AUDIO/VIDEO: Marc Morano w/ on Fox Business – Climate Emergency – This is the serious story of the day. If he declare this he would hav COVID like powers similar to the 9/11 powers. He would have 130 wartime like powers. This is truly the Halloween story not an Earth day story.
What would those powers be?
Well we can imagine b/c they have shut down this country before for ‘health and security’ reasons.
What would those powers entail?
You could restrict travel.
Yesterday Buttigieg announced a new set of travel rules.
We should be worried about even the LANGUAGE they are using now.
NEW Travel Rules?
Who told them they could make up travel rules for the average citizen?
If an airline wants to refund you via a travel voucher, why is that not okay?
The Administration said the airlines MUST refund the same way YOU PAID.
What business is it of this administrations as to how these airline companies handle their business?
It covers an entire industry.
What else are they considering dictating policies on?