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Mike Church Show-The “P” In PTA Doesn’t Stand For “Parent” Any Longer, It Now Means “Peasant”

today06/23/2021 13

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    Mike Church Show-The “P” In PTA Doesn’t Stand For “Parent” Any Longer, It Now Means “Peasant” LoneRhody

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

31m HEADLINE: World gained 5.2m millionaires last year in Covid crisis – report by Kalyeena Makortoff 

  • This is what happens when the Government chooses the winners and the losers.
  • YOU are the loser and their monopoly friends are the winners.
  • Wal-Mart, Amazon all the big box stores that were allowed to remain open while mom and pop shops were forced to close are part of how this happened.
  • QUESTION: Does this have anything to do with the stimulus checks or the bailouts the Federal government was handing out like candy…to those THEY deemed worthy?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: John F Kennedy September 1960 – addresses the Houston Ministers Conference 

HEADLINE: The Great Lie About John F. Kennedy, The Bishops, And The American Catholic Church by Christopher Bedford 

Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

Listen to us on ShortWave – 5850
HEADLINE: Critical Race Theory, teachers, school boards, and parents by Andrea Widburg
1h30m  HEADLINE: Virginia’s Loudoun County School Board silences public comment after raucous meeting, 2 men arrested by Michael Ruiz 

  • God knew what He was doing when He created your daughter as a female or visa versa.
  • It is all coming to a head folks.
  • Remember in France when they slaughtered whole towns/villages? 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Man/Father unloads on the school board for attempting to censor speech from fed-up parents. ‘We have a God-given constitutional right to critique you and we can speak in any lawful tone that we see fit!’
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson discussing world-renowned bioethicist pushing human engineering –  ‘Why do we laugh at Alex Jones again? Serious question.’
1h56m  HEADLINE: Illegal DNRs, ventilators & involuntary euthanasia by Kit Knightly 
HEADLINE: DeSantis signs education reform bills, vows Florida students will be taught communism is evil by John Solomon 
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Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at

Governor DeSantis 

HEADLINE: DeSantis signs education reform bills, vows Florida students will be taught communism is evil by John Solomon 

  • Look what is happening in Florida.
  • At every turn the Governor of Florida is telling the Biden Regime to go pound sand.
  • We must stop defending the lost cause.
  • Why are they lost causes?
  • Because we gave up on them.
 TV Series – Killer Kids

A 14 year old boy kills his 9 year old friend (girl)

  • Watched rape porn 30 minutes before killing her.














 SPECIAL GUEST: Brother Andre Marie

Host of the show ReConquest only heard on The Crusade Channel

  • Technically what Ted Lieu did was neither heresy or apostasy. 
  • Of Course Biden and Lieu’s position on all these things IMPLIES heresy. 
  • In theory he could know what the Catholic church teaches, believe it and work against it in the political rhelm. 
  • Can one quit the Church in such a public manner?

Here ar the 60 Catholic Democrats that are demanding the USCCB change it’s stance on who can receive Communion:

  • They are earning a place in hell.
  • In eternity these people are setting themselves up for eternal damnation. 
  • QUESTION: What about an automatic excommunication? 
  • Procuring an abortion is automatic excommunication. 
  • The question then goes to: How remote is your participation in this abortion?
  • Moral Theology – what they are doing is a grave sin, they are contradicting the moral majesty of the Church. This is an infallible teaching of the Church. They are entering in, formally, the desire to have abortion made readily available and using Catholic money to do so through taxpayers. 
  • This man is taking no risk b/c he knows he can get cheap applause. 
  • He is setting himself up for a victory against the Bishops publicly. 
  • Ted Lieu WANTS to use the term CATHOLIC to define who he is but doesn’t want to follow the Catholic churches teachings.
  • Crusader Stadium: Would a heterosexual be welcomed into the LGBTQ community if they entered and challenged them to change their sexual orientation OR ELSE???????

HEADLINE: From Indifferentism to Apostasy by Brother Andre Marie

The Catholic vs Protestant Rival 

  • Couldn’t have office in Maryland – they ended up leaving the Faith, they defected and became Anglicans. 
  • The Catholics moved to Kentucky
  • Error has NO RIGHTS!
  • First and foremost it is a sin against prudence – to say the church won’t tell me how to vote politically.
  • So nothing they can do after this stance can be good. Everything that will follow this will be bad, wicked and evil.

Reconquest Episode 283: ‘How Beautiful is the Chaste Generation’

7 Wisdom Books in the Old Testament 

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Brother Andre Marie, Catholic, Pope Francis, Canon 915, Ted Lieu, Nancy Pelosi, LGBTQ, USCCB, Kalyeena Makortoff, Wal-Mart, Amazon, John F Kennedy, Christopher Bedford, Andrea Widburg, Michael Ruiz, critical race theory, eternal damnation, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Kit Knightly, John Solomon, Governor DeSantis, communism, excommunication, ReConquest, prudence, moral theology, abortion, contraception

Written by: LoneRhody

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