
Parrott Talk- Why Didn’t The Dems Bail Out McCarthy

today10/05/2023 113 28

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The fallout from the ouster of Speaker McCarthy continues. The media is more than happy to expose the chaos within the Republican party, and RINOs are calling for the scalps of the 8 who dared to upset the balance. Meanwhile, the Demoncrats are sitting back, eating some popcorn and watch the infighting. However, the question Mike Parrott has is, why didn’t they bail out McCarthy? The dems would have complete and utter control of McCarthy had they rode to his rescue. They could pass any number of bills, including The Green New Deal without having to fight him.  Perhaps he wasn’t worth saving to them, or maybe there was no real benefit to saving him, but Mike Parrott has the real answer.  It is much simpler than you think, and to hear that answer you must listen to this episode of Parrott Talk.



Written by: Justin Redman
