CRUSADE channel

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Reconquest, Episode 22. Tradition with a Capital “T”

In this Reconquest, we consider the Catholic concept of Tradition, both in the general sense (embracing both Holy Scripture and Oral or Apostolic Tradition), and in the more specific sense of those Apostolic Traditions that were not written down. We consider also the related Catholic concept — much abused in our day — of development of doctrine. I talk about the meaning of Revelation, the Deposit of Faith, and the Church’s Magisterium — among […]

today05/04/2016 44


ReConquest, Episode 21. The Mass in the Old Testament

In Episode 21, we consider the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in type and prophecy in the Old Testament. Topics include Abraham's sacrifice, the sacrifice of Melchisedech, and the prophecy of Malachias (Malachi), and how the Church Fathers — especially Saint Ambrose — employed some of these. Please look at the video and then give the show a listen! See below the video for the audio files. Also, please Help Expand […]

today04/27/2016 135

Legacy Show Archive

Mark Kreslins 042516

Mandeville, LA - Mark Kreslins Show - Corruption in the Federal Government is exceptionally prevalent among congressmen and senators. How'd you think they made their money... Segment 2: Mark Kreslins continues on about corruption & cronyism.  Segment 3: Mark Kreslins talks about Secession. Also, the differences among people in the United States.  [purchase_link id="39383" style="text link" color="" text="Download"] Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way […]

today04/25/2016 23

CRUSADE Channel Preview Podcasts

Mike Church Show – C. Ferrara: The Unchangeable Law Can’t Be Changed By Pope Francis

Mandeville, LA - "The Pope cannot be wrong" is a foundational part of Christian teaching but this has conditions that must explained in order fully understand it and no lay person explains it better than today's Special Guest Chris Ferrara. In a long ranging 110 minute conversation, Church and Ferrara explain the scandal that Amoris Lætitia will visit upon the pastoral community who will then make the "Exhortation" de facto by […]

today04/11/2016 55

Legacy Show Archive

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: state of happiness and creativity

Mandeville, LA - LISTEN LIVE CLICK HERE Friday April 8th @ 12 NOON CENTRAL on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Management at Claremont Graduate University. created the psychological concept of flow, a highly focused mental state. His concept and immense study with this state of happiness and creativity is where the name of our show is derived.  As a best selling author he's written many books and articles on the subject but […]

today04/08/2016 95

CRUSADE Channel Preview Podcasts

Mike Church Show: Stick a Fork in Common Core, It’s Done

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church interview with Joy Pullman of The Federalist, reviews the long overdue terminal illness of "Common Core". Pullman reveals the sinister role über trillionaire Bill Gates played in launching CC and shoving it down the throats of parents. AND: Mike continues his Founding Fathers Red Pill definition of "what is a state" which will shock many DeceptiCONS and all of the Anarcho-pagans. Quoting an old poem […]

today04/07/2016 11

CRUSADE Channel Preview Podcasts

Mike Church Show – Traditional Beauty Beats The Pagan Beast

Mandeville, LA - Claes Ryn, one of Mike's favorite writers and guests reminds us that surrendering the battlefield of arts to what Mike calls the anarcho-pagans was THE biggest mistake of the last century and must be reversed to reverse 'Muricah's slide into becoming a full-on pagan world. Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have […]

today04/05/2016 71

Legacy Show Archive

Mark Kreslins Show – Stop Donald Trump Or The GOP Will Shoot!

Oklahoma - Mark Kreslins looks into why the republican party is so desperately trying take down the Trump presidential campaign. Also takes a look into the TEA party. Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product direct to you for your consumption. Click to […]

today04/05/2016 34