Kamala Harris

88 Results / Page 3 of 10


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Sorry Joe, I Could Always Buy A Cannon

The Barrett Brief - Sorry Joe, I Could Always Buy A Cannon  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Sorry Joe, I Could Always Buy A Cannon  Second KILIAN LAVERTY stops by  Third Chinese buy American athletes to shill for the CCP  Also Gun Talk Friday the best kind of "travel gun" Don't forget Box Office preview  Finally don't forget the world famous "you gotta be kidding me" […]

today02/04/2022 9


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Does The ATF Have A Database Of Gun Owners?

The Barrett Brief - Does The ATF Have A Database Of Gun Owners?  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Does The ATF Have A Database Of Gun Owners?  Second Mahgdalen Rose stops by  Third Freedom Convoy to drive from CA to DC to protest vax mandates Also Pete Buttigieg Slammed for Racist ‘Safety’ Cameras Notorious for Corruption, Inaccuracy Don't forget Evangeline Lilly rails against vaccine mandates, says it's 'not […]

today02/01/2022 25

Insurrection Day

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Happy Insurrection Day! Hope You Left Out White Claws & Khaki’s For The Feds

The Barrett Brief - Happy Insurrection Day! Hope You Left Out White Claws & Khaki's For The Feds  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Happy Insurrection Day! Hope You Left Out White Claws & Khaki's For The Feds  Second Christopher Laurence stops by  Third Majorities of Republicans and Democrats Say the U.S. Is ‘In a State of Decay’ Fourth Podcasting is likely the next censorship target Finally don't […]

today01/06/2022 26

Harris' spokeswoman

Exodus: Harris’ spokeswoman Sanders out, third staffer to leave in less than 2 weeks

Exodus: Harris' spokeswoman Sanders out, third staffer to leave in less than 2 weeks Via Just The News: Vice President Kamala Harris' spokeswoman Symone Sanders is leaving the White House at the end of this year, following issues with communications. An anonymous source told CNN, "The President and Vice President are grateful for Symone's service and advocacy for this White House. She is a valued member, a team player, and […]

today12/02/2021 19

Pete Buttigieg

The Barrett Brief

With Friends Like Kamala Harris & Pete Buttigieg, Who Needs Enemies? With Mahgdalen Rose

With Friends Like Kamala Harris & Pete Buttigieg, Who Needs Enemies? With Mahgdalen Rose With Friends Like Kamala Harris & Pete Buttigieg, Who Needs Enemies? With Mahgdalen Rose On The Barrett Brief Our Readers And Listeners Keep Us In Print & On The Air! Click here to subscribe to The CRUSADE Channel’s Founders Pass Member Service & Gain 24/7 Access to Our Premium, New Talk Radio Service. www.crusadechannel.com/go What Is […]

today11/30/2021 18

Notre Dame

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – They Should Have Let Notre Dame Burn To The Ground

The Barrett Brief - They Should Have Let Notre Dame Burn To The Ground Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First They Should Have Let Notre Dame Burn To The Ground Second Mahgdalen Rose stops by  Third Yes, you’re right: The Department of Justice has a double standard Fourth Federally funded critical race theory program removes 'critical race theory' from description As well as Brave Books Releases Two New Children's […]

today11/30/2021 92


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Griftmas

The Barrett Brief - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Griftmas  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Griftmas  Second Christopher Laurence & Dan Savickas stop by  Third Thanksgiving 'redefined' into 'National Day of Mourning' Fourth My review of Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City  As well as  Finally don't forget the world famous "you gotta be kidding me" Our Readers […]

today11/24/2021 51

Kamala Harris

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Is The SS Kamala Harris Finally Beginning To Take On Water?

The Barrett Brief - Is The SS Kamala Harris Finally Beginning To Take On Water? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Is The SS Kamala Harris Finally Beginning To Take On Water? Second KILIAN LAVERTY stops by from Freedomworks  Third Updates on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial  Fourth My review of Ghostbusters Afterlife  As well as gun talk Friday - Support for Gun Control hits record low Don't […]

today11/19/2021 28

Thomas Binger


The Barrett Brief – ADA Thomas Binger Is The Best The Left Has To Offer

The Barrett Brief - ADA Thomas Binger Is The Best The Left Has To Offer Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First ADA Thomas Binger Is The Best The Left Has To Offer Second Timothy Head stops by  Third Doubling Down on Victim Blaming Fourth FAUCI: “Misplaced Perception” to Place Individual Freedoms Over “Societal Safety” As well as Ridley Scott Joins Chorus of Directors that Loathe Superhero Films Don't forget  […]

today11/16/2021 7