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Thomas Crooks: Pipe Bomber To The Antifa NATO Deep State Stars

micMike Churchtoday09/04/2024 15

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    Thomas Crooks: Pipe Bomber To The Antifa NATO Deep State Stars Mike Church



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HEADLINE: The Secret Life Of Thomas Crooks – Part Six by George Webb

  • State Emergency Response Team – 
  • SERT team
  • He walks right out of where the cop hoists up the other cop.
  • Who are all of these people? 
  • NO ONE KNOWS everyone that was on the ground that day.
  • No on knows how the guys were that just didn’t show up that day or were taken away from the window post.
  • We covered Swalwel and his CCP issue, we always get kick backs for the DNC. 
  • They are agents taking DOD and then getting kick backs, that is nothing new here.
  • We have had that for years.
  • Nuclear bomb plane blue prints – 
  • We have had this type of things for years and it always ties back into the DNC.
  • Where are all these people coming from? 
  • Which countries?
  • They haven’t told us when the accounts were created.
  • If we had the 700 messages it would tell us a lot.
  • If the money transferred is only $50 we know that is Crooks but if it is $1.5 million, then we know that is something completely different. 
  • Why didn’t Rep Clay Higgins interview the guy from the neighborhood that saw the white van being investigated and hauled away?

HEADLINE: Response To Rep. Clay Higgins Trump Assassination Report Of August 16th, 2024 by George Webb 

  • We have good reason to assume Crooks was trying to detonate a bomb.
  • He was found w/ a detonator on his person.
  • Wouldn’t we want to know what he was trying to make go boom?
  • Was it there on premise like under a bleacher or was it in the van or in his car?
  • Where was it?
  • What about the SERT guy?
  • Why don’t we have a bunch of screens w/ all the video cam, body cam footage and sink them up time wise and push play?
  • That would answer so many questions or it may get us more questions.
  • We worked w/ someone that did just that on the January 6th footage.
  • We will probably do the same thing for this as well a little later.
  • JTTF  = Joint Terrorism Task Forces
  • They used it for DUI, they came here and made a deal w/ local and state police. 
  • They were funding the DUI checkpoints.
  • Self-funding mechanism, if we don’t have the crime to increase our budgets we will just make it.
  • Final Questions – 
  • Where are you today?
  • Making this movie called War Game. 
  • Back in the day did you do any investigations into what happened to Governor Rod R Blagojevich? 
  • Remember Barack Obama caused a massive fit on him getting to say who took over his seat?
  • Jesse Jacksons son was put forward and he too went to prison.
  • It is not just FBI there is a foreign influence here too.
  • Liaison Loophole – 
  • If you don’t play the game the Democrats want you to, you will end up on the wrong side of the law and ultimately end up in prison.

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show