
644 Results / Page 69 of 72


Veritas Radio Ad Campaign: Radio The Way It Should Be

The Empire of the RNC, Portrayed The Way It Should Be

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel will offer LIVE coverage of all 4 nights of the RNC from Cleveland. We begin covering the Empire's World Domination and Invasion Planning with Emperor Palpatine who founded the first Galactic Empire. If the RNC and USA had starships, Palaptine would be its nominee. Ice World of Hoth, here comes the RNC!

today07/16/2016 13

How To - Tech Help

Downloading CRUSADE Shows With Firefox

Mandeville, LA - Here is another solve for Firefox users. To download audio files onto your computer or other drives: 1. “Right click the “Download” Button and select “Open in new tab” or “Open in new window.” 2. Go to that “new tab” or “new window” and right click the audio play bar that should be visible. 3. Select “Save Audio As” and select an area on your hard drive to save […]

today07/16/2016 11


Testimonial: I NEVER Heard of Fatima’s Miracle of The Sun Before!

Mandeville, LA - Listener Jeffrey B. writes to share his experience listening to the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel's Mike Church Show on Wednesday 13 July, 2016. From the details of Jeffrey's note, it appears Our Lady may have made a digital intercession. Dear Mike, I try real hard to listen to you and Mr Kreslins every day. After a snafu with the stream this morning during the morning drive, I never […]

today07/14/2016 9


Testimonial: I Fought The Truth But The Truth Has Won

Mandeville, LA - Longtime listener and Founders Pass member Todd B. shares his personal story of how the CRUSADE Channel inspired him to consider whether the the Anti-Catholic propaganda he heard his entire life was true. Here are the results: Dear Mike, I’m not much with words, but I wanted to take a quick minute and say thank you for all that you and your staff at The Veritas Radio Network […]

today07/13/2016 9

How To Listen

The Veritas Radio Network App Is Updated & Improved!

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network app has no been updated and lookie-lookie, there is a NEW button on the app: Mike Church Show Listen Line! Now you can use the app to listen to our flagship show using PHONE minutes, NOT data! There is NO FEE for the Mike Church Show Listen LIVE feed. The feed is LIVE when the Mike Church Show is LIVE and then loops the show […]

today07/11/2016 20


Our CRUSADE Studios Have Now Been Officially Blessed! Media Evil Has Been Notified.

[huge_it_gallery id="6"] Mandeville, LA - On Monday, 11 July, 2016, Roman Catholic Priest Father Jeffrey Jambon stopped by the CRUSADE Channel studios and performed a Latin Rite blessing for an office building, made canonical in 1902. Father Jambon, blessed Studio D, B and C, Studio D is the home of the CRUSADE Channel's flagship show The Mike Church Show. Father also administered the Rite of Exorcism over a St Benedict's […]

today07/11/2016 20

How To - Tech Help

Tech Support: I Downloaded The App But Can’t Play Past Episodes On It

Mandeville, LA - We receive dozens of the above question from new members, here is a typical response, we hope this solves the question for many.   Dear Founders Pass Member, There are tut0rial videos and FAQ articles on this subject on the site because we have addressed them hundreds and hundreds of times but I will briefly review: 1. We do not advertise and do not say ANYWHERE that you […]

today07/03/2016 331

How To Listen

Veritas Announces Mike Church Show Listen Line

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network is delighted to announce that our listening options have expanded yet again! Thanks to our network partners at Talk Stream Live! Mike Church Show fans can now listen to the Mike Church Show 24/7 On-Demand via any telephone line and use 0.0 of their broadband data. Got that?! Put it in your address book and "Mark it Dude". Now there is NO EXCUSE to […]

today06/30/2016 1101