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Chris Cuomo is all in on the Putin is evil hoax. He told Candace Owens that Putin is not intelligent and the Putin she saw on Tucker Carlson’s interview is the KGB version he wants the world to see. The version Putin uses to justify his invasion of Ukraine. Cuomo’s version of Putin is the one that is crafted by Killary and the Demoncrats, and put out for the whole world to see. Mike Parrott breaks down the exchange between the two media talking heads, and he says no matter how pressed or wrong Cuomo is about Putin, he will never admit it. Mike reveals why the lamestream media is stuck with this hoax, and he even reveals the Demoncrats are still winning the narrative war. Mike breaks that down and why things might get a bit interesting in North Carolina.
Written by: Justin Redman
The rebroadcast of this morning's Mike Church Show. Afternoons just got better!
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