354 Results / Page 26 of 40

Kayleigh McEnany


The Breakdown: #FreakyFriday Edition – Kayleigh McEnany Scorches Reporters, and Your Kids Dolls Are Grooming Them

#FreakyFriday Edition - Kayleigh McEnany Scorches Reporters, and Your Kids Dolls Are Grooming Them President Trump and Melania Test Positive for COVID-19 - So? Many are up in arms about President and First Lady Trump having tested positive for COVID-19.  But all they need to do is get on the Zelenko Protocol: “My name is Dr. Zev Zelenko and I practice medicine in Monroe, NY. For the last 16 years, […]

today10/02/2020 13


President Trump And Wife Melania Test Positive For COVID19

President Trump And Wife Melania Test Positive For COVID19 Via Reuters: President Donald Trump, who minimized the threat of the coronavirus pandemic for months, said on Friday that he and his wife Melania had tested positive for COVID-19 and were going into quarantine, upending the race for the White House. “We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!” the president said in a […]

today10/02/2020 11


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – 1st Debate Retrospective: Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde

The Barrett Brief - 1st Debate Retrospective: Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First 1st Debate Retrospective: Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde  na Second, Ted Harvey from the Committee to Defend the POTUS LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as Most Parents Have No Idea How Badly Online Schooling Is Hurting Their Kids  Don't forget This Day […]

today09/30/2020 21

Airline Workers

Airline Workers Brace For Mass Layoffs Amid COVID19 Hysteria

Airline Workers Brace For Mass Layoffs Amid COVID19 Hysteria Via AP News: The worries are growing for United Airlines flight attendant Jordy Comeaux. In a few days, he’ll be among roughly 40,000 airline workers whose jobs are likely to evaporate in an industry decimated by the coronavirus pandemic. Unless Congress acts to help for a second time, United will furlough Comeaux on Thursday, cutting off his income and health insurance. […]

today09/30/2020 7


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Trump’s Taxes, Much Ado About Nothing?

The Barrett Brief- Trump's Taxes, Much Ado About Nothing? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Trumps taxes much ada about nothing?   na Second, Senator Ted Harvey Chairman of Committee To Defend The President LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as Remington auction sale is complete and 7 bidders won.  Don't forget This Day in history.  Daily Data with Covid 19 update […]

today09/28/2020 6

Military Suicides

Military Suicides Up As Much As 20% In COVID Era

Military Suicides Up As Much As 20% In COVID Era Via AP News: Military suicides have increased by as much as 20% this year compared to the same period in 2019, and some incidents of violent behavior have spiked as service members struggle under COVID-19, war-zone deployments, national disasters and civil unrest. While the data is incomplete and causes of suicide are complex, Army and Air Force officials say they […]

today09/28/2020 3


Woman Arrested & Tased For Not Wearing Mask At Middle School Football Game

Woman Arrested & Tased For Not Wearing Mask At Middle School Football Game Via New York Post: A woman at a grade-school football game in Ohio on Wednesday was reportedly tasered and arrested by a police officer for not wearing a face mask in the stands. The woman was sitting in the bleachers with her mother when she got into an altercation with the cop about mask-wearing at a middle […]

today09/24/2020 4

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson Begins Final Trials Of Coronavirus Vaccine

Johnson & Johnson Begins Final Trials Of Coronavirus Vaccine Via  Johnson & Johnson announced Wednesday that the company is launching the third, and final stage, of test trials for its coronavirus vaccine. And it's a possible cure that would require one shot instead of two. Gov. Phil Murphy, speaking during his Wednesday news conference, said the vaccination also doesn't have to be kept frozen as it's distributed to doctors, […]

today09/24/2020 6


US Cruises Vow 100% Testing In plan For Resuming Sailing

US Cruises Vow 100% Testing In plan For Resuming Sailing Via AP News: Major cruise lines say they will test all passengers and crew for COVID-19 prior to boarding as part of their plan for resuming sailing in the Americas. The Cruise Lines International Association, a trade group that represents 95% of global ocean-going cruise capacity, said Monday that its members will also require passengers and crew to wear masks […]

today09/22/2020 13