
197 Results / Page 19 of 22


CRUSADE Channel Preview Podcasts

Mike Church Show – C. Ferrara: The Unchangeable Law Can’t Be Changed By Pope Francis

Mandeville, LA - "The Pope cannot be wrong" is a foundational part of Christian teaching but this has conditions that must explained in order fully understand it and no lay person explains it better than today's Special Guest Chris Ferrara. In a long ranging 110 minute conversation, Church and Ferrara explain the scandal that Amoris Lætitia will visit upon the pastoral community who will then make the "Exhortation" de facto by […]

today04/11/2016 55

Legacy Show Archive

Mark Kreslins Show: If Oklahoma Won’t Secede To End Abortion When Will It!?

Oklahoma - When states use their sovereignty rights to end abortion the 9, politically charged lawyers in black dresses, come swooping in and bellow: "Peasant Citizennnnnn! You will obey your Federal Overlords, Citizennnnn!" If we can't stand up to these tyrants for the soon to be born, then what WILL make us stand up? The time to make that stand is now, if you can leave Olive Garden long enough […]

today04/11/2016 41

Veritas Newsroom

Customize Your Own Veritas Radio Network Player

Mandeville, LA - You can now personalize and take with you the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel and design your own media player to boot! Just go to the CRUSADE Channel page on the Radionomy website here. Choose your player style. Choose your player's theme colors Copy the resulting html code and paste it in your own blog or favorite customizable media player.

today04/11/2016 48


Mike Church Show – Pope Frances Welcomes Serial Adulterers While Hillary Schemes to Kill Their Kids

Mandeville, LA - Mike reacts to Pope Francis' GATES OF bombsHELL conspiring, Amoris Latitia Pastoral Exhortation. That this document is problematic is the understatement of Christian history. "Is it any coincidence Mrs Clinton feels free, nay, confident she can go on international television and pronounce that 'our law' permits a woman to murder her baby, hours before it is to be born?... there will be population control...eugenecists are always Elites, […]

today04/08/2016 832

The Fellowship Of The Clans

Legacy Show Archive

Kevin Gutzman: 2nd Amendment Does Not Guarantee “Concealed Carry”

Mandeville, LA - In this week's Constitution Hour with Kevin Gutzman, Kevin takes historical exception to Idaho Governor Butch Otter's fatuous claim to Idahoans that the "2nd Amendment is your concealed carry permit". "This is just nonsense" says Gutzman explaining that Idaho doesn't need the 2nd Amendment to pass concealed or open carry or any other kind of carry. Gutzman takes issue with the NRA being mostly responsible for this […]

today04/07/2016 51

CRUSADE Channel Preview Podcasts

Mike Church Show: Stick a Fork in Common Core, It’s Done

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church interview with Joy Pullman of The Federalist, reviews the long overdue terminal illness of "Common Core". Pullman reveals the sinister role über trillionaire Bill Gates played in launching CC and shoving it down the throats of parents. AND: Mike continues his Founding Fathers Red Pill definition of "what is a state" which will shock many DeceptiCONS and all of the Anarcho-pagans. Quoting an old poem […]

today04/07/2016 11


Brother André: Support The CRUSADE Channel Catholics, It Has Earned It

Mandeville, LA - From ReConquest's Brother André Marie: This is not a plug for donations to Saint Benedict Center. Yes, those always help, but that’s not what this is about. This is a plug for people to (A) LISTEN TO (B) JOIN and (C) ADVERTIZE ON the Veritas Radio Network’s “Crusade Channel.” Why? Good question. The short answer is that this new broadband radio venture is actually becoming surprisingly effective […]

today04/07/2016 16

Become a Member

Become A Founders Pass Member & Take Patrick Henry Along With You-FREE!

Mandeville, LA -Patrick Henry-American Statesman is not a history book, it is an exciting biography of the second greatest American who ever lived. This edition is the first modern release of this classic work and features 1 new chapter from editor Mike Church, “Henry in Art”. This edition also includes illustrations and was reformatted using modern publishing techniques. And the audiobook edition is yours FREE when you become a new, Founders […]

today04/07/2016 18