The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Hersey Of Muricanism: Day Of Birth Abortion On Ohio Ballot

today11/06/2023 173 1

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 HEADLINE: Pope says two-state solution needed for Israel-Palestine by Philip Pullella 

  • “Those are two peoples who have to live together. With that wise solution, two states. The Oslo accords, two well-defined states and Jerusalem with a special status.” – Pope Francis
  • So far, the death toll in Israel is estimated to be around 600, with over 2,000 people injured, according to several Israeli media outlets. Meanwhile, Palestinian officials have said more than 300 people have been killed in Gaza. There has been no official confirmation of the death toll on either side.
  • Tensions between Israel and Palestine have escalated in recent months following Netanyahu’s reelection last year and the formation of his far-right coalition, with many criticizing the inclusion of radical personalities such as Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who in 2007 was criminally convicted for incitement of anti-Arab racism and support for a Jewish militant group.














HEADLINE: Proponents Of Ohio’s Abortion Amendment Don’t Want You To Know How Barbaric It Is by May Mailman 

QUESTION: How can LIFE itself be put to a vote?

  • As a lawyer for women’s issues and former deputy solicitor general for Ohio, I see what this amendment aims to do: require abortions to be provided throughout pregnancy, remove Ohio’s laws governing parental notification and unethical abortive procedures, and create constitutional requirements for transgender procedures for minors.
  • When it is an issue of life or death, it should just be illegal. 
  • It shouldn’t get to the states for a vote.
  • There is no ethical way to abort a baby.
  • They added a constitutional requirement for transgender procedures for minors in this Issue 1 too.
  • ‘generally need’ and ‘could stay in place’ were used in explaining that minors needed parental consent for an abortion or transgender mutilation.
  • The proposed amendment provides an “individual” with the “right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions.” 
  • The term “reproductive decisions” is left undefined, so it means (to state the obvious) decisions related to one’s reproduction, including decisions involving puberty blockers or irreversible transgender interventions for minors.
  • This is ledger domain – 
  • What is ‘to guarantee reproductive rights’?
  • This ambiguous wording allows Judges to make decisions on this later in courts!
  • In simpler terms, it means that any law or even local policy that affects abortion or “reproductive decisions” is banned, unless the government can prove it absolutely needs the law to protect the patient.
  • My good people in Ohio – just vote NO!
  • You don’t want to amend your Constitution for this.
  • You would become California-Lite or Vermont-Lite.
  • All things can’t be put to a vote.
  • God made you w/ inherent rights….like LIFE!
  • This is a moral and human disaster. 
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HEADLINE: Every Ohio Pastor Has A Duty To Urge His Congregants To Vote No On Issue 1 by Andrew Martin 

The results of Majority Rule – 

  • HOA’s is an example of what can go wrong w/ majority rules.
  • We are told almost everything can be solved w/ a vote.
  • Surely there is no true justice or equity in a system such as this?
  • So why do we continue?
  • The formation of most people just can’t tell right from wrong and ethical from unethical. 
  • I’m going to leave the name out of this example here – 
  • Someone on Twitter was pointing out this certain on air media entity was Tweeting that ‘I quit my day job to help confused people make sense of this crisis in the Catholic Church only to find numerous people who are openly hostile to any help whatsoever. There is a spiritual sickness that has been allowed to fester in the hearts of so many’. 
  • Every single Priest, Pastor etc need to be telling the people they cannot vote yes on this in Ohio.
  • It does bring up this question though.
  • God has the right, He says life begins when I create it, end of story!
  • That is all you need to say!
  • Pastoral influence runs broad and deep. Weekly churchgoers trust their pastor’s spiritual guidance and look to the pulpit for advice and direction. Congregants often view their pastor as the primary source of moral authority in life — including on the issue of abortion. 
  • Pastors and priests could command tremendous political power by simply making their congregations aware of Issue 1, teaching the Biblical position on abortion, and directing their congregations to go vote no. This is constitutionally protected by the First Amendment, and seems like the obvious thing to do, but it is not happening at scale.
  • Many church leaders have chosen not to spur their people to political action and are reluctant to take a firm and vocal stand on political issues like abortion. They have largely shied away from wading into their congregation’s political decisions. They may address the morality of issues like abortion but will not go so far as to instruct their congregants’ vote, for example.
  • Our pursuit of a Holy Death and Blessed Eternity, government shouldn’t do anything to impair that pursuit. 
  • That is the role of government. 
  • When it comes into contact or conflict w/ the Church, if the Church is pursuing Her true purpose, the Church should get the nod.
  • The heresy of Americanism – 
1h55mAUDIO/VIDEO: Why Get Z and Millenials ‘don’t want to work anymore’It isn’t that we don’t want to work anymore, its that everything is just so expensive now we can’t even really afford to live. College is expensive, rent is expensive and cars are all so expensive now. 

  • The purpose of a job is to pay me enough so I can pay rent and buy food.
  • Do you see the error that has been made already here?
  • While she admitted vocations are better than jobs, she got the other part wrong.
  • What is the actual purpose of a job?
  • To her the whole meaning of life is to go to college, get the good job that you don’t have to get your hands dirty, pay rent and buy food.
  • TKD tells story of Daughter #2 that visited her cousin that just had her 2nd baby. 
  • She has baby fever, she wants the wedding, the marriage, the family but can’t find a boy her age to fulfill that want and desire.
 Taco Bell and Inflation

Perfectly preserved Taco Bell receipt from 1999 in a Library Book – 

I could go in the early 2000’s and get a bean burrito w/ extra cheese and a Pepsi and be set all for the grand total of $2.50.

8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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  The Federal Reserve

  • Preaching and teaching and Civics 101 – 
  • They are the central bank.
  • They have so much power they will not let any of that power go.
  • The whole thing is broke.
  • At some point it has to breakdown completely.
2h36mWatching College Football on Saturday and NFL on Sunday 

  • 90% of the ‘married couples’ they have in commercials are mixed race.
  • It isn’t over the top, they present it as perfectly normal.
  • African Americans are 50% of the ads.
  • Are there any white people left?
  • NFL on CBS is just terrible w/ the commercials and diversity.
  • The majority of the woke in the commercials is gone though.
  • Dylan Mulvaney’s Bud Lite ad campaign was so cringe it solved this woke commercial crap.
  • THANK you Dylan for being so terrible BOTH sides dislike you.
  • Fan Duel Commercials – how did the NFL sign off on this?
  • You can bet on plays, quarters and spreads all while the game is live.
  • Georgia game – I don’t know who the quarterback for Missouri is but he actually gifted Georgia that game. It looked bad to me.
  • Brady Cook, he may be a great player and a great kid for all I know but that was something to behold.
  • Like in the NFL they paid that guy $98 million to ‘sack the quarterback’ basically he is new to the NFL team, he was traded mid-season for this role.
  • Where is the honor in sports?



HEADLINE: Democrat strategist David Axelrod who led efforts to get Obama elected suggests Biden dropping out of 2024 after release of damning poll by Rachel Bowman 

  • The poll of 3,662 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin was conducted between Oct. 22 to Nov. 3. The margin of error for each state is between 4.4 and 4.8 percentage points. 
  • Axelrod is credited for revolutionizing modern day campaigning for his winning media management strategy for Obama and Biden’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns. 
  • ‘Trump is a dangerous, unhinged demagogue whose brazen disdain for the rules, norms, laws and institutions or democracy should be disqualifying. But the stakes of miscalculation here are too dramatic to ignore,’ –  Axelrod
  • You can’t get eggs or a pound of bacon for 18% less that in 2020.
  • Federal Reserve – 
  • It is true they have the vote manufacturing machines in each state but that isn’t going to be enough this time I think.
  • This is 1979 – Americans haven’t been faced with anything this big since then. 
  • Oil Embargo – Carter Regime
  • There are parallel circumstances I believe.
 HEADLINE: Trump to Testify in New York Civil Fraud Trial by Michael Washburn

AUDIO/VIDEO: AG Letitia James on Trump: “I am certain that he will engage in name calling and taunts and race baiting and call this a witch hunt. But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters are the facts and the numbers, and numbers, my friends, don’t lie.”

  • Start accusing all the businesses in NYC of fraud and just start taking them all to court.
  • These judgments will be in the millions, each case and that is how NYC could bankroll the states shortfalls.
  • If you overvalue a property, what happens to your insurance?
  • Your insurance goes up.
  • Why would anyone do that?
  • Pay MORE in insurance. 
3h10mAUDIO/VIDEO: Zelensky on Meet the Press – Trump having Ukraine’s Back

Zelensky – I really, really don’t know. I think it depends on the opinion of Americans, your society. The attitude of the ordinary people, it is their money and they have to understand our difficult war against Russia. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Zelensky on Meet the Press – Peace Talks

Zelensky – We are not ready to give our freedoms to this F*cking terrorist Putin.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Zelensky on Meet the Press – Inviting Trump to Ukraine 

Zelensky – I invite President Trump, if he can come here. I will need 24 minutes…to explain to President Trump that he can’t manage this war. He can’t bring peace, because of Putin.

3h17mHEADLINE: Poll: 1 in 4 Americans Know Someone Who Died From COVID Vaccine by Jack Phillips 

  • A new poll found that about a quarter of Americans believe someone they knew died from COVID-19 vaccines, while another recent survey found that a growing number of Americans are increasingly wary of the shots.
  • About half of Americans, or 47 percent, said that they know someone who died from the COVID-19 virus, while 49 percent said they don’t know anyone who died from the illness, according to Rasmussen.
  • About 42 percent said that if there was a significant class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical firms for side effects related to vaccines, they would “likely” join the suit, according to the poll, which noted that 24 percent said it would be “very likely” they would join. Forty-seven percent of respondents said they would not join the lawsuit, and 11 percent said they aren’t sure.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: David Icke in 1997 on VaccinesThey told us they were going to use vaccines to cull out the old people. Mass global immunization as a way of gaining access to humans health and removing them from what they think is the overpopulated planet. 
3h35mHEADLINE: Male On Women’s Field Hockey Team Hospitalizes Opponent With ‘Significant Facial Injuries’ by Shawn Fleetwood 

    • You’d like to believe that a girl screaming out in agony and being sent to the hospital after getting a ball to the face would warrant at least brief mention, if not a paragraph. Especially when considering that the ItemLive write-up of the game is about Groothuis and his performance.
    • But at the end of the day, many local media outlets are just as bad at their jobs as their national counterparts. It doesn’t matter that the aforementioned female athlete got knocked out of a state tournament game because a male decided he wanted to impose his will on women’s athletics. All that matters is advancing the leftist agenda — no matter what.
    • The ONLY PEOPLE that can stop this is women.
    • Men can scream and shout and threaten to beat up the young male but that won’t stop this.
    • Women, the young girls must stop playing against the boys.
    • PERIOD…refuse to play.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep James Comer on w/ Maria Bartiromo Biden SubpoenasI think the subpoenas are imminent. I think this is going to be a big week. There are a lot of other documents going to be released this week pertaining to loans and payments made. We’ve got the bank documents that we’ve asked for so long ago. The average person can’t imagine how many checking accounts Hunter Biden had w/ no job or perceived income.

  • For 51 years the family business has been Joe Biden, corruption, influence peddling all to gain access to the Big Guy.

  • Hale, a transgender 28-year-old man going by the name “Aiden” Hale, entered The Covenant School on March 27, 2023 in Green Hills, Tennessee – killing six, before being shot and killed by responding officers. 
  • These pages of the manifesto were exclusively obtained by MugClub Undercover.
  • In the pages reviewed and corroborated by MugClub Undercover, Hale said she hoped to have a “high death count” and wanted to “kill” kids with “white privileges.”
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Meta-tags for showAudrey Hale, Covenant School, MugClub Undercover, Rep James Comer, Maria Bartiromo, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Shawn Fleetwood, corruption, transgender, LGBTQ, Philip Pullella, Pope Francis, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, David Icke, COVID, mandatory vaccines, Jack Phillips, May Mailman, Andrew Martin, Majority Rule, Zelensky, Michael Washburn, AG Letitia James, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Ukraine, Russia, Putin, Barack Obama, Dylan Mulvaney, But Light

Written by: candacechurch