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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-The Deep State Tightens Its Grip As The Window To Secede Closes!

micMike Churchtoday04/25/2024 11

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-The Deep State Tightens Its Grip As The Window To Secede Closes! Mike Church

AUDIO/VIDEO: Marc Morano w/ on Fox Business – Climate Emergency – This is the serious story of the day. If he declare this he would hav COVID like powers similar to the 9/11 powers. He would have 130 wartime like powers. This is truly the Halloween story not an Earth day story. 

  • What would those powers be?
  • Well we can imagine b/c they have shut down this country before for ‘health and security’ reasons.
  • What would those powers entail?
  • You could restrict travel.
  • Yesterday Buttigieg announced a new set of travel rules.
  • We should be worried about even the LANGUAGE they are using now. 
  • NEW Travel Rules?
  • Who told them they could make up travel rules for the average citizen?
  • If an airline wants to refund you via a travel voucher, why is that not okay?
  • The Administration said the airlines MUST refund the same way YOU PAID.
  • What business is it of this administrations as to how these airline companies handle their business? 
  • It covers an entire industry.
  • What else are they considering dictating policies on?

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