Covid Chronicles

Soleimani Was A General In An Army Not A Jihadi In A Mob

today01/07/2020 14

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6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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  If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email



HEADLINE: The Fundamental Question Is: Why Is America Still In The Middle East? by Willis L. Krumholz

  • The idea we get to decide who in a foreign nation deserves to die or not should be alarming to all Americans.
  • Of course the Iranians are now threatening retaliation against the USA for these bombings.

HEADLINE: Was James Mattis The Last Check On Trump? by Mark Perry 

  • 85 -90 million people in Iran
  • They have all the modern weaponry that we have here in the US minus nuclear weapons.
  • In the 1920’s the Russians were defeated by Poland.
  • This isn’t the way it works in the real world folks.
21m  Back To Headline: The Fundamental Question Is: Why Is America Still In The Middle East?

  • President Trump ran on “no more wars”.
   HEADLINE: Euthanasia Pushed As ‘Boon’ to Organ Donation by Wesley J. Smith 



 HEADLINE: GOP senators introduce resolution to change rules, dismiss impeachment without articles by Jordain Carney 

  • So what has happened with this “urgent” Impeachment?
  • Where is Nancy Pelosi?
  • Where is this whistleblower?
38m HEADLINE: If Baghdad Wants Us Out, Then We Should Go by Patrick J. Buchanan

  • How many statues of Thomas Jefferson have been erected in Iraq?
  • Remember we were told the Iraqis were going to welcome Democracy w/ open arms and that it would flourish!
  • Iraq’s parliament amid shouts of “Death to America!” voted to expel all U.S. troops from the country….so why don’t we get the hell out of their country?
  • FGM-148 Javelin – who makes it?
  • Texas Instruments and Marin Marietta now Raytheon and Lockheed Martin
  • Well is anyone actually surprised by this?
50m HEADLINE: The Postal Service Rings In The New Year By Bleeding Cash by Ross Marchand

  • HMMM Haven’t we been discussing this here?
  • Some are coming to the realization that you cannot continue to offer FREE shipping!
  • $3.50 shipping at regular Amazon cost, the drivers and sorters must be paid correct?

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

  Back To Headline: USPS Bleeding Cash 











 Special Guest Matt Gaspers Editor at Catholic Family News

Follow Matt Gaspers here: @MattGaspers @cathfamilynews

  • The Church is going through Her passion right now.
  • Cardinal Burke and others, this was their main takeaway from the Vatican meetings.
  • The German Catholic Church, simply put, has thrown in with evil.
  • The Rising Rainbow Gestapo
  • What if James Martin SJ comes out of the closet and started TEACHING sodomy to faithful Catholics.
  • 2019 A Year In Review
  • John Cardinal Henry Newman – newly “Saint”
  • Theodore McCarrick and the sex abuse scandals. Mr. McCarrick is at a Dominican Friary in Western Kansas now as he has been stripped of his Priestly duties.
  • Archbishop Vigano came out with his explosive testimony indicting a long list of Roman Officials. June of 2013, just a few months after Pope Francis’ Pontificate had started.
  • Ashley Durand and her amazing conversion to the Catholic faith. She was an absolute unapologetic Atheist. 
  The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to

  Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
  AUDIO: Fox News – Rand Paul “You can’t kill all the bad people.”


HEADLINE: America’s Ruling Class—And the Perils of Revolution by Angelo M. Codevilla

  • These people live beyond their means and contribute NOTHING to society.



HEADLINE: The Fundamental Question Is: Why Is America Still In The Middle East? by Willis L. Krumholz

  • Iranians allow Christians to pray and worship.
  • Why do we always end up on the wrong side of affairs w/ foreign countries?
  • Because despite what you have heard and been told, we live in a quasi-Marxist and Neo-Darwinian country.
  • From the Crusader Stadium – Most errors today are of a darwinian origin.

HEADLINE: Iran Guard leader vows to ‘set ablaze’ US-backed places, Netanyahu reportedly distances Israel from killing by Danielle Wallace

  AUDIO: C-SPAN Mike Pompeo 

  • Iranians have military deployments all around the world is just as evil as the military deployments of the US.
  Back To Headline: The Fundamental Question Is: Why Is America Still In The Middle East?


 HEADLINE: If Baghdad Wants Us Out, Then We Should Go by Patrick J. Buchanan

13 Hours the Movie about Benghazi 

Official Movie Trailer – 13 Hours

  • There has been little evidence, instead it just exists as like an Urban Legend.
  • Can we produce evidence the Iranians were behind this?
  HEADLINE: Planned Parenthood aborted 345,672 babies last year, received $616 million from gov’t by Claire Chretien

  • Planned Parenthood provided just 4,279 adoption referrals and 9,798 ‘prenatal services’ last year.
3h6m HEADLINE: Euthanasia Pushed As ‘Boon’ to Organ Donation by Wesley J. Smith
  CrossTalk with Richard Barrett host of The Barrett Brief 
  Crusader Monastery Prayer List

Please in your charity remember the following people in your prayers – 

Please in your charity remember the following people in your prayers – 

Christopher Jude Pigg – newborn that decided to make his appearance early. He was born w/ down syndrome and several other birth defects the parents were not aware of.

Arthur LaMotte – who is fighting off a staff infection at the age of 86. 

   BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Euthanasia, organ donation, Wesley J. Smith, Claire Chretien, Planned Parenthood, 13 Hours, Patrick J. Buchanan, Baghdad, Mike Pompeo, Willis L. Krumholz, James Mattis, Mark Perry, Poland, Russia, President Trump, Benghazi, Danielle Wallace, Netanyahu, Iran, Iraq, Saddam, Jordain Carney, impeachment, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Rand Paul, Ross Marchand, Matt Gaspers, Catholic Family News, Saint Henry Newman, military industrial complex, USPS

Written by: LoneRhody

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