George Floyd

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defund the police

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Defund The Police Is NOT As Popular As MSM Wants You To Think

Defund The Police Is NOT As Popular As MSM Wants You To Think Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First 64% of Americans oppose ' defund the police ' movement, key goals. na Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.   Third Daniel Savickas joins the show. Fourth we go across the interwebs.  In the first place Biden says George Floyd's death has bigger global impact than […]

today06/12/2020 5


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Removing Of Statues Removes Opposition To Progress

The Barrett Brief- Removing Of Statues Removes Opposition To Progress Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First 44% of voters say statues of Confederate leaders should remain standing. na Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.   Third we go across the interwebs. In the first place George Floyd, Derek Chauvin ‘bumped heads’ at nightclub, former coworker says. Identically, Black activist says those calling to defund police should offer own zip […]

today06/10/2020 4


The Breakdown – What Will Fill The Void If The Police Are Defunded?

De-funding the Police is Becoming the New Battle Cry Finally we have some type of plan from the protesters and it's a doozy!  On the last episode, we covered how a city council in Minnesota voted to defund the police and enact humanistic plans.  Now, the movement is gaining steam.  Is that so wrong?  The main issues we all will face are these: Who will fill the void? Will privatization […]

today06/08/2020 11

Out Of Control

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Is The Country Out Of Control? New Poll Says Yes..

Is The Country Out Of Control? New Poll Says Yes Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Most Americans Say Country ‘Out of Control’ in New Survey. na Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.   Third we go across the interwebs. In the first place Minneapolis council members say they will "end" police department after Floyd death. Identically, Black lawmaker calls BLM a terrorist organization. Moreover Saying Trump 'drifted away' from […]

today06/08/2020 30

African Americans

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Who Has Helped African Americans More? Trump Or Obama?

Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Who Has Helped African Americans More? Trump Or Obama? na Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.   Third  we go across the interwebs. In the first place Prosecutors charge 3 more officers in George Floyd’s death. Mattis denounces Trump and military response to crisis. Of course Autopsy report shows Floyd had tested positive for COVID-19.Together with Florida City Bans Gun Sales, Carrying With Emergency […]

today06/04/2020 8

Covid Chronicles

Thursday-The Time For Mass, White Martyrdom Is Here & All Hail Tim Gordon-Hero. All Mock Drew Brees: Coward

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   Topic Rundown -  12m YouTube -  You have violated Terms of Service and you will no longer be allowed to post your videos. I am […]

today06/04/2020 28


Covid Chronicles

Tuesday-AntiFa Unmasked! They Are The Parent-Hating, Rich Brat, Useful Idiots Their Commie Handlers Programmed Them to Be!

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   Topic Rundown -  20m             45m Justice Roberts -  California Governor Newsom and Church South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. […]

today06/02/2020 39


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief -Recession Or Depression? Mericans Cannot Decide

Recession Or Depression? Mericans Cannot Decide Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First In U.S., 71% Believe Economy Is in Recession or Depression. na Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.   Third DANIEL SAVICKAS from FreedomWorks joins the show.  Fourth, we go across the interwebs. In the first place, Texas Supreme Court: Mail-in voting can’t expand over lack of coronavirus immunity. Together with President Trump’s Social Media censorship executive order. […]

today05/29/2020 13