
423 Results / Page 40 of 47



Reconquest Episode 94: Concerning Vows and Oaths

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninety-fourth show debuts on September 20, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Is Happiness Selfish? The Vows and Oaths of Christendom — by Brother André Marie at  St. Louis Marie and Baptism — by Brother André Marie at  Westminster Abbey […]

today09/20/2017 64


Reconquest Episode 93: Is Happiness Selfish?

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninety-third show debuts on September 13, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Is Happiness Selfish? Ayn Rand, Conservatism’s Favorite Philosopher — by Gary Potter at  The Discovery of Ethics: Aristotle  — chapter three of Moral Philosophy, by Jacques Maritain, […]

today09/13/2017 12


Reconquest Episode 92: Hispanidad and Sacral Societies. Guest: Dr. Alexandra Wilhelmsen

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninety-second show debuts on September 6, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Hispanidad and Sacral Societies. My guest is Dr. Alexandra Wilhelmsen. Spain and Carlism — excerpt from a doctoral dissertation by Mark Popowski with references to "Hispanidad." Search […]

today09/06/2017 181


Reconquest Episode 91: The Alt-Right, a Catholic View. Guest: Charles Coulombe

  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Mandeville, LA – Our ninetieth show debuts on August 30, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is The Alt-Right, a Catholic View. My guest is Mr. Charles Coulombe. Richard Spencer: The Dark Knight of the Alt Right, a Guide for Catholics — by Jesse Russell, Ph.D., […]

today08/30/2017 13


Reconquest Episode 90: Triumphalism, Virtue, and Peace

Mandeville, LA –  COME TO THE ST. BENEDICT CENTER CONFERENCE: OCT. 6 AND 7! Our ninetieth show debuts on August 23, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Triumphalism, Virtue, and Peace. In Praise of Triumphalism — by Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M., at  Meekness Is Strength — by Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M., at  The Psychological and Spiritual Effects […]

today08/23/2017 39


Episode 89: Guest: Eastern Orthodoxy and the Universal Church, Part II. Guest: Erick Ybarra

Mandeville, LA – Our eighty-ninth show debuts on August 16, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). The show is part two of our coverage of the topic, Eastern Orthodoxy and the Universal Church. Once more, our guest is Mr. Erick Ybarra. St. Cyril of Alexandria was Papal legate at Ephesus I (A.D. 431) — by Erick Ybarra, at Credo Ut Intelligam […]

today08/16/2017 24


Reconquest Episode 88: Guest: Eastern Orthodoxy and the Universal Church. Guest: Erick Ybarra

Mandeville, LA – Our eighty-eighth show debuts on August 9, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). The topic is Eastern Orthodoxy and the Universal Church. Our guest is Mr. Erick Ybarra. St. Peter and Church Unity — by Sister Marie Thérèse, M.I.C.M., at What’s the Filioque? —  by Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M., at Two Patrons for True Ecumenism — by Brother Francis, M.I.C.M., at […]

today08/09/2017 33


Reconquest Episode 87: Unexpected Apologetics: Sola Scriptura

Mandeville, LA – Our eighty-seventh show debuts on August 2, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). The topic is Unexpected Apologetics: Sola Scriptura. The Bible Only? — by Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. at (all Biblical references used in show may be found here) The Law of Causality and Sola Scriptura — by Mark Gonnella at It's All or Nothing — by Brother André […]

today08/03/2017 522


Reconquest Episode 86: No Salvation outside the Church — Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Mandeville, LA –  Our eighty-sixth show debuts on July 26, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note:all times listed are Central time). The topic is No Salvation outside the Church — Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. Outside the Church there is no Salvation — the three papal definitions, with links to the larger context, at The Pope, the Church, and the Paraclete — by Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. at […]

today07/27/2017 72 9