
254 Results / Page 28 of 29


Pro-Aborts Fight Parental Consent Law in Indiana

Winchester, VA - Life News reported that on Tuesday, lawyers for the ACLU and Planned Parenthood asked a federal judge to block a parental consent for abortion law scheduled to take effect in July. This new law will close some loopholes in the current parental notification law and catch adults who prey upon children and bring them to abortion clinics to cover up their crimes. It requires abortion providers to obtain […]

today06/16/2017 30

Banned Center for Medical Progress Video Available-For Now

Winchester, VA - LifeSite News has been reporting on the most recent Center for Medical Progress undercover video of abortion workers at a National Abortion Federation Conference. The video had been banned by U.S. Judge William Orrick, who it has been discovered has ties to a pro-abortion organization which houses a Planned Parenthood facility.  Despite previous unsuccessful attempts to find a working copy of the video online, at the time of […]

today06/11/2017 24

Is Kenya Showing Interest in China’s One Child Policy?

Winchester, VA - LifeSite News is sounding the warning siren over a conference held in Kenya last month entitled the Africa-China Conference on Population and Development. The conference was hosted by China, the United Nations Population Fund, and Kenya. Although billed as, “a platform where researchers and practitioners in population and development can share experiences, best practices and lessons on population and development,” there were definite pro-one child policy sentiments expressed […]

today06/09/2017 23

Delaware: Making Sure Babies Can Be Killed Even If Roe V. Wade Goes

Winchester, VA - Religion News Reports via Reuters reports that on Tuesday, the state house of representatives in Delaware voted 22-16 to pass a bill which would keep abortion legal in the state, should Roe vs. Wade be overturned in the future, and the legality of abortion return to the states to be decided. The measure had already been approved by the state senate and now will move to the […]

today06/09/2017 11

Abortion Is Rampant in the World of Female Athletes

Winchester, VA - And lastly, in Celestial Musings, the surest way to fall pregnant is to assume you cannot get pregnant. When this assumption is made over a wide swath of female atheletes, what you tragically end up with is a lot of abortion. The Telegraph reports that Olympic gold medalist Sanya Richards-Ross, a track athlete, came out to Sports Illustrated's “Now” show with the story of the abortion she had, […]

today06/08/2017 5

Hillcrest Women’s Medical Center: Good Riddance!

Winchester, VA - The cause for women and childrens' health received a boost on Wednesday when Pennsylvania state Secretary of Health Karen Murphy announced the closure of the Hillcrest Women's Medical Center, an abortion clinic, after an unannounced monitoring visit turned up multiple health violations which led the department to conclude the clnic was an unsafe place for women to receive care. Hillcrest made the news last winter when an inspection […]

today06/08/2017 9

Worst Client Building Strategy EVER.

Winchester, VA - And lastly in Celestial Musings, when I heard years ago that Toys R Us was donating to Planned Parenthood, my first reaction was, “Why are they trying to eliminate their clientele?” The question applies here, too. LifeNews is reporting on a Dr. Rachel Berger, a Pittsburgh pediatrician who hosted a party this past weekend celebrating the 100 year birthday of Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania at her home […]

today06/06/2017 10


LIVE Coverage of The Coronation of Margaret Sanger’s Heir, Mrs. Clinton at the DNC

Mandeville, LA - The CRUSADE Channel WILL offer listeners the Coronation speech of Mrs. Clinton on Thursday evening. The CRUSADE Channel will NOT offer our listeners access to the certain near occasions of sin via apologetics for: • Abortion. • Gender dysphoria. • Public promotion of homosexuality (we regret not pre-empting Peter Thiel's "coming out" speech on Thursday evening at the RNC), bisexuality and Adultery via the "B" part of […]

today07/23/2016 111

Legacy Show Archive

Mark Kreslins Show: If Oklahoma Won’t Secede To End Abortion When Will It!?

Oklahoma - When states use their sovereignty rights to end abortion the 9, politically charged lawyers in black dresses, come swooping in and bellow: "Peasant Citizennnnnn! You will obey your Federal Overlords, Citizennnnn!" If we can't stand up to these tyrants for the soon to be born, then what WILL make us stand up? The time to make that stand is now, if you can leave Olive Garden long enough […]

today04/11/2016 41