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The Mike Church Show-Your Convention Is In Trouble When Your Opponent Is The Star

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    The Mike Church Show-Your Convention Is In Trouble When Your Opponent Is The Star Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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DNC Day 2 

  • Michelle Obama aka Big Mike spoke last night before Barack Obama.
  • I didn’t listen to all of Obama’s talk but he basically gave the obligatory endorsement to Kamala but he spent the majority of the time praising Joe Biden and bashing Trump.
  • In 2 days of the Democratic Convention, the Planned Parenthood mobile unit has murdered 25 babies.
  • How can they preach family and family values all while murdering babies out front?
  • Navigation – when you are on the open ocean and you have set a course and you missed the route by a keep that miscalculation and you end up nowhere near where you intended to go.
  • Why is that?
  • Because error compounds.
  • Error builds and builds just like evil does.
  • They aren’t actually killing babies on stage like I said they might but they are killing them a few feet away.
  • What happens when you go too far into evil?
  • It begins to consume itself.
  • This party is running out of fuel aka people to consume.
  • It will turn that consumption internally.
  • What kind of a ‘future’ do you have when you murder your future subjects?
  • It just ate Joe Biden.
  • When it was done w/ him or his usefulness was over, they devoured him.
  • They don’t want to just crush their enemies.
  • They literally want them removed. 
  • They didn’t even get him on the stage during prime time.
  • They put him on stage at 11pm.
  • This is how they treat their King and Queen?
  • 30 days ago Joe Biden was the master, they said he should be on Mount Rushmore if you remember 2 weeks ago when Nancy Pelosi was making her rounds on Sunday talk shows.
  • Barack spent more time praising Biden than he did Kamala last night at the DNC.
  • If you can go after citizen Trump and get him convicted then you can go after anyone.
  • Where is the defense?
  • When you can eat the leaders…some other entity is running the machine.
  • Biden couldn’t have been running the machine because that machine ate him.
  • These are malicious men people folks.

HEADLINE: Fact-checking night 2 of the Democratic National Convention by CNN Facts First 

 Robert F Kennedy Jr 

  • The Democrat party has eaten his entire campaign.
  • They officially took him off the New York ticket.
  • They are talking about dropping out and backing Trump!
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
















The Democrat Party Is Filled With Liars

  • What they did to Trump with the lawsuits etc they were also doing this to Robert F Kennedy Jr and his running mate Nicole Shanahan.
  • Interview with Tom Bilyeu Impact Theory on YouTube.
  • I’m not going to Mass with her so let’s not talk about her religion.
  • Let’s just talk about her influence and reach at the moment. 
  • The Democrats have been working behind the scenes to sue both Kennedy Jr and Shanahan.
  • They got the signatures thrown out that the Kennedy campaign obtained.
  • As I watched the interview yesterday, I felt bad for her.
  • I would have given her a hug if I was doing that interview.
  • They basically shadow banned them on social media and on regular media.
  • They banned them from debates.
  • They restricted access to even get on to ballots.
  • They do this to everyone.
  • We disagree on some things 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Robert F Kennedy Jr’s Running Mate Nicole ShanahanI just gotta’ keep being honest. Staying in and forming the new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency b/c we draw votes from Trump or we walk away right now and join forces w/ Donald Trump.

  • I’v never seen anything like this. 
  • They are actually talking about joining forces w/ the opposing side and that is Donald Trump.
  • Bush 41 sent Emissaries, Richard Baker, to go beg Ross Perot to stop and join him. 
  • RFK Jr is a smart man.
  • Pray for the man, ask Mother Mary to nudge him to make a union with Donald Trump.
  • They they get someone in HHS to put an end to the stranglehold they have on neutering and poisoning our society.

AUDIO/VIEO: Robert F Kennedy Jr’s Running Mate Nicole Shanahan This isnt’ the party I grew up loving I grew up supporting and promoting. It isn’t the Republican party that is trying to sink our campaign, it is the Democrat party. I thought we had a shot at winning but the Democrat party won’t even give us a fair shake.

  • That is better than what you have now.
  • Listen to her story.
  • Listen to how upset she is.
  • You can hear that she is sad to come to the realization that the party she used to love and support has betrayed her.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h15mTrial Balloon

  • Nationwide RFK Jr was in double digits. 
  • Let’s just stick with New York.
  • Lee Zeldin when he ran against Kathy Hochul – she beat Zeldin 53-46%.
  • If you did a 3 party poll in New York and put Harris or Biden/Trump/RFK Jr – Lee Zeldin’s number would hold, Biden/Harris number would shrink to somewhere in 43 w/in the margin of error.
  • It isn’t me that thinks that Trump can win New York in a 3 party race, it is the Democrats that think that and that is why the Democrats didn’t want Kennedy Jr on the ballot in New York.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Robert F Kennedy Jr – The Democratic Party is suing me here in Pennsylvania. 

  • Don’t you want to hear what the major candidate in a party has to say?
  • What happened to ‘precious democracy’?
  • They are being exposed for who they are.
  • They are pissing off Independents all over this country with doing this to Robert F Kennedy Jr.
  • They have to carry Independents, you keep doing this the Democrats won’t carry them.
  • That is a harder vote to fix b/c and Independent could be registered either D or R and vote either way!
  • So what does this mean?
  • They could be registered D and they find out about this and they vote for R just to get back at the Dems for what they are doing to RFK Jr.
  • Sounds to me like he is NOT going to be on the ballot in NY or PA.
  • Trump will be on the ballot in BOTH those states.
  • Could this big a massive swing for the Trump campaign in those states?
  • Would it be enough for Trump to carry both states?
  • Nicole Shanahan said she and the RFK Jr campaign has been in contact w/ Trump and he responded positively to them. 


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Theo Von Interview – FDA and Big Pharma – 

Theo – Just the fact there is a drug government out there pushing agendas, how do we stop them? They are obviously killing people. 

Trump – You have to first stop listening to lobbyists. I was not a big person for lobbyists. If you want to go into government you can’t be a lobbyists after your an elected official or you worked in government you can never be a lobbyists. 

  • Now Walz and Kamala can’t do this.
  • They can’t sit down and do a one on one interview like this where you are just having a conversation w/ someone.
  • She has to have a script.

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on Preparing to Debate Tim Walz 

Reporter – How are you preparing to debate Tim Walz?

Vance – Well I found a good friend from back home who embellishes and lies a lot and I’m having him stand in for Tim Walz.

 HEADLINE: DHS Watchdog Says ICE Has Lost Track of as Many as 291,000 Unaccompanied Migrant Children by Debra Heine 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Babylon Bee and Brother Andre Marie
 HEADLINE: The Vendée by Dwight Sutherland 

  • One was an area of Brittany called the Vendée. Considered to be one of the poorest and most backward parts of France, the locals cherished their king and queen and their Roman Catholic faith. (Think of them as “bitterly clinging” to their monarchy and their religion.)
  • These are only a few of the items on the Cultural Marxist Smorgasbord that are offered up constantly by an institution that I used to support generously. Nowadays, however, the message to me as a straight, white, cis-gendered male is that my beliefs can not only be disregarded but I can be made to feel responsible for all the suffering and injustice in the world.
  • “The Democrat Pary’s constituencies already endorse its intellectuals’ aim not to convince the rest of society but to subdue it . . . They reason that America’s social-political order is founded on racism, patriarchy, genocidal imperialism, as well a economic exploitation . . . The revolution is all about the oppressed classes uniting to inflict upon the oppressors the retribution that each of the oppressed yearns for.” – Angelo Codevilla, Claremont Review of Books, Fall, 2016.
  • We are trapped in a Vendée of the spirit. Those in authority—culturally, economically, and politically—want us dead, along with everyone and everything we hold dear.
  • Compromise is impossible with people who want to kill you. Discussion is impossible with those who deny objective reality when it does not align with their political beliefs. I worry about the future of the country. Are we like the doomed counter-revolutionaries of the Vendée of two hundred years ago?


AUDIO/VIDEO: Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear at DNC on MSNBCThink about what some people have had to go through b/c of these laws. JD Vance calls this stuff inconvenient, inconvenience is traffic. I mean make him go through this. 

  • The Democrat party doesn’t have any other ideas other than complete and total control.
  • It boggles the mind and it is difficult to believe that if you were in that DNC, you won’t hear any ideas of making people kind Christian citizens or making this country great b/c they don’t believe it ever was.
  • You don’t ever hear Trump say we are going to find the enemy and kill them.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump in Howell, MI 

Reporter – What do you say to the Harris campaign and others linking you to white supremacy b/c you have come to this town?

Trump – Who was here in 2021?

Reporter – Joe Biden

Trump – Hahahaha Thank You

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump in Howell, Michigan – The Real Kamala – People don’t know the real Kamala, but I do. This is the most far left group and the press is giving them a free pass. If it was up to them you wouldn’t have the people behind me. They think cities can police itself.

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HEADLINE: ‘You’re Gonna Be A Perpetual WHAT?’ Joseph Asks Mary On Wedding Night by the Babylon Bee

  • Just got back from Spain and it was an unbelievable trip.
  • To go to the tomb where the whole ReConquest began.
  • Did 6 days of the Santiago pilgrimage. 
  • Venerated the relics of Saint James.
  • It was full of wonderful visits to great sites and I’d love to go back.
  • A benefactor sent me there and I’m so very grateful for it.
  • You can start at any number of different places.
  • I have my documents stating I did the pilgrimage b/c if you do 100km or more you get a document stating you completed it.

Brother Andre Marie on X – Christians! Please unfollow the Babylon Bee and tell them why you are doing so. You don’t have to be inflammatory, but be direct. Here is what I wrote to them regarding their latest blasphemy. (Cf., the image of their blasphemous “joke,” below.) Remember, Christians, that one of the reasons we carry out the five first Saturdays is precisely to make reparation for blasphemies “against Her perpetual virginity.” (Cf., the other image, with a list of the five blasphemies.)

Let’s just start from the beginning, it is not in the Bible in ANY words that Joseph and Mary had other children.

  • Men call each other Brother all the time.
  • Mike calls David Simpson brother does that mean he is his actual brother?
  • That doesn’t mean BLOOD siblings. 
  • In point of fact in Holy Scripture it is used for close near relatives. 
  • We know from scripture calling someone a brother in scripture is of use both in Hebrew and Greek versions.
  • Saints from the East and West wrote about the Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Mother Mary.
  • For instance when Our Lady says to the Angel at the Annunciation – How will this be b/c I know not man?
  • A girl of marriageable age would know something of man…

From the Crusader Stadium – It’s interesting that a bunch of protestant heretics running a parody paper called the Babylon Bee would blaspheme the Mother of Our Lord, since every woman living in Babylon did the same thing.

  • The Babylon Bee comes back and the response is just so dismissive and snarky.
  • The idea that we are ‘going to lose tens of followers’.
  • So religion comes down to clicks and likes.
  • I wasn’t saying we are going to Boycott them and they will suffer, what I was saying is you will be held accountable on judgement day.
  • I think I could argue that it is blasphemous. 
  • What I think is important to understand, look at the entire context of this.
  • The whole site is meant to make fun of things right?
  • The point is certain things are sacred and you don’t hold them up for comedy. 
  • It is all one sided dialogue and they pretend to have discovered some Greek text.
  • It is meant to say that Saint Joseph was upset about marrying someone that will never have sex with him.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Investigative Journalist

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We have two different people that pinpoint Crooks in two different places.

He has to be walking through the fairgrounds, he is there well before that time that was posted in that video.

HEADLINE: We Found Crooks Car, And His Walk Across AGR Grass To The Butler Farm Show Without A Backpack, Rifle, Or Rangefinder by George Webb 

  • There are two parts to this.
  • One the shooting.
  • Two trying to get explosives into the area under the stage or near the stage.
  • New video showing Thomas Crooks walking among Trump Vendors hours before Trump took the stage has created waves today. Crooks was not carrying a backpack, drone, weapons, ammunition, or anything else. This means Crooks must have collected these items from a confederate or stashed them before he walked to the Butler Farm Show.
  • By connecting the dots to where Crooks’s car was thought to have been abandoned, Crooks’s last Green Mile walk to the Butler Farm Show can be reconstructed. Apparently, Crooks abandoned his car near a greenhouse called Brenkle’s at 543 Evans City Road near the White Van location at Lawrence and Meridian.
  • In this case, we actually have Beaver County Deputy Greg Nicol, who led the Mass Exodus of “AGR Snipers” leaving their posts, photographing the assailant at 4:26 PM, 100 minutes before Trump took the stage. The precedent for the Assassin’s “Open Roof” is being set at 4:26. Photograph the threat and then text is to a large group with a cryptic message like “I’m Out”.
  • Rather  than marry the improbability of all the warnings coming from “AGR Snipers” coupled with the abandonment of their posts at the critical time Trump takes the stage, the Congressman in charge, Congressman Mike Kelly, engages in blame-shifting for who was supposed to be responsible for the roof. The roof is literally right in front of the “AGR Snipers.”
  • Crooks was so close they could have dropped a watermelon on his head out the window.
  • 4:26pm is a very odd time to have a shift change is it not?
  • Wouldn’t you want all the snipers etc on duty while Trump is on stage?

HEADLINE: Forty Three Skidoo – After 43 Meetings, Greg Nicol Should Know Matthew Crooks by George Webb 

  • He is over 18 when this happens from August until the shooting.
  • This is a direct connection to state sponsorship.
  • From evaluating a mosaic of evidence from electronic footprints and documents, our researcher’s basic premise was that Greg Nicol had groomed Thomas Crooks through forty-three visits to the Clairton Sportmens Club for shooting lessons beginning in late August 2023, at times through an intermediary named Maxwell Yearick.
  • This team started in August.
  • This team met at the Clariton shooting range many many times.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
