Evangelicals Watching The ShAmazonian Synod To Cathoilics: “Heyyyy, Papists, We Didn’t Mean For You Guys, Literally, To Shut Up!

today10/23/2019 10

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DOWNLOAD HERE: Special Guest Matt Gaspers editor of Catholic Family News 

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  • The demons are having a field day here in this Amazon synod.
  • Saint Basil the Great or Basil of Caesarea

Austen Ivereigh Tweet: The main difference between this video of ISIS fanatics destroying BVM statues in Baghdad and the one by rad-trad fanatics throwing the mother-nature effigy into the Tiber is this: in the former the fanatics had the guts to show themselves.

  • I think at the end of the day, a Protestant is a fallen away Catholic b/c they just reject a couple of Dogmas.
  • I believe all of this will in fact at some point correct itself b/c of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Written by: Corey Clark

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