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The Mike Church Show-When The Constitution Disagrees With Democrats, Social Media Bans It!

micMike Churchtoday07/24/2024 44

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    The Mike Church Show-When The Constitution Disagrees With Democrats, Social Media Bans It! Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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YouTube Censorship

  • The claim I made is not a claim at all.
  • The statements made yesterday about Natural Born Citizenship is in our United States Constitution.
  • If you don’t like it, take it up with the Founding Fathers.
  • We live in a time when truth is the enemy on BOTH sides.
  • If you guys and the MSM don’t like the FACTS as presented by the Constitution, change the damn Constitution. 
  • The Supreme Court did NOT settle this.
  • The 14th Amendment has NOTHING to do w/ this.
  • At the time of ratification, everyone knew what it meant.
  • 14th Amendment to understand it, you must read the 13th Amendment.
  • 13th Amendment 
  • Section 1: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
  • Section 2: Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  • The Constitution would not have escaped if it would have a clause that banned slavery.
  • South Carolina would have nuked it.
  • The Missouri Compromise – 
  • There are a lot of people that say Secession wasn’t legal then.
  • If it wasn’t legal….lets go back to the Dred Scott decision. 
  • You have to get rid of slavery, you do that in Amendment 13.
  • Then you write and ratify the 14th Amendment.
  • Condition for re-entry into the Union.
  • Only a state can ratify an Amendment.
  • How can 13 and 14 actually ratified?
  • Search for Forest McDonald on
  • Why isn’t this important to people?
  • We are fighting a war over citizenship am I wrong?
  • If we are fighting this war over citizenship, like our southern border, then why won’t we demand the people seeking the highest office prove their citizenship?
 HEADLINE: Some Questions for Kamala Harris About Eligibility by John C Eastman 

  • I don’t understand why a discussion based on historical text, flagged on YouTube.
  • Apparently Truth is banned in the social media realm.
  • We should have learned our lesson during COVID.
  • Maybe the jokes on us for thinking things had changed.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
 Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Congress
40mCitizenship & Border Control

  • Who thinks like this?
  • Who told you to think like this?
  • What is wrong w/ you?
  • Why are we getting into fights over this?
  • If you go to Canada and drop a child, does that child automatically become a citizen of Canada?
  • If you go to Switzerland and drop a child, does that child automatically become a citizen of Switzerland? 
  • They will both put you in touch with YOUR HOME COUNTRY embassy for a Social Security card.
  • Some people used to guard w/ jealous attention citizenship. 
  • We apparently can’t even talk about it anymore. 
  • What can this clause possibly mean in the 14th Amendment?
  • ‘And subject to the jurisdiction thereof….’
  • This implies something, a legal status of sort, you might call it residency.
45mSilent Killer In Peoples Kitchen

  • Aluminum?
  • No…teflon or Polytetrafluoroethylene.
  • When you cook on them for a long time food starts sticking right?
  • So where does the teflon go? 
  • It goes in your food people. 
  • Have you tried using cast iron?
  • If you fry stuff in lard, nothing will stick.



Secret Service Agents – Butler PA

  • Attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
  • Remember we played Dan Bongimo audio of him stating there was a team supposed to be on that building and they didn’t show up and they just didn’t replace them.
  • SS Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned yesterday.
  • I think the people that were on that campaign assignment that day should all be terminated.h
  • They didn’t even show up for the morning briefing. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Feed from Fox News – Secret Service we got this image from the 2nd floor window behind the AGR building.

  • Did you catch that part?
  • A local police or state police did go to the 2nd floor window of the building behind the AGR building.
  • He left that post or that window to go downstairs to send the photo of Crooks on his bike to others and to assist in trying to find where Crooks had gone.
  • So he comes down to look for Crooks the whole time Crooks is on top of the roof?
 Kamala Harris

Campaign even in Milwaukee – 

  • She was polling at -8% just 4 years ago.
  • Now the MSM wants us to believe she is in a position to beat Donald Trump all of the sudden?
  • Federal Commission should take a look into these millions Kamala is claiming came her way.
  • This morning they claimed over $124 million in total donations.
  • Every donor has to be listed w/ the amount they donated.
  • What did they get Trump on?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris Montage What can be unburdened by what has been. 

7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h39mHEADLINE: The ActBlue SuperMan Phone Booth – Part One by George Webb

  • We know that Thomas Matthew Crooks made a donation to ActBlue.
  • We keyed in on an Antifa sniper here in Pittsburgh, PA, named Maxwell Yearick as an Antifa trainer for a new group of “ActBlue Crowd Busters,” Antifa snipers shooting at crowds and opposition leaders by any other name.
  • Appealing to loner teenagers with a “social justice warrior” ideology not only provides purpose in the lives of isolated teenagers playing World of Warcraft or Halo in their bedrooms, but it also turns out to be a way for the new ActBlue social justice warrior kids to get dates.
  • We saw in the case of Thomas Crooks, a gangly, conservative baby-faced kid turned into a long-haired rock star, a gun-toting kid with a mission in life, turning anger toward his parental stifling upbringing into rage against the Trump machine.
  • For Thomas Crooks, it was no longer doing make-believe Halo shoot-’em-ups in his bedroom; it was getting it done in real life with ActBlue honey and cream. Given the bleak outlook for his life in Rust Belt Pittsburgh, the ActBlue transition was like opening the door to a new Shangri La.
1h48mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Chuck Schumer Press Conference – New Nominee Kamala Harris – Together we will keep and hopefully grow the Senate Majority, under Hakeem Jeffries we will win back the House. Democrats are moving forward stronger than ever before. I have seen a surge in our party uniting behind Kamala Harris. It is contagious. The small contributions are just pouring in. Now begins the next chapter in our quest to make sure Donald Trump does not become President. We see how clearly the Republicans are nervous about our new nominee. 

  • Note the request for applause and the press core gave him nothing.
  • What has Donald Trump done to these people?
  • They are on a QUEST?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Biden Is Sharp As A Tack Montage 

  • Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Chris Wallace, Joy Reid, the winches from the View – they were all in that montage.
  • They all lied to the American people over and over and over again.
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 AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris MontageWhat can be unburdened by what has been. 

  • What has been pointing down to Earth and/or Hell.
  • A public admission of the crossroads deal she made?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden w/ Lester Holt – Democratic NomineeWe knew this would be a close race. There is no wide gap, it is essentially a toss up race. 14 million people voted for me to be the nominee in the democratic party, let’s listen to them. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden’s Allegedly Calls Into his former HQ before Kamala Harris speaksI know yesterdays news was surprising. It is hard for you to hear but it was the right thing to do. You poured your heart and soul into this thing.

  • Who is the ‘we’?
  • When he says “I think we came to the right decision.” 
  • The Democrat party has to lie.
  • They lie at every turn.

George Webb

Follow George on X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

Read all his research on his Substack – 

  • He was there on the the of July.
  • That shows fore knowledge, he is there for recon and w/ that many others he will not be noticed.
  • He is surviving open ground as there is no Trump set-up just yet.
  • On the 8th he is back there with the drone.
  • He has to be part of a security plan either w/ the police or township.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

  • He had to have prior knowledge of where the Trump stage would be.
  • He had to have prior knowledge of this building.
  • He bought the ladder, a 5.5ft ladder. 
  • How does he know the 5.5ft ladder would be enough for a 20ft building.
  • This is private property folks.
  • He couldn’t have just strolled on in this area w/o anyone knowing or questioning him.
  • Trump put out in an email he was going to be in Butler, PA 10 days before the rally.
  • There was a loading dock up 10ft in the air and that is why he would only need a 5.5ft ladder.
  • The woman screaming video – he is in the lower right hand corner of the building.
  • If shots are fired and he is in lower right corner, how does he then die in the middle of the building? 
  • He is covering the area and then he crawls up to the middle of the building to see what is happening and then he is shot b/c he is mistaken for the sniper.
  • That is the only thing that makes sense if you watch those videos.
  • You also get on this video the sound of the shots.
  • 2 guns so there are 2 shooters
  • 1 shot from one gun.
  • 5 shots from another gun.
  • 1 shot from another gun which was the kill shot.
  • Why are all of these things redacted?
  • Senator Johnson Oversight Project – 
  • Secret Service Headquarters, car trip to Massachusetts and one other.
  • We are trying to build a timeline so people can say, yeah I saw that kid.
  • It could be he was just walking from him home to the gun club.
  • Part Two will come out probably tomorrow morning.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show