The Barrett Brief

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Adore Him

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – O Come Let Us Adore Him

The Barrett Brief - O Come Let Us Adore Him Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First O Come Let Us Adore Him  na Second latest headlines form Reuters & Just The News   Third, Christopher Laurence joins the program Also I will give my favorite Christmas movies  LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  Daily Data with Covid 19 update from around the world & […]

today12/24/2020 17


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Do You Possess The Constitution, Depth Of Faith, To Go As Far Is As Needed?

The Barrett Brief - Do You Possess The Constitution, Depth Of Faith, To Go As Far Is As Needed? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Do You Possess The Constitution, Depth Of Faith, To Go As Far Is As Needed?  na Second Daniel Savackis joins the program In addition Trump needs statesmen, not cowards, in this fight LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  Moreover, Rockets […]

today11/18/2020 12


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Big Tech Dodges Another Censorship Bullet

The Barrett Brief - Big Tech Dodges Another Censorship Bullet Here is what is happening today in the Brief. FirstBig Tech Dodges Another Censorship Bullet  na Second, U.S. CDC issues 'strong recommendation' for mask mandate on airplanes, trains. LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  Daily Data with Covid 19 update from around the world & Texas, U.S. Debt Clock, Number of Abortions  Finally don't forget the world famous "You […]

today10/20/2020 8

Big Tech


The Barrett Brief- Big Tech Needs To Be Decimated, TODAY!

The Barrett Brief - Big Tech Needs To Be Decimated, TODAY!  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Big Tech Needs To Be Decimated, TODAY!   na Second, Flight crew reports man flying in jet pack above Los Angeles for second time. LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as Crashing NBA ratings predict Trump win. Don't forget What Would an AMC Entertainment Bankruptcy Mean for You? […]

today10/15/2020 110


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Is Today The Day The ACB Bomb Drops?

The Barrett Brief - Is Today The Day The ACB Bomb Drops? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Is Today The Day The ACB Bomb Drops?  na Second,  LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as Kyle Rittenhouse won't face charges for gun offense in Illinois. Don't forget This Day in history.  Daily Data with Covid 19 update from around the world & […]

today10/14/2020 24


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – The Day Before SCOTUS Tomorrow

The Day Before SCOTUS Tomorrow Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First The Day Before SCOTUS Tomorrow   na Second, Daniel Savackis joins the show LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as What the Media Won’t Tell You About Gun Sales and Swing States. Don't forget This Day in history.  Daily Data with Covid 19 update from around the world & Texas, U.S. Debt Clock, […]

today09/25/2020 6

Breonna Taylor

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Breonna Taylor & The Power Of The False Narrative

Breonna Taylor & The Power Of The False Narrative Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Breonna Taylor & The Power Of The False Narrative   na Second, 2020 Radicals And The 50 Year Itch. LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as Social Justice Jordan is following the same profitable BLM path of Lebron & Kaepernick Don't forget This Day in history.  Moreover Why Disney’s delay […]

today09/24/2020 13

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Does Any Hope For America Pass With Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

Does Any Hope For America Pass With Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Does Any Hope For America Pass With Ruth Bader Ginsburg?  na Second, Names to watch as Trump picks Ginsburg replacement on Supreme Court. LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as Amy Coney Barrett Is Not a Safe Pick for the Supreme Court. Don't forget This Day in […]

today09/21/2020 8


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Joe Biden’s CNN Townhall Continues To The Torture Of America

Joe Biden's CNN Townhall Continues To The Torture Of America Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Joe Biden's CNN Townhall Continues To The Torture Of America  na Second Daniel Savackis joins the program LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as No Rational Person Can Vote Democratic in 2020. Don't forget This Day in history.  Daily Data with Covid 19 update from around […]

today09/18/2020 9