The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show- We Could Use A Man Like Saint Nicholas Of Myra Right Now!

today12/06/2021 36

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    The Mike Church Show- We Could Use A Man Like Saint Nicholas Of Myra Right Now! LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 HEADLINE: Biden Infrastructure Bill Includes Passive Monitoring Vehicle “Kill Switch” Mandates For Automakers by 

  • Who controls this kill switch?
  • Does the insurance company have access to this?
  • Is the kill switch in real time?
 HEADLINE: ‘F—k you, dude’: Startup valued at $7B gets flack as CEO lays off hundreds over Zoom by Joshua Bote

  • “If you’re on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off,” Garg said, citing “market efficiency, performances, productivity” among the reasons for the layoffs.
  • Company BETTER real-estate company based in NYC.
43mHEADLINE: A giant Florida hospital system has ended its vaccine mandate by Alex Berenson 
 QUESTION: How many seconds are in a month?

ANSWER: 28 million +

  • The Biden Regime is claiming the pumped 200 million people w/ at least 1 jab and 160 million w/ 2 jabs.
  • So that’s 520 million.
  • So that would be making 10 vile of this jab per second!
  • Wait, I thought there was a supply issue?
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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  HEADLINE: COVID-Free Woman Recounts Time In Australian Quarantine Camp: ‘You Feel Like You’re In Prison, Like You’ve Done Something Wrong’ by Jordan Boyd


HEADLINE:  COVID-19 a Pandemic of Fear ‘Manufactured’ by Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist by Isabel van Brugen and Jan Jekielek  

  • Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, attends the inaugural conference of the Brownstone Institute in Hartford, Connecticut on Nov. 14, 2021. 
  • The DIRE NATURE in which this virus was reported as is what pushed the fear.
  • That included the message that everybody was at risk, anybody could die from contracting the virus, and everybody needed to stay in their homes to protect themselves, and, in this way, protect society. 
  • According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of Dec. 4, just over 70 percent of American adults were fully vaccinated against the virus, while 23.9 percent had received a booster dose. 
  HEADLINE: 3D-printed suicide pods are now legal in Switzerland by Simone M

  • The person feels a little disoriented and may also feel slightly euphoric before losing consciousness. The whole process takes about 30 seconds. Death occurs from hypoxia and hypocapnia, a lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide, respectively. “There is no panic, no feeling of suffocation,” Nitschke added. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Engineered, humanoid robot production


HEADLINE: Lot’s Wife And Elite Western Culture by Rod Dreher 

  • Where is the role for love in all this? There is none. It is all about will to power, and will to destruction if it brings one pleasure. 
  • Again, there is a clear connection between the kind of depravity one sees in the sacrilegious Simonetti image, what’s happening at Princeton, and what Emily Witt records in her essay. I do not hesitate to call it demonic. Whether or not you believe in the devil, Satanism is parasitic on Christianity, and on the Good, because it seeks to defile everything Christianity calls holy and good. A couple of years ago a young man came to our church, having recently left a coven of occultists who followed the teachings of Aleister Crowley. He told me that he quit the cult because he knew that to rise in it, one had to participate in ever more degrading sexual acts. He had been molested by a babysitter as a boy, and recalling the lasting trauma of that event, recoiled at what the cult asked him to do … and left. 

Minor Exorcism of a House in St Tammany Parish – 

  • Here in St Tammany Parish
  • Holy water, Epiphany Exorcised salt etc
  • We need to defeat this evil, we need to call it out in public as the acts are done in public.
  • How does this man maintain any official position w/ any entity?
  • Why aren’t Catholics protesting outside of parliament? 
  • A society that accepts this kind of sickness, is doom to fail.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


 HEADLINE: Whatever Happened to Saint Nicholas? by Dwight Longenecker

  • Let us remember this day in Advent as a reminder of the true spirit of Saint Nicholas—a valiant defender of the faith, a tender-hearted lover of the poor and a kindly, generous soul, who saw that the true message of Christ’s nativity was that unless you become like a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom. 
  • QUESTION: How did a fourth-century, heretic-slapping bishop from Southern Turkey wind up being a fat, Coca-Cola-swigging American elf?
  • Saint Claus – the new version of St Nicholas is for commercial consumption.
  • Columbus named a port in Florida for St Nicholas, the town now named Jacksonville was first called St. Nicholas Ferry by the Spanish explorers.
  • So Jacksonville was origninally named St Nicholas Ferry.
  • Then in 1863 cartoonist Thomas Nast began a series of annual black-and-white drawings inspired by the poem. These drawings established a rotund Santa with flowing beard, fur garments, and an omnipresent clay pipe. Along with the image shift came a linguistic shift. The German “Sankt Niklaus” and the Dutch “Sinterklaas” became “Sancte Claus,” then “Santa Claus”.
  • In 1823 the poem –  The Night Before Christmas sealed the faith of St Nicholas.
  • In 1920s well-known illustrators N.C. Wyeth and J.C. Leyendecker – they produced portrayals of the red-suited, white-beard rotund elf. 
  • In 1930 Norma Rockwell picked up the tradition. 
  • Now that the link between Santa Claus and St. Nicholas is completely broken, it is a good time to rejuvenate the true celebration of St. Nicholas Day. No sense being a Scrooge about Santa. Let him be a jolly part of Christmas, but let us bring back St. Nicholas and remember this day in Advent as a reminder of the true spirit of St. Nicholas—a valiant defender of the faith, a tender-hearted lover of the poor and a kindly, generous soul who, in his kindness to children, saw that the true message of Christ’s nativity was that unless you become like a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom.
2h46m Special Guest Dr GC Dilsaver

Website – Psychomoralitics: The Soul Deep Science of Human Flourishing!

  • Cross Conformed
  • What you are doing here is reducing all the accidental things that….
  • Typically traditions are tough to crack.
  • Dogmatic Languages – 
  • QUESTION: Where did crucialism come from?
  • Crucial Christianity book – 
  • QUESTION: What is the authority of our faith?
  • CHATROOM QUESTION FOR THE GUEST – What specifically is he mentioning when he says trads are afraid to have their faith challenged?
  • He said feed my sheep.
  • He protect the sheep or anything else. 
  • He said TEND My flock.
  • The flock is HIS not the Priests.
  • If the Catholics on SCOTUS would live by their faith, Roe v Wade would be over and done with.
  • Catholics in every level of government have FAILED the Faith.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Chris Wallace w/ Surgeon General Vivek Murthytelling people to go back to masking if in large groups, even if fully vaccinated.
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Meta-tags for show

 SCOTUS, GC Dilsaver, soul deep science, St Nicholas, Catholicism, Roe v Wade, pro-life, abortion, Santa Claus, NC Wyeth, nativity, Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, Rod Dreher, Joshua Bote, Jordan Boyd, Alex Berenson, SSPX, Dwight Longenecker, Norman Rockwell, Simone M, dogmatic languages, omicron, COVID, Chris Wallace, unemployment, Jen Psaki, Peter Doocy, Australia quarantine camps, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

Written by: LoneRhody

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