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The Head of the British Army said men and women should expect to serve their country, if they go to war with Russia. General Sir Patrick Sanders echoed what NATO commanders are saying about a possible war with Russia. He said British citizens need to prepare for a “whole-of-the-nation” undertaking should they go to war with Russia. This means that every able bodied male and female would need to do their part to defeat the “evil” Russians. For most of those men and women it means a forceful enlistment into the country’s military service. Conscription is an age old tool for fighting wars when the current military does not have the numbers to defeat their adversaries. Fiorella explores why conscription is not a good idea, and what usually happens with conscripted soldiers. She brings up the recent tragedy of Israeli troops shooting surrendering hostages. Fiorella has this and more on this episode of the Mid-Day Show.
Written by: Justin Redman
A News and Opinion show dedicated to exposing and mocking the Build Back Better / New World Order agenda.
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