
Parrott Talk-Hey Pro-Lifers! The War For The Unborn Is Not Over

today04/24/2024 78 6

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The pro-lifers who fought so hard to end Roe are now missing in action.  It is as if they think the war for the unborn children is over. This is even after several red states failed to ban abortion. A few of those red states enshrined abortion into their state constitutions.  These actions should have galvanized the pro-lifers into action, but they are no where to be found. Now there is a new revelation in the battle for the souls of the unborn.  Mike Parrott reveals that drug companies are sending banned abortion drugs to women in states where abortions are banned.  Mike reveals the explicit directions these drugs have, and why companies do not fear prosecution.  Mike also exposes how the states are doing nothing to combat the problem.  Further proving Conservative RINOs are all bark and no bite. If you want to help turn the tide in this lopsided war, then listen to this episode of Parrott Talk. 


Written by: Justin Redman
