Will Frozen’s Elsa Take The Carmelite Habit Over The LGBTQ P***y Hat?

today03/05/2018 17

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Mandeville, LA – Mike’s Oscars commentary on Gary Oldman’s patriotism kicks us off this Monday. The joke that Disney is a “family company” is made real by the demand that Frozen’s Elsa be made into a lesbian. Charles Coulombe enjoins CRUSADERS for not being “patriots for the empire” as the much derided Roman Catholics were after Constantine!

Mandeville, LA


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Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


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Hogs For The Cause 2018 – Barbacoa Brotherhood

Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.





Golfer Phil Mickelson – PGA in Mexico City

This win yesterday is going to help our auction items from Phil!

18 flags, a KPMG hat, a glove and much more

Auction #1: Augusta National Flag, autographed, KPMG hat and a glove


 HEADLINE: Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shootings, 26 of Them Had One Thing In Common by Mark Meckler


Billy Graham

Apologetics Course #7 will be this Wednesday night. 40 minute mark Brother Francis actually discusses Billy Graham.

Episode 117 of ReConquest with Bother Andre Marie and Sir Charles


Back to Headline: about 96% of mass shootings had no biological father present.


HEADLINE: Does Date of Billy Graham’s Death Symbolize Moses?

Billy Graham didn’t recognize Mary as the new Eve but now we want to compare him to Moses?



HEADLINE: On EWTN Orthodox Catholic author warns Pope Francis has deliberately created confusion by Lisa Bourne


Marriage and Catholic Doctrine on divorce. Pope Francis

Where is the Catholic Air Raid Warning Siren?

FREE ringtone download here

It doesn’t matter what Pope Francis thinks or wants, he CANNOT change dogma! He doesn’t get a vote on it. He is “supposed” to defend it.

Philip F. Lawler’s book Lost Shepherd- How Pope Francis is Misleading His Flock

Back to Headline: EWTN Lisa Bourne




HEADLINE: Mike Pence says making abortion illegal saves lives. History proves the opposite. by Maureen Shaw

HEADLINE:  Confessions of an E-Abortionist by Bernard Nathanson

One creatures they fear is Her! The Queen of Heaven, when you start appealing to Her, he gets angry.


Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
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HEADLINE: In Disney’s much anticipated Frozen e, Elsa just might be a lesbian by Doug Mainwaring

  • So it’s now judgmental to call a sodomite a sodomite?
  • Brother Francis quote – #GiveElsaACarmeliteHabit NOT #GiveElsaAGirlfriend
  • Don’t use the term gay. Use the term sodomite or homosexual.
  • The fact that the FAMILY oriented Disney company is now attacking the “family” unit.
  • Why should 12 year olds be discussing their sexuality? They are 12!!
 NewsExtra on Friday with Mitter Youngblood vs Mittus Youngblood debating each other!



  • When did you become a traitor? It’s illegal, you can’t just lob a bomb into a sovereign nation!
  • YOU Mr. Conservative – it is against our treaties too.
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.

Conversions and your friends.

ReConquest Episode 117 with Charles Coulombe and host Brother Andre Marie


Clarification: There is a difference b/w banning and making illegal

Banning Books – illegal and to confiscate

Illegal – just says it no longer has the protection of the state

The state should not protect things that are mortally sinful.

Pornography – removing the legal protection for it, all that does is put anyone that wishes to make it and produce it without the protection of the state.



 Back to Headline:

  • Who is this “we” you speak of?



HEADLINE: Our Conscience Says, ‘Enough’ by Michael Brendan Dougherty

  • So because there were some food bandits in Somalia, you decided you needed to go in?
  • Do you even know all the places we have AMERICAN soldiers in fighting? Does anyone?
  • There are 100 nations in the UN less than 56 million (entire countries have been obliterated through abortion) 
  • Perhaps, if we considered the risks — to our military personnel, our national honor, and our national security — of maintaining so many men in conflicts without the explicit authorization of Congress and without popular support, our consciences would say, “Enough.”

Back to the Porn debate from the chatroom

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:44 Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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 Cecile Richards on the red carpet last night said “The Next Generation Gives Her Hope” She means the ones that made it out of their mothers womb alive, NOT the 56 million murdered.


  • This is NOT to make anyone angry or defensive.
  • AUDIO: Brother Francis – Billy Graham



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Special Guest: Sir Charles Coulombe

  • Author of Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail
  • People love to compare the US to the Roman Empire.
  • They loved their country and they loved their faith, we don’t.
  • If you don’t want to evangelize your friends, then you don’t love them.
  • What were they crusading to get and why were they doing it?
  • The King of Camelot, he may not have been called Author but there was definitely a King.
  • So to summarize a little what Charles just said, those men and women actually believed in miracles and the REAL presence of Christ.
  • Miracle in Italy just recently we covered on the show last week.
  • By their fruits you shall know them. I would crawl on my face for Him.
  • ACE Catholic = Ashes, Christmas, and Easter
  • Take THIS cup = the oldest part of the Mass
  • St. Peter meant THAT cup that was on THAT table.
  • Chapel of the Holy Chalice
  • Billy Graham
  • No Catholic should celebrate the possibility of ANYONE going to hell.
Sign-up for the Daily [r] Newsletter and we will give you $10 to use in our store. Who doesn’t like FREE money?! Shop the Founders Tradin’ Post today for items such as The Marian Option, The Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, Small is Still Beautiful, Humility of Heart, Dressing with Dignity and much more.
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Written by: MikeChurch

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