
1627 Results / Page 146 of 181


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- BLM Brand Is Successful Deceiving Young Americans

BLM Brand Is Successful Deceiving Young Americans Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First BLM Brand Is Successful Deceiving Young Americans na Second, we go across the interwebs.   Next, Trump executive order to restrict immigrant visas, aiming to save 525,000 U.S. jobs during COVID. As well as Gov. Greg Abbott urges voluntary measures to curb coronavirus spread but says closing Texas will be "the last option". By the same Protesters fail […]

today06/23/2020 7


Covid Chronicles

Tuesday-To Fix This Lawless Summer Restore Confederate Officers As The Heroes They Are!

Tuesday-To Fix This Lawless Summer Restore Confederate Officers As The Heroes They Are! Mike Church talks about the Confederate officers being restored to the heroes they are to combat this lawless summer!    What Is The Crusade Channel? The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike “The King […]

today06/23/2020 60


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Did TikTok Teens Take Out Trump In Tulsa?

The Barrett Brief- Did TikTok Teens Take Out Trump In Tulsa? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Turnout  Trump’s Tulsa Rally Was Just Under 6,200–A Fraction Of The Venue’s 19,200 Capacity, Did TikTok take out Trump? na Second, we go across the interwebs.   Together, CDC to ‘soon’ make update on mask recommendation. Additionally, SF Archbishop outraged after Junipero Serra statue pulled down, as well as other statues. Next,  Kim […]

today06/22/2020 21

American happiness

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- On The Eve Of July 4th, American Happiness At All Time Low

On The Eve Of July 4th, American Happiness At All Time Low Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First American happiness has reached a 50-year low.  na Second, Daniel Savackis joins the show. Third  we go across the interwebs.  Together, Trump Claims He Made Juneteenth Famous. It’s Been Widely Celebrated Since 1865. Additionally, Tennessee House Passes Pro-Life Bill Banning All Abortions Killing Unborn Babies. Next, National Arm Of Black Lives Matter Spent Millions […]

today06/19/2020 6

Religious Organizations


The Barrett Brief- Regardless Of SCOTUS, Mericans Stand By Religious Organizations

Regardless Of SCOTUS, Mericans Stand By Religious Organizations Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Two-thirds of Americans believe that religious organizations have the right to make certain hiring decisions without government control. na Second, Senator Ted Harvey, Chairman of CommitteeToDefendThePresident.com PAC joins the program. Third  we go across the interwebs.  In the first place After some Atlanta police officers call out, mayor asks them to honor commitment […]

today06/18/2020 9


Covid Chronicles

Thursday- Between SCOTUS’S Obergefell & Bostock What Choice Does A Southern Patriot Have BUT To Secede!

Thursday- Between SCOTUS'S Obergefell & Bostock What Choice Does A Southern Patriot Have BUT To Secede! Bostock & Obergefell leaves Southern Patriots NO choice but to Secede!    What Is The Crusade Channel? The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike “The King Dude” Church entertaining you during your […]

today06/18/2020 7

Run Away

True Money

True Money Show-Run Away…But Where To? 

True Money Show-Run Away...But Where To?  The NEW & IMPROVED True Money Show is LIVE  on the  Crusade Channel.  That's right, I am on a mission to CHANGE THE WAY WE ADDRESS OUR PROBLEMS, so  I hope you will join me for the best finance show on the airwaves.  Plus, you  can call in at 844-527-8723 or email me at [email protected] to ask whatever questions you want to pose. On this show, we'll discuss: Run […]

today06/18/2020 4

Civil War

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Civil War Increasingly On The Mind Of GOP Voters

Civil War Increasingly On The Mind Of GOP Voters Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First 40% of GOP Voters Think Civil War Likely. na Second, Steve Hayes Esq., President Of Fairtax.org OM Third  we go across the interwebs.  In the first place Record spike in new coronavirus cases reported in six U.S. states as reopening accelerates. Of course Flights canceled as Beijing’s new outbreak raises concerns. Together, Google Threatens to Ban The Federalist […]

today06/17/2020 8


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – SCOTUS Is Telling Unsure Americans They Stand With LGBTMAPQ

SCOTUS Is Telling Unsure Americans They Stand With LGBTMAPQ Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First SCOTUS Is Telling Unsure Americans They Stand With LGBTMAPQ. na Second, Larry Ward, President of Constitutional Rights PAC Tuesday, joins the program to talk is StandWithTucker.com.  Third  we go across the interwebs.   In the first place Supreme Court says gay, transgender workers protected by law. Of course Planned Parenthood endorses Biden for […]

today06/16/2020 10