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A popular tourist item is sparking a little heat in the Catholic community. In Italy, people can buy a calendar that features priests. This seems harmless enough, but the calendar features handsome men dressed as priests. Other than their looks, there is nothing sexual about the images in the calendar. The men are modestly dressed and they are not posed provacatively. Oh, there is also a nun version of the calendar. The photographer responsible for the calendar says the majority of the images are male models dressed as priests. Fiorella asks, would you buy this calendar? She is mixed on how she feels about the calendar. Listen to this episode of the Mid Day Show and learn how she finds this calendar humorous and disturbing.
Written by: Justin Redman
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Morning Drive is still the most listened to part of the radio broadcast day and The CRUSADE Channel now gives you an extra 70 minutes of original, Morning Drive, great talk-radio content! Hosted by the now seasoned radio presenter Fiorella Nash (5 Minute Mysteries, The Fiorella Files), The Early Show is a 70 minute long, fast paced conversation with regular guests Joe Clovis of Walsingham U.K., Emmett Dooley of Ireland, Irish born ETWN announcer KV Turley and Sarah Taylor of the U.K.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
WEEKDAYS 9:00-10:00PM
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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