
399 Results / Page 44 of 45



Reconquest Episode 34: Why the Church? Why Not Just Jesus?

In this show, I go through four different arguments to answer these questions: "Why the Church? Why Not Just Jesus?" The topic results from common objections from modern non-denominational "Bible Christians," who claim that "the church" (or "religion") is a mere sideline (or worse) in Christianity, while it is the personal relationship with "Jesus only" that is front and center. What is wrong with the objections implied in these questions? How do we […]

today07/27/2016 241


Reconquest Episode 33: Heretics, Apostates and Schismatics Oh My! Guest: Ryan Grant

There is a schedule change for this Episode of Reconquest. It will premiere at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (6 p.m. Central) on Wednesday, July 20. My guest once more in Mr. Ryan Grant. As the name I’ve given the show suggests, the topics covered — from Saint Robert Bellarmine’s book, On the Church Militant — are heretics, apostates, and schismatics. Ryan and I discuss what these words mean and why, according […]

today07/20/2016 46


Reconquest Episode 32. On the Church Militant. Guest: Ryan Grant

Mr. Ryan Grant, of Mediatrix Press, is my guest. The subject is the book by Saint Robert Bellarmine, On the Church Militant, which Ryan translated and published. We discuss the first three chapters of the book, which explain the origin of the word Church, its precise and accurate definition (against false definitions on the sectarians), and a summary of who are considered members of the Church. Saint Robert Bellarmine was […]

today07/13/2016 35


Reconquest Episode 31. The Precious Blood of Jesus

The price of our salvation is the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. In the nineteenth century, there was a real flowering of devotion to the Precious Blood, thanks to such notables as Saint Gaspar del Bufalo, Father Frederick Faber, and, of course, Blessed Pope Pius IX, who instituted the Feast of the Precious Blood (later moved by Saint Pius X to July 1), in thanksgiving for the ending of his exile in […]

today07/06/2016 311


Episode 30. Saint Ferdinand III: Catholic Spain Personified. Guest: Dr. Alexandra Wilhelmsen

For this show, I am joined by Dr. Alexandra Wilhelmsen (with whom I previously discussed the Spanish Carlists). Our subject is Saint Ferdinand III, the Crusader and liberator of Catholic Spain, who united the two Iberian Kingdoms of Leon and Castile, ruling — after his successful Reconquista — a territory roughly two-thirds the size of present-day Spain. Included in our discussion are the Saint's Marian piety, his chivalrous rule, his amazing […]

today06/30/2016 1262


Reconquest Episode 29. Giving God His Due

On this show, I consider a standard objection to Catholic devotion: the charge of idolatrous worship of the Blessed Virgin, the saints, and the angels. I call the show Giving God His Due. The question boils down to this: What is it that Catholics offer to the Virgin Mary, the other saints, or the angels that is due to God alone? What is God's due that we are rendering to a […]

today06/22/2016 732


Reconquest Episode 28. Saint Robert Southwell: The Truth, the Beauty, and the Gore. Guest: Charles Coulombe

For this Reconquest, I am joined by Charles Coulombe to discuss "Saint Robert Southwell: The Truth, the Beauty, and the Gore." Topics include a brief biological sketch of the missionary-martyr-poet, the purpose of his poetry, and some of that poetry itself. His was an amazing career as a hunted missionary who not only exercised a priestly, sacramental mission among the persecuted faithful of Elizabethan England, but who also engaged in an extraordinary apostolate of the […]

today06/15/2016 20


Reconquest Episode 27. Contracepting Heaven and Earth. Guest: C.J. Doyle

My good friend C.J. Doyle joins me in this Reconquest. C.J. is the Executive Director of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, a frequent speaker at Saint Benedict Center Conferences, and an informed and erudite Catholic culture warrior, who has done a great deal for many years to defend faith and family in the Bay State. Our subject is "Contracepting Heaven and Earth," which makes reference to the twofold tragedy of […]

today06/08/2016 33


Reconquest Episode 26. Corpus Christi, Feast and Mystery. Guest: Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M.

Sister Maria Philomena joins me for Reconquest, Episode 26. We are discussing the topic, "Corpus Christi, Feast and Mystery." Subjects include general Catholic notions of sacramentality and liturgical piety, Saint Thomas Aquinas' explanation of past, present, and future aspects of the sacraments in general and the Blessed Eucharist in specific, the history of the Feast of Corpus Christi, some of the music inspired by the feast, the Biblical basis for […]

today06/01/2016 341
