The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Ron Desantis Is Correct: Free Countries Should Not Have Normal Diplomatic Relations With The AustraliaComs!

today09/29/2021 69

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    Mike Church Show-Ron Desantis Is Correct: Free Countries Should Not Have Normal Diplomatic Relations With The AustraliaComs! LoneRhody

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

  WELCOME – Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
   AUDIO/VIDEO: GEICO Hump Day Commercial 

AUDIO/VIDEO: GIECO Creepy Attic Commercial 


  • Joe Biden gets his 3rd jab
  • Greta Thunberg is back demanding we do something to save the planet
  • South Carolina
30m  HEADLINE: Federal judge says South Carolina can’t enforce school mask mandate ban by Kevin Accettulla 

South Carolina Judge – Judge Mary Gieger Lewis



AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Ron DeSantisIn Australia right now, after a year and a half, they’re still enforcing lockdowns by the military. Is Australia freer than communist China? That isn’t a free country.

  • Donald Trump he saw the way to shut up and shut down N Korea, was to figure out what Kim wanted. He didn’t want a revolt, he didn’t want his people to starve to death so Trump had foreign aid diverted to N Korea.
  • Some would call it a bribe some would call it a donation.
  • All foreign aid is a form of a bribe. 
  • Whether it is a bribe for a rich American or American run charity or the country itself. 


HEADLINE: 131 Federal Judges Broke the Law by Hearing Cases Where They Had a Financial Interest by James V. Grimaldi, Coulter Jones and Joe Palazzolo

  • When you walk away from God, then you will in-fact lose all ETHICS.
  • 685 court cases around the nation since 2010
  • Congress has authority over these judges.
  • You can impeach a member of the judiciary, it doesn’t just apply to Presidents. 
  Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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  HEADLINE: Sports Fans Aren’t The Only Ones Ramping Up Their ‘F-ck Joe Biden’ Chants by Kylee Zempel

  • This happened at college football games two weeks in a row.
  • This happened at the Ryder Cup.
  • This happened at a Luke Bryan concert. 


HEADLINE: “Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America” – Here Is The ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’ That’s Gone Viral by The Automatic Earth blog

  • It votes power and money away from YOU!
  • Usurious – this is the correct term, it is from the Old Testament 
  • Usury isn’t legal 
  • UK digital currency bucks associated w/ the COVID shot. 
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosiapparently doesn’t know who is running this country either. ‘We have to finish what we started and this Obama agenda of building back better.’  
1h49m AUDIO/VIDEO: Jen PsakiIt’s “unfair and absurd” that companies would increase costs for consumers in response to us taxing them more.

  • FALSE – Jen this is how businesses work.
  • This is how they operate. 
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Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to

  Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nurse Whistleblower  Megan from MN on Stew Peters Show – I’m watching them commit murder.

  • You take the actual data and hypothesis what is actually going on.
  • I think we are now past hypothesis now.
  • You are being exposed to the vaccinated hoards. 
  • You NEED to be taking care of your immune system every single day.
  • #ScoobyDoom




















SPECIAL GUEST – Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother Andre Marie on social media – @Brother_Andre on Gab and Twitter

Michael – Who is like God?

  • Hebrew word meaning God.
  • The el at the 3 angels we know mean God.
  • Saint Gabriel identified by St. Luke – he says to Our Lady – he says ‘The power of God will overshadow you’
  • There are two people we know of that never died, they were just sort of translated.
  • Henoch and Elias
  • We have 9 choirs of angels – 
  • St Gregory the Great today reading – 

HEADLINE: All Angels Were Not Created Equal by Brian Kelly

THIRD Hierarchy 

  1. Seraphim
  2. Cherubim
  3. Thrones

SECOND Hierarchy

4. Dominations

5. Virtues

6. Powers

FIRST Heirarch

7. Principles 

8. Archangels

9. Angels

Episode 74: 

HEADLINE: Saint Michael by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

HEADLINE: September 29, Saint Michael the Seraph, One of the Seven Who Stand Before the Throne by Brian Kelly

QUESTION: What is a Knight Errand? 

  • The whole story of Tobias is a quest. 


 BREAKING NEWS –  YouTube will ban any videos that claims ‘vaccines are ineffective or dangerous’ from now on and has suspended the accounts of prominent vaccination opponents, including Joseph Mercola and Robert F Kennedy Jr

BREAKING NEWS – United Airlines is set to lay off around 600 employees who have refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19.



 BACK to Brother Andre Marie 

CRUSADER Stadium Comment – A real horse will not take the Pfizer horse wormer

  • Guardian Angels – 

HEADLINE: Praying to Saints by Brother Andre Marie

  • Cosmic Vendingmachine – 
  • We tend to treat God in this manner.
  • We ask, we don’t get and then we say well I’m not going to Church now then.
  • The highest thing we owe to God is Adoration…then thanksgiving reparation and lastly petitions. 
  • Saint Francis of Assisi 
  • When you get married learn that – husband love your wives as Christ loved the Church and delivered Himself up for it.
   BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

 Brother Andre Marie, Saint Michael, Brian Kelly, Saint Benedict Center, Saint Francis of Assisi, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Saint Gregory the Great, Joe Biden, Seraphim, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Dr Joseph Mercola, GEICO, Kevin Accettulla, Judge Mary Gieger Lewis, Governor Ron DeSantis, Federal Judges, corruption, Nancy Pelosi, Jen Psaki, Australia, lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, Stew Peters, James V. Grimaldi, Coulter Jones, Joe Palazzolo, Kylee Zempel, Spartacus, William Briggs, abortion, planned parenthood, pro-life, Saint Luke, Mother Mary

Written by: LoneRhody

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