amerizuela!

micMike Churchtoday05/31/2024 34 1

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    The Mike Church Show-Welcome To Amerizuela! Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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15mDonald Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts

HEADLINE: Trump Found Guilty on Feast Day of Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of Prisoners and Hero of Patriots by Rebecca Mansour and John Binder 

  • The Judge was going to dismiss the jury for the day at 6pm and then he changed it to 4:30 and then all of the sudden they had a verdict.
  • Yesterday was a day that will live in infamy.
  • The first guilty verdict was read yesterday 3:14pm.
  • Guilty on all 34 counts.
  • Do you know what the counts were?
  • We don’t either, no one knows.
  • This all began when the election was stolen.
  • When we were on live and you saw Trumps leads just evaporate.
  • Let’s reset the clocks here – that was Phase 1.
  • Remember Biden came out and declared victory and ended all his speeches w/ God Bless Our Troops.
  • That is code for the OP IS A GO!
  • Phase 2 – January 6th
  • I estimate we are either in Phase 5 or Phase 6 of this operation.
  • One of the phases was taking over the Justice Department.
  • This isn’t 1980 Reagan v Carter….this is WAR and they intend to win.
  • They didn’t do what they did yesterday in the courtroom and not anticipate the outrage. 
  • Phase 3 – Lock up your opponents. 
  • Phase 5 or Phase 6 is the Sentencing of Donald Trump
  • The maximum sentence for each count is 4 years.
  • So Donald Trump is looking at 136 years. 
  • Judge Merchan will sentence him to prison.
  • Don’t think these guys don’t want him in prison, that was ALWAYS the goal.
  • This is about maintaining RAW Power.
  • I agree w/ Tucker Carlson, if they can’t keep him in jail and the polls don’t turn in their favor, don’t think for a second they won’t attempt to kill him.
  • This government is not beyond assassination. 
28mWhat Happens Next?

  • They will ask that sentencing be delayed or ask for a stay.
  • Judge Merchan will say get that crap out of here and tell them no.
  • Then they will ask for another shorter stay for preparation. 
  • Judge Merchan will again tell them no.
  • These were supposedly STATE charges.
  • How many states have extradition treaties w/ New York?
  • How many states do NOT have extradition treaties at all?
  • Here in Louisiana our legislation is in session, Governor Landry can say draft me something up to say we do not extradite to New York and I’ll sign it.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2




Enemies of the State

  • Soviet means community in Russia.
  • Remember the Bolsheviks?
  • Remember Joseph Stalin?
  • In 1940 in the Katyn forest, 5,000 Polish officers were rounded up and murdered under Stalin’s orders.
  • What happens if what I just said comes true?
  • The Judge sentences him and demands he go directly to prison?
  • I think they want him locked up in jail.
  • The Biden Regime will cancel the debate b/c they will say ‘we don’t debate felons’. 

Sean Davis Twitter – If you’re a Republican running for office, you can just go ahead and throw away all of your elegant little policy proposals for this or that corporate exclusion or tax subsidy. Give me a list of which Democrat officials you’re going to put in prison, or get lost. 

There’s only one way to deal with nuclear war, which is what Democrats have unleashed, and that is mutually assured destruction. Democrats declared war on our entire system of justice and the rule of law, and our only options are victory or defeat. I intend to win. Do you?

William Briggs Twitter – The verdict itself was expected. The fix was always in, which is why they had the farce in the first place. It’s amusing to wonder what those two lawyers on the jury said during deliberations: “We are Experts. Here is why we must vote to convict.” 

There is no accident that the sentencing is only a couple of days before the Republican party were to announce “convicted felon” Trump as their official pick. This gives us a good six or seven weeks of solid propaganda, followed by “polling” which will show that many discover they do not like the idea of voting for “convicted felon” Trump.

  • There is an appeal here and we know it but, it is very difficult to overturn any conviction.
  • However we have been hearing the left scream about how the SCOTUS is illegitimate and unnecessary. 
  • Is this part of the lefts plan?
  • What is the Biden Regime willing to do? How far will they go?
  • What if the SCOTUS vacates the decision?
  • They won’t stop using “Convicted Felon” every time they talk about Trump.
  • Now Fannie Willis can still run around and spend money on themselves and trips and NOTHING happened to her.
  • Willis and Wade are walking free today b/c they DIDN’T keep a ledger b/c they used cash money for everything.
  • So b/c Trump kept a ledger thinking he was doing the right thing, he is a convicted felon.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 HEADLINE: Trump Found Guilty on Feast Day of Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of Prisoners and Hero of Patriots by Rebecca Mansour and John Binder 
 FLASHBACK HEADLINE: Congress paid out $17 million in settlements. Here’s why we know so little about that money. by MJ Lee, Sunlen Serfaty and Juana Summers 

  • The Office of Compliance released additional information indicating that it has paid victims more than $17 million since its creation in the 1990s. That includes all settlements, not just related to sexual harassment, but also discrimination and other cases.
  • According to a report from the Office of Compliance, more than $17 million has been paid out in settlements over a period of 20 years – 1997 to 2017.
1h18mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump After 34 Guilty VerdictsThis was a rigged trial, a disgraceful trial. The real verdict is going to be November 5th by the people. They all know what happened here. Soros backed DA, I did nothing wrong. It’s okay…I’m fighting for our country and our Constitution. I think it’s a disgrace but I will keep fighting…I’ll fight until the end. We will fight for our Constitution, this is long from over.

  • They are trying to stop you from making your own choice to vote for him.
  • It doesn’t matter what you think is the result of you voting.
  • The two acts are separate. 
  • This is to deprive YOU of your choice.
  • If they didn’t think you could vote Donald Trump in office they wouldn’t need this Phase.
  • Can we all agree on that?
  • The old man, the Big Guy just took Trump off the board, not bad for a dementia patient.
  • What happened while we where all watching the Trump verdict?
  • Joe Biden gave the go ahead for Ukraine to bomb Russia w/ long range missiles.
  • Are these guys really going to start a land war w/ Russia?

BACK to William Briggs – Regardless what happens with the election, what next for us? If history is a guide, violence—from the left. Do not discount this. The left will be drunk on power. People do stupid things when they’re drunk.

1h29mCaller Cindy L from Florida – 

  • Conservatives or MAGA we aren’t convinced of DeSantis anymore.
  • They are actively trying to take Trump off the ballot here in Florida.
  • Alex Newman – 
  • I do know this is a warning shot to the grassroots Conservatives.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


















Trump Verdict

  • We talk about all this stuff here, and we will keep talking about it but we need to get more in depth. 
  • What is President Trump doing this morning?
  • Is he becoming more resolute? 
  • When a man is pushed like this, I’ve heard many conversion stories from tragedies like this.
  • The similarity is despair, depression, oppression etc.
  • Then you wake up and realize God still loves you. 
  • He is still there and maybe you should go to Him.
  • There is a moment of humility there when a mere man realizes, I can’t do this alone.
  • Fear of God – is the beginning of humility.
  • When you fear God before man, you’ve reached the first plateau. 

BOOK Recommendation – The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt

  • Stop thinking they have Christian values like you do b/c they don’t.
  • Hannah Arendt explores the institutions and operations of totalitarian movements, focusing on the two genuine forms of totalitarian government in our time, Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, which she adroitly recog­nizes were two sides of the same coin, rather than opposing philosophies of Right and Left. From this vantage point, she discusses the evolution of classes into masses, the role of propaganda in dealing with the nontotali­tarian world, the use of terror, and the nature of isolation and loneliness as preconditions for total domination.

HEADLINE: Totalitarianism, the Inversion of Politics 

  • You can’t appeal to the Constitution and expect it to bail you out anymore.
  • Not after what happened yesterday in New York.
  • They changed the rule book yesterday!
  • Trump’s first appeal is to the state of New York.
  • Does he do it?
  • Does he risk that again in that state?
  • What if he appeals and goes straight to SCOTUS?
  • If they repeat 2020 they will deny to hear it b/c they didn’t want to deal w/ election stuff.
  • Maybe the left went too far when they attacked the SCOTUS members and they might be seeking a little revenge? 
  • Totalitarianism has been identified by many writers as a ruthless, brutal, and, thanks to modern technology, potent form of political tyranny whose ambitions for world domination are unlimited. Disseminating propaganda derived from an ideology through the media of mass communication, totalitarianism relies on mass support. It crushes whoever and whatever stands in its way by means of terror and proceeds to a total reconstruction of the society it displaces. Thus a largely rural and feudal Russian Empire, under the absolutist rule of czars stretching back to the fifteenth century, was transformed first by Lenin after the October Revolution of 1917 and then by Stalin into an industrialized Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; a Germany broken after its defeat in World War I was mobilized and became the conqueror of most of Europe in the early 1940s less than a decade after Hitler’s assumption of power; and in China the People’s Republic, by taking the Great Leap Forward in 1958 followed by the Cultural Revolution beginning in 1966 and ending with Mao Zedong’s death in 1976, expunged much of what remained of a culture that had survived for more than three thousand years.
  • People that have power don’t think like you and I do.
  • They have to cross the Rubicon to attain the power they have and they will do anything they can to keep it.
  • They are asking you to renounce your freedom under a supposed system of Liberty and Justice.
  • Don’t feed me any of this we have to be meek and humble here b/c this isn’t about religion yet!
  • They will ultimately have to go after the Churches but that isn’t there yet.

BACK to Arendt 

  • What happened in one satellite country/region started happening in all of them.
  • This happened in Russia but it sounds like it could be written here NOW in the United States.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rachel Maddow on MSNBC – Donald Trump Verdict – This is an important moment, for those that have had the privilege covering all of this. Everyone is subject to the law. Whatever this jury decides, they are deciding as a jury of Donald Trump’s peers. They have followed an impeccable process and if not he will have full access to the appeals process. Accountability is happening her b/c the rule of law applies to all of us. We have the responsibility as citizens to realize the gravity of this moment.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Jesse Watters w/ Trump Attorney Todd Blanche – Bread and Butter Trial – Trump was on the campaign trail and was trying to compete w/ a gag order. That effects not only Trump but every single voter in this country. There was a lot about what happened over the last year that I think Americans should look very hard at. The DA says this type of case is Bread and Butter and that is just not true. The records of Trumps personal records from 2017 is what he was on trial for. I think were it becomes problematic is the attempt to say we treated Trump like everyone else b/c that isn’t true.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jesse Watters w/ Trump Attorney Todd Blanche – Fair Trial – No I have been saying for a year we couldn’t get a fair trial there. I won’t criticize the judge right now but our system of justice requires not only a judge that is bias to recuse themselves. There was an actual bias here and a perception at the least. Trump is a husband, father, grandfather and a friend to many people. It is heartbreaking b/c they are laughing at a man…and people should be troubled by this no matter who you are going to vote for.










Caller Kurt Wallace

  • I want to give a little context and then make my point in the parallels b/w what happened during the Bolsheviks and now.
  • I’m first generation Russian/American.
  • Stalin was very paranoid and he was murdering his political opponents. 
  • I served in the Untied States Military b/c it was important we had that in our family.
  • On symbolism the BLM fist is same fist used by Soviet Union.
  • What we are seeing play out right now is mid to late stages of a cultural revolution.
  • In real time what we have is an effort to pass the disgraced act.
  • The Disgrace Act will remove secret protection. 
  • This won’t go in a good direction.
  • This whole movement is designed to….it won’t stop in this country.
  • I am the Libertarian voice of the family.
  • Jeffery Tucker has been tweeting about this and that just isn’t enough at this point.
  • Tucker said if you think this is the worst you should see what’s really going on and just how deep this goes.
  • The Deep State at this point, I am highly concerned. 
  • People are stock piling gold and silver and that’s great but you should prepare to protect yourselves. 
  • This is a dangerous position to be in right now.
  • Every Walmart has a 2.5 day supply in their area. 
  • You start interrupting supply chains you won’t get what you are used to.
  • You should prepare as though this is the beginning of the end.
  • It is one thing to wish for, to plan and agitate for it and it is another to live w/ the consequences of it.
  • In Revolution people die.
  • 1. Every Republican DA or sensible DA needs to prosecute any politician corrupted in the parties…both parties. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6



Richard Barrett

Host of The Barrett Brief

Follow Richard on GAB and X – @ElArmedCatholic

Matt Walsh TweetRed state DAs need to arrest corrupt Democrats and prosecute them in front of Republican juries that already hate them before the trial even begins. I’m not saying we should “stoop to the Left’s level.” I’m saying  we should stop pretending that we live in a country that no longer exists.

  • These charges were just made up out of nowhere and they went after a former President.
  • Where is the Attorney General that wants to make a name for themselves?
  • They took our guy, prosecuted him, convicted him and told us…what are you going to do about it?
  • What is it going to take if not this for the Republican party to find your backbone, stand up and take a stand?
 Caller Tony B from Kenner LA

  • You aren’t seeing GOP push back b/c they are all drunk on OUR tax dollars. They all swim in our money…that’s all they care about.
 Back to Richard Barrett

  • The best line b/w you and a Tyrannical Government is your Sheriff. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
