
645 Results / Page 16 of 72


The Mike Church Show

How The Sun, Moon, And Stars Control The Christian Calendar

SPECIAL GUEST Brother Andre Marie Host of the ReConquest Show aired only on The Crusade Channel. Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter - @Brother_Andre Grant money and big donors -  Church Triumphant Church Suffering  Church Militant Christopher Derrick HEADLINE: In Praise of Triumphalism by Brother Andre Marie  So what’s wrong with triumphalism? I suspect that the enemy of triumphalism has a deeper problem, though. Triumphalism presumes there is something to […]

today11/29/2023 197

The Early Show

The Early Show-The House Of Horrors Dilemma

There is debated regarding the abandoned cottage of media personality Jimmy Saville. At one time he was extremely popular, he was the host of BBC's Tops Of The Pop, and other shows.  But there was always a dark cloud that hung around him. It was not until his death, that the truth emerged.  Now his cottage is abandoned and the target of vandals. People who are angered about the life […]

today11/29/2023 45


Parrott Talk- Cardinal Virtues

The cardinal virtues guide our behaviors, but so few actually know what they are.  Mike Parrott even says that some people's use of a virtue is actually a vice. Listen to this episode of Parrott Talk, as Mike looks at each of the four virtues. 

today11/28/2023 172 1

The Early Show

The Early Show-Twinkle, Twinkle Little Mars

As you look at the night sky, what do you say to the stars? Do you wonder if there is life out there, or do you imagine what an interstellar explorer would see as they visit new planets.  Fiorella imagines what life would be like on Mars on this episode of the Early Show.  She reveals why she thinks of the red planet and who in her family wants to […]

today11/28/2023 46

The Early Show

The Early Show- Teachers Should Teach

Teachers should only have one job, which is to teach our children a particular subject.  Their job should not be expected to teach our children how to behave in society, nor should they be our children's moral compass. That is the job of the parent. With all the additional expectations, it is no wonder why teachers are leaving the school systems and become private tutors. Fiorella digs deep into the […]

today11/27/2023 53

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Men Of Christendom It Is Time To Earn Your Victories Through Action Part 1

The demon commies earned their victories, now it’s time for the men of christendom to earn theirs, through action. You can not win the war against the devils by posting on social media, you will have to actually stand up and act.  Mike Church introduces you to the book Action, by Jean Ousset and in this book is the plan on how Catholics should act to restore Christendom.

today10/04/2023 15

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Conservatism Inc. Loses The House Of Representing’ As Mordor Rages

For the first time in United States history a Speaker of The House was ousted during their term. In an unprecedented move, a coalition of eight republicans, led by Matt Gaetz, and all of the House Demoncrats voted to remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of The House. This is a first for America and it is most certainly a first in Mike Church's long career as a talk show host.  […]

today10/04/2023 24

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Parrott Talk- The 123 Year Lead Up To Kevin McCarthy’s Demise

PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Matt Gaetz made good on his threat; Kevin McCarthy is now the former Speaker of The House.  In a shocking move, the Demoncrats joined eight Republicans to remove McCarthy as the Speaker of the House.  This is the first time in American history that such a move was successful.  On this episode of Parrott Talk, Mike Parrott takes […]

today10/04/2023 6