Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Episode 5- A Howling Mad Episode

today08/21/2023 25

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Welcome to Frightening Tales.   The Bigfoot, UFOs, Rougarou, Ghosts and Extra Terrestrials Research Society (B.U.R.G.E.R.S ) asked Justin and Tommy to revise their section on Rougarou.  When it comes to the rougarou and werewolves, there is no better investigator than Justin. He has studied the myths and the legends and he brings that knowledge to the show. That is why B.U.R.G.E.R.S turned to him to revamp the chapter on the legendary beast.  The rougarou is the cajun werewolf, but unlike other werewolves you don’t have to be bitten to become one. They explore how you can become a rougarou, and how you can protect yourself. Justin tells you about his favorite werewolf movie, his least favorite show about Louisiana monsters and his favorite documentary on the rougarou 



Written by: Justin Redman