The Mike Church Show

Schifty Schiff’s Shampeachment Was A Laughable Backfire Only Hell Could Admire!

today11/14/2019 88

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Schifty Schiff’s Shampeachment Was A Laughable Backfire Only Hell Could Admire! EPISODE 909

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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HEADLINE: Rep. Jordan chides diplomat on quid pro quo claims: ‘Your clear understanding was obviously wrong’ by Ronn Blitzer

  • I thought they were gonna’ come out with some janitor or closet dweller that was going to tell us he/she overheard this whole conversation. 
  • NOT this I heard from this person and this person heard from this person and then that person told me.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Puddles Pity Party Royals

HEADLINE: Adam Schiff’s Star Witness Just Admitted Burisma Should Be Investigated For Corruption by Tristan Justice

  • “George Kent: “My concern was that there was the possibility of a perception of a conflict of interest” because Hunter Biden, the son of then-VP Joe Biden, was on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company.”
  • Hunter Biden served on the board of the company for $50,000 a month despite having no prior experience in the energy industry while his father served as vice president deeply involved U.S.-Ukrainian policy.
  • “Kent also testified in a private deposition that he voiced his discomfort over the situation to the White House in 2015 where administration officials brushed off Kent’s concerns.” 
  • This is 100% a conflict of interest and this was in 2015.
  • It looks like we need to be going after Obama, Creepy Joe and his son.
  • This whole thing smells!
  • President Donald Trump’s Tweet: “Millions of Americans will see what a partisan sham this whole thing is.” Rush Limbaugh @foxandfriends Also, why is corrupt politician Schiff allowed to hand over cross examination to a high priced outside lawyer. Did that lawyer ever work for me, which would be a conflict?
  • QUESTION: What is the difference b/w a HIGH crime and a LOW crime?
  • High Crime – 
  • AUDIO – Rep. Jim Jordan questioning U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

  AUDIO: From C-Span 2  Brad Wegman 

NCAA – National Defense Against Americans

1h11m USCCB – 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Bp. McElroy and Bp. Strickland on ‘preeminant’ 

  • All human life is valued at conception. 
  • LGBT/CSE Education 
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  Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
  HEADLINE: YouTube says it can delete your account if you’re not ‘commercially viable’ by Matt Binder

  • I have been telling my fellow Catholics that are using YouTube as their method of delivery they needed a plan B b/c YouTube won’t allow such Christianity.


HEADLINE: 4 Feminist Lies That Are Making Women Miserable by Suzanne Venker

  • We have entire generations of boys being raised w/o dads.
  • We saw it with the milk story yesterday. Men can’t even be bothered to drink REAL milk anymore.








Special Guest Fiorella de Maria 

  • Women don’t need men –
  • Women do in-fact have biological clocks and we teach girls throughout their years of growing up how NOT to have babies.
  • Feminist – careers are more important than families
  • You can have BOTH.
  • Your greatest responsibility is being a mother.
  • We must treat every soul w/ the knowledge that each one of them has a supernatural destiny, the world would be a better place! – Brother Francis
  • Remember that every human is made in the likeness of Jesus Christ. 
  • We should always remember that our friends are made in HIS image.
  • AUDIO/VIDEO: Maltese Falcon 1941 Official Trailer – Humphrey Bogart Movie
  • AUDIO: 5 Minute Mystery – Mystery of the Missing, Eye of the Tiger by Fiorella de Maria
  • QUESTION: Do you have what it takes to solve the 5 Minute Mystery?
  • NEXT WEEKS 5 Minute Mystery – Late, For Her Own Murder
  • The Devil is in the details on all of these mysteries. 
  • Send your guesses/solutions to
  • The back story is ALWAYS important, it is never incidental!
  Cross Talk with Richard Barrett – host of The Barrett Brief 
   BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Fiorella de Maria, 5 Minute Mysteries, Maltese Falcon, Eye of the Tiger, Ronn Blitzer, Puddles Pity Party, Tristan Justice, Brother Francis, Humphrey Bogart, Matt Binder, Suzanne Venker, whole milk, soy milk, SoyBoy, Bp. McElroy, USCCB, Bp. Strickland, abortion, prolife, immigration, NCAA, LGBTQ, Adam Schiff, impeachment hearings, President Trump, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden

Written by: MikeChurch

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