HEADLINE: The Holy Guardian Angels by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart
We have one NATURE but two aspects: 1) Spirit and 2) Corporal
The angel has a nature. When you understand their nature, you will understand more about the guardian angel.
What is an angel exactly? – There are 9 to be precise.
Visible and Invisible – it is in the creed
The angelic nature – each angel is a complete substance.
Our soul is spiritual b/c we have intellect and will.
They have intellect and will but no bodies.
At the Resurrection of Our Lord – that is a miracle for two reasons. 1) the angel give an appearance of having a true body. 2) the resurrection
We learn through our senses as humans for the angles it is completely different.
FROM THE MIKE CHURCH SHOW CHATROOM: ”You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.” Deuteronomy 4:2
Mother Angelica used to have a rosary devotion to the Guardian Angel.
Jesse Romero – death penalty from the other day – PhD in angelology or an StD an ecclesiastical doctorate.
Angelology – it is a valid science w/in the theologies.
Even the devil himself had to acknowledge the help angels give to humans.
At the arrest of Our Lord, we don’t see angels here at least not in the human manifestation.
St. Joseph is called the Terror of Demons for a reason
Angels – by way of operation, they aren’t present in a place b/c they aren’t material but they are ALWAYS in Heaven.
Mike reads from Dom Prosper – Guardian Angels
the Office of the Guardian Angel
Angels always say “Fear Not” when appearing to humans. Why do you think this is?
This isn’t a laughing matter or to be treated lightly.
They are superior to us as humans. They are not distracted by human things.
The Eucharist is called the “bread of angels” – the angels however cannot receive Holy Eucharist. That is the ONE time the angels envy us is when we receive the Eucharist.
Mother Mary is superior to the angels as stated in the Litany.
The Queen of Angels – the angels recognize this, so why don’t we as humans?
Feast for when he received the stigmata.
Multiple feast days for certain saints.
October 3rd –
It’s A Wonderful Life – when we die whether we go to heaven or hell, we are distinct from the angels there.
Some of these concerns are valid. We have to do this very carefully though. You don’t want to justify something someone is objecting to b/c they are obnoxious.
It isn’t just to refer to these people as gnostic.
The Vatican is a hill! We don’t distrust the Vatican, we distrust the people that are holding offices in the Vatican that Catholics look up and search for leadership.
I don’t make the distinction b/w traditional an novus ordo catholic. This isn’t a Masonic lodge. Once baptized you are Catholic.
You cannot be a prochoice Catholic.
We should always proportion our reaction as to what the THING is.
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