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Andy Ngo

Andy Ngo Tells Congress That Antifa Aims ‘To Bring Down The Republic’

Andy Ngo Tells Congress That Antifa Aims 'To Bring Down The Republic' Via Justthenews: Conservative blogger Andy Ngo told Congress on Tuesday that the violence by the anarchist groups that have infiltrated peaceful demonstrations like those in Portland, Oregon, will continue unless the government takes action to stop them. "Unless we take action, what is happening in Portland today, will soon be happening in cities across the country," Ngo told a Senate subcommittee […]

today08/05/2020 5


The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 6: Feel

The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 6: Feel In this article we are going to cover how does the gun feel in your hand.  This part comes from Jeff Levant, The Shooting Channel who wrote an article for the Daily Caller title "The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun": We’ve talked about the following topics: Use, Budget, New vs. Used, Size, and Caliber.  All of these are very […]

today07/14/2020 4


The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 5: Caliber

The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 5: Caliber In this article we are going to cover what the size of your handgun that you are going to purchase.  This first part comes from Jeff Levant, The Shooting Channel who wrote an article for the Daily Caller. From Jeff’s article regarding the most controversial of subjects, which caliber should you choose:  Choosing the right caliber is probably one of […]

today07/06/2020 5


The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 4: Size

The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 4: Size In this article we are going to cover what the size of your handgun that you are going to purchase.  This first part comes from Jeff Levant, The Shooting Channel who wrote an article for the Daily Caller. From Jeff's article regarding size: A full size duty style gun chambered in a lower powered caliber will be a very enjoyable […]

today06/29/2020 10


The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 3: New Or Used?

The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 3: New Or Used? In this next article in the 6 steps to buy your first handgun, based on the article by Jeff Levant of The Shooting Channel, we will look at whether you should buy a gun new or used.    The next consideration is whether to purchase a new or used handgun.  This is almost entirely a personal decision and […]

today06/22/2020 3


The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 2: Set a Budget

The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun - Step 2: Set a Budget This is the second post in the six-part series, which you can check out part 1 here.  In this post we are focusing on the budget. This doesn't get much discussion and many in the gun community think "Just go buy a Glock!". Never mind that as of this writing, a Glock 19, arguably the most […]

today06/15/2020 30

Intended Use

The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 1: Intended Use

The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun - Step 1: Use Many people have asked me "Rick, can you give me some advice on buying a gun"? This question weighs heavy on me, because there isn't a easy, by-the-book answer. There are so many different ways to answer it. After doing some research, I came across this article on the Daily Caller titled "6 Steps In Choosing Your First […]

today06/07/2020 731


As Riots Sweep The Country, Gun Rights Are Restricted

As Riots Sweep The Country, Gun Rights Are Restricted Anyone who watched what took place during the weekend of May 29th - June 1st 2020 had to reevaluate their feelings on Law & Order and their God given right to self-defense. This is why we have seen 6 million firearms sold in 3 months. However, as people have become more self-reliant, the government response was expected.  From Charlotte NC, to West […]

today06/04/2020 18


H.R.5717- The Anti-Gunners’s Trojan Horse No One Is Talkin About

H.R.5717- The Anti-Gunners's Trojan Horse No One Is Talkin About Most of you have never heard of H.R.5717, otherwise known as the "Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020". It was introduced in January of this year by Representative Hank Johnson (Famous. for thinking Guam would tip over). This bill would be dismissed as nothing more as a liberal fantasy in normal times. However these are hardly normal […]

today04/14/2020 5